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Status Updates posted by DrPhil2501

  1. I am, actually. I'm currently considering his dramatic entrance... I was thinking he becomes a form of local vigilante, and the team confronts him to which he reveals his identity :/

  2. Hey Archon. Good to be back :) It is a shame that the ME rp couldnt get finished, but I think that was due to lack of response from the other players. I would have loved to continue it otherwise. But in that note, I'm thinking about starting a new Mass Effect RP pretty soon :)

  3. lol I've completely lost touch with the world. I didnt even know it was Valentines the other day. I blame Uni Life :p well, happy regards back.


    Anyway, theres nothing to feel real bad about. I'll make some posts tonight, and catch up on whats going on.

  4. Hey man. Skywalker and I are just wondering whether you are still playing in her Werewolf RP. We need the good ol' villain, if you know what we're saying ;) So you still playing?

  5. I'm sorry that I havent been posting that often in Shinobi recently. My dad keeps me busy, but I think he's giving me a break. I try and post more often in the future,

  6. lol nah its fine. And sorry for my delated answer: caught up with school work, is all..


    Anyway, i've still gotta figure out the second story arc, but I'm liking your idea but I'll think about it. I've figured out whats gonna happen during the last story arc though. =D

  7. I live in Australia :p I'm just taking a holiday in QLD, thats all. But yes, its fine! :)

  8. Yeh, I'll take a look at Cyborg in a moment. Lol, I binded him with Shadow Endgame, so that oughta constrict him. I also want to skip ahead to a small battle with the Ogawa and focus on the plot.

  9. About freakin' time she confessed :p they better find a way to bring Hinata back to life, or I'll be so angry.

  10. sure, no problem. I'm quite happy to help with developing the plot for the RP :)

  11. yeh... alrite, I'll allow this fire to happen: I wont be a spoil sport. But if this kind of unnecarary destruction becomes constant, it WILL just spoil the RP. Anyway, its always good to have a villain.

  12. eh, hopefully its just a flesh wound. Nothing Saukra can't fix... or if anything else fails, sacrifice another Chiyo (crude, i know. But what else would it take? ;) )

  13. Hey :) I'm good. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but they set up an RP section in the Star Wars Gaming Forums here. Check them out :) I might even transfer my Final Fantasy RP over there

  14. Just got back :) I've got a stiff back from Go-Karting though... Atleast I managed to beat these 3 other guys I was racing against

  15. Yeah, I'm really upset at the person talking to me on my computer :p haha. nah, its fine. I know how you feel, because I'm always getting bombarded with work. I'm waiting for a reply by Cyborg Ninja.


    ...Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I know this may sound like a strange question, but I'm just acting on a whim here because something strange has happened with my email address :/

    Do you own a MyYearbook account, by any chance?

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