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Status Updates posted by Quanon

  1. Ohooo


    I'll have to get in gear then to finish it up then. These last few weeks I just haven't done anything on 3D what-so-ever... :-S


    What sort file does friend need? Just my 3Ds max file? Or one of the other possible 3D file formats?

  2. Okay, I think I might have spot a potential trouble maker. This corner has a ton Verts in it. All packed together. IIRC; Magnus told me that Kaurora doesn't like verts all bunched close to each other.


    You can clean this up a bit, as you're really wasting polyies here.


  3. Olallala, you're really going for the pilot thing :)



    I guess you'll have plenty of time for girlies later on, who doesn't want to date a sexy pilot :lol:

    Cool beans on getting programs for free, like that you don't need to mess around to get them to work and stuff. So I guess you went for 3Ds Max to further your thirst of 3D goodness? :p

  4. On top of my head:


    Lightmaps work in both games, though the UVWmapping of the lightmaps might get mangled. Which gives odd shadows etc...

    So far I haven't found a way to get rid of that problem once it happens. This happens mainly because I use auto-mapping functions in 3Ds Max. Benifit of the automapping is it's quick. But it's dirty; so to speak.


    The long way around is to map all lightmaps by hand. But most of scene's contain hundreds of objects. So it takes some time to do and it doesn't mean it'll be 100 % OK in the end.


    Though I guess dropping questions on a 3Ds Max forum might turn up some neat scripts and user-made plugins. I already use 1 such plugin to create my lightmaps.


    Another issue is the non-solid walls. The camera floating behind the player and his party just goes through anything. It's also a problem for enemies; they see through it to. Start reacting to the player miles away, even if they aren't supposed to see him. So it potentially messes up scripts to.

  5. Only doing my friend redrob a favour :p

    It's skins he's working on, I'm just promoting ;)

  6. Only if its needed, with more polys you can go more precise around objects.

    Like, for example a bunch of rocks. You could just leave a rectangle shaped hole in your walkmesh, so the player can't go through the rocks.


    But with a few polyies more, you could make the hole, more fitting to the shape of the rocks. When you go for one big walkmesh, you might have to simplify such things.


    The exporter doesn't like really big walkmeshes, there's a maximum of faces/verts you can have, though I can't remember what that number is. :p


    Now, what I do, is make a large walkmesh, then add edges where I want to cut it.

    So I first create it fully and then devide.


    The game can be a bit troublesome about the walkmesh edge jumping, like say, you can go from part 1 to 2, but not back again.


    Got that a lot and it takes some getting use to.

    I think I might perhaps wright you a small tutorial? ;)


    As it'll be more clear when I have some pictures.

  7. Ooh, ALIENS!


    Could we for fun add a quick shot in off a cloacked Predator.

    Using the heavy armour model and a nice mask model, we could da sort of easter egg thing. Flashing the eyes and the little sound effect...


    Méh, just a loose thought/ crazy idea ;)

  8. Ooh, hey, J7 :)


    Haven't continued to work on the texture just yet. My Warhammer painting frenzy has taken it's toll on my free time :lol:

    But, from now Friday, I have a week off! No work! Tons of free time awaits me :p

    So you can bet I'll get something finished :D

  9. Oooh, nice! :p


    The larger grass texture will give you more room, to... euh, plant more various grass :lol:

  10. oooh, Wookie village? :p


    K1 or TSL doesn't make a differance for the settings.

    It might for the texture that the effect needs.


    They're almost all named FX_something : fx_snow, fx_star... etc

    I'll try to write it up and collect the data asap for you.


    Hang in there :)

  11. Oops; sorry! I'll drop it in the dropbox ;-)

    It's a whole folder with a row of differant version of Kauroa. Nr13 is the latest and the best one :)

  12. Owh thanks this will deffantly me link the skins to the correct head model.

    I've already organized the RoR override so I can easely pick and choose.

    And since I started this I think I'll make somesort of "catalogue" of all models in the game.

    Each with a picture. Like that whenever anyone makes a custome module, he just have to peek to know what certain placeables look like. Instead of endlessly doing test runs.

    Might also help people looking to do reskins to know what model fits which skins etc...

  13. Oy, mate, looks like I've linked you the wrong set of 3D files >_<

    I was taking a peek in an older folder and found a ZIP containing the actuall LAVA area.


    I'm now uploading it. Expect a new PM later on, with the correct files!

    You can keep the others, those are really randome things... mask and other bits & bobs :lol:

  14. Pleased to hear that :)

    Area modelling has quiet a steep learning curve, you really need to be: I WANT TO MAKE NEW LEVELS! crazyness :lol:


    Hang in there Candy :lol:

  15. Seems like you found the same ones like I got :D

    There even a few new ones in there as well, thx for that!

  16. So it seems ^_^


    I might have to change that line; but have no idea to what...

  17. Sorry for the very late reply Canderis, but no, so far I know only version 2.0 or was it 0.2 of Kaurora was publicly released. And IIRC that one doesn't support emitters.


    Send me a PM with your e-mail, I'll send you my latested version I got, t'is the one also including Lightmap support :)

  18. Spamm'n your pages, thats what I'm doing... yeeeeeeeessss :p


    No not drunk, just spamm'n away... rather bored -_-

  19. Sure, I got the high-res pics uploaded somewhere.

    I'll PM a linky :)

  20. Taaah ! I got so cought up in my modelling, I didn't notice this counter attack !


    I'll throw in some baecon aswell, take that ! o_Q

  21. Thank you TG !


    We need supports to fight on the front !

  22. Thanks DSTONEY, hadn't thought about that just yet :)


    When I get the full model done nicely ingame I'll send you the files.

  23. Thanks for the info, I'll get to work on the ship on saturday evening, have some appointments in the afternoon. Though since we're in differant time-zones it'll be afternoon for you still :lol:


    I'll keep you updated on the progress. With my new job I haven't been thinking of 3D and modding much this last month. I'm slow to adept to new changes in life... lamest excuse ever ;)

  24. Thanks for the offer Canderis :)


    Though at this point, you can't do much, there is still a lot 3D that needs to get finished before, anybody can do decent placing of objets, NPCS etc and scripts... and all.


    I will keep you in mind and like that you can train your skills even further ;)

  25. Thanks for those kind words.

    This last week I've pondering aimlessy, was on the brink of a fallout in my mind...


    But I guess I've have to wait and see... in the mean time I've got enough stuff to keep me bussy. :)

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