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Web Rider

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  1. Slightly off-topic, but personally I think Blair far more to blame for the British "War Crimes" (Abu Garahib equivalents), than the soldiers themselves. After all, seems silly to me when you train people to kill other human beings to then be shocked when not all your soldiers behave; especially when in comparison with other soldiers the "Allies" have always behaved very well, in the wars we have fought during the 20th and 21st Centuries -- GB j7

  2. Kudos for calling out the strawman writ large that was the Republican response to Obama's speech. How unfortunate that they opted to squander an opportunity to present an honest counter-proposal.

  3. I don't even remember Scramble Wars, as you know I haven't been to your forum in ages. So I don't know what's up.

  4. Hey Rebel, recently darky discovered that the Scramble Wars vob he posted in the VIP lounge of c3f ages ago was actually leaked and is now on several torrent sites on the net... not only that but the torrent sites have a copy and paste of a description of Scramble Wars I posted up on BGCC a very long time ago.


    We're asking everyone who had access to that forum if they know anything or have shared their vid with anyone that could've caused this to occur... so ya know anything? XD

  5. hay,i need help,can u help me?

  6. Thought you could hide from me huh, REBEL! *points* I am shocked and horrified by this discovery!!

  7. noooo you don't know meeee... *shifty eyes*

  8. *points* I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

  9. :D I do what I can. I'm glad the mods didn't slap me down for it too!
  10. All hail Web Rider, your post in the “Teacher misconduct this election” thread was classic. :bow:Web Rider

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