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Status Updates posted by Ataris

  1. A humorous Jaffa, hm?

    Finally a fellow Stargate fan (or at least watcher).

  2. As if I'm really dead....muahahaha...

    Surely you can think of way. After all, we have a virus that is supposed to turn people into undead. Maybe the virus wakes me and then your antidote stops my from having my funky powers.

  3. Geez, you really can't stop beating up ComQ, can you?


    Howz life?

  4. Hmm, I've never seen Naruto.


    Since we're now escaped prisoners, wouldn't Smith like...threaten us or something?

  5. I am an idiot. I just posted a reply on my own profile. >_>


    I need to not be dying first. Yes I would like that, though.

  6. i have decided that my character deserves a serious mental breakdown for a bit


    Hey did you read my post about the mod you were having trouble with

  7. i'm definitely trying to distract myself....

    dang, i'm still trying to think of my favorite movies....XD

  8. My spring break is in two weeks, alas...maybe it will be warmer then, though.


    Name a conspiracy about Captain Crunch cereal.

  9. RP FTW!


    @Chevron The only way I'm going to get some action is if I get taken by the Russians!

  10. Sorry, CQ, I forgot to mention that mod you were having trouble with. I discovered what the problem was.


    After you've extracted the zip folder, there is another zip folder of .2da files. Select all of them, and paste them into your Override folder, but do not overwrite any files. If it asks you whether you want to overwrite anything, say no. Then run the TSL Patcher, and it will work.

  11. Thanks :D

    this is getting kind of creepy...




  12. We are approaching the climax if I ever saw one.


    The Ask a Stupid Question forum is too long. Lol.

  13. well, honestly, i've been terrible, that's why i've been avoiding the forums. i think that i should get involved again, but if i did it would be to create something totally new and interesting....any ideas?


    and how've you been, man?

  14. well, it's hard to figure out where zombies walk is going

    the complexion of it is mostly my fault

    any ideas?

  15. What's this? FileFront is going down?


    Vlad continues to surprise me. :D

  16. A bullet through the brain doesn't always kill. I learned that from X-Men. :p

  17. Ahh...I would venture a guess that the Super Soldier project didn't go too well, did it?

  18. Any chance we can all regroup for Zombie War? Somewhere along the road there was some confusion and I guess I was supposed to post, but after that, since no one was posting, I stopped checking. And look where we are now. :p Smith is dead, so that's kind of a bummer....I think what we really need is something else to enhance the RP, but I can't really think of what that might be....Any ideas? Oh, and sorry for any delays in posting I might have caused, I honestly didn't know I was the cause. :D

  19. As a matter of fact, yes. They referred to you as Lady Chev of Naruhina. I decided to get out of there as quickly as possible, of course.

  20. Attempt to keep me alive, despite my lust for your blood at the moment. It's not my fault though, really. XD

  21. Do you have appearance.2da in your override folder? If yes, then I have a solution, if no, then I have a solution.

  22. Does what come with gravy?

  23. Hey dude, the Zombie RP is ending :o.

  24. Hey sorry to bother you but do you still have a copy of Avol's Darth Vader mod?

  25. Hey, dude, I encourage you to post on the Stargate thread. :D

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