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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. Yes, Bee, you are a bimbo. But we still loves you. Liek, totally. <3

  2. Ow, that hurts. ;.;

  3. I cry. Can you not see my pain?!

  4. Ow ow, why you bites me!?

  5. *steals Jae's ice cream and runs away*

  6. What's wrong with rainbows, stoffe? Too cheery? :p

  7. You should totally stop dying. It's bad for you.

  8. Ninar! I am so lonely at work. :( :( :(

  9. oh hai ninar!


    Bee, you are such a spammer.

  10. Bee, I went to the zoo yesterday and saw a tapir. I thought of you. <3

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