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Status Updates posted by Burnseyy

  1. Broken jets? Like... actual jets?




    And well, that's probably my Irish side reaching out :lol:

  2. Bonjour. :D


    I hardly ever used specific belts or armour to beat him. It was usually just a jedi/sith robe, the lightsaber I'd had throughout the game with the best crystals in it (IMO), and any stuff I'd had left over from the previous battles. He wasn't actually that difficult... you just needed strategy. ;)


    My eyes aren't incredibly long sighted. I'm about 0.7, so I can still read without glasses, but I have to have the book near. I'm quite impatient, so glasses falling off my face every second is the last thing I want.

  3. Ohh, subway is great though :( I feel sorry for you. I hate it when they stick cheese on your sandwich before you even ask, though (I hate cheese). It's like... 'yes, you might like cheese on your sandwiches, but I don't. Get over yourself.' :D


    I walked into subway in Tenerife the other week, and I just passed this boy and he threw up ALL over the floor. I wasn't hungry after that...


    My sight isn't that bad, but I need them for reading. It's a pain though, because my nose is small and glasses CONSTANTLY slide off my face. So I can't be bothered with them.

  4. It's an amazing book! I plan on buying the sequel, despite it being like £20. There's always amazon, though. ;)


    you have allergies? I was lucky enough not to get anything like that - the worst I came out with was bad-ish eye sight, and that's only from reading/concentrating on small fonts too much. There's a consequence for everything...

  5. Yuthura doesn't agree with the council, and is, in a way, trying to 'replace' them. That's what the sith do to their masters. Unless you've dropped that idea?


    I hated Malak's force lightning too... every two steps it was just *zap zap zap*. It almost made me turn sith in real life, because of how frustrating it was! Though I never have lost to him. Once, I used force wave on him and managed to paralyse him, so I set up some mines, he walked into them and died :lol: bit of an anti climatic ending, ey?

  6. Nope! I've been reading Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (an actual SW novel) instead :xp: my most humble apologies!


    And yes, indeed, you are full of bad puns :xp: though, today I was having an argument about god and I said this: "well why did christians choose their symbol of god to be a dying half naked man attatched to two wooden planks? Honest to god."


    I know, it was terrible. :lol: totally accidental though.

  7. Oh, no I got 3 stars on that, but I've only played it twice... I hate the actual song, and it goes on too long! I'm content with 3 :xp:


    I finished it 95% on easy. >_> if... that makes me sound any cooler. (not).

  8. She probably wouldn't, if she defied the council. Not with Vrook and Atris on it, anyway :lol: though, it's kind of strange what you're trying to do. You mentioned in that private message chapter, when Yuthura's trying to turn that guy to the light, "do you want to live knowing people will try to defy you?" or something. But... isn't that what Yuthura's trying to do with the jedi masters? Seems oh so contradictory if you ask me. ;)


    and to your other post: I hate Malak's stats! It's like one hit takes half of your life... I kill all of those republic soldier thingys before I even start hitting him, and then use fear on him a lot. He's incredibly weak minded, and can't defend against horror. :^:

  9. Ohh, I have Guitar Hero 3. :D completed it on medium, everything 5 stars... now just for hard mode. ¬.¬ damn that orange button. I tried Slow Ride on hard and just... failed. But now I'm coming back with avengeance!

  10. Oh I did indeed notice your biased council theme :xp:


    And in Path of Destruction, Bane isn't hearing everything he wants to hear. So far he's been told he has to set an example for other apprentices, and he can't even so much as see that girl he likes outside of lessons. He was also let go, after he pulled away from the Dark Side after killing someone, and realised he killed his dad. The masters saw no use in him, and just abandoned his teaching. The sith don't care, and it is who is in their way... but only if killing them benefits them. If killing someone in their way isn't the only way, they try to turn them or use them.


    As for the jedi, they seek to protect everyone, but have forgotten about their own. It is all for war, being that 'beacon of light.' Obviously, this is the council, and the actual Jedi who don't agree with this, are usually exiled, or turn to the dark side... if they don't, they can control their opinions.

  11. The Jedi are like the sith, but there is a very fine line - the sith don't consider anyone else, and the jedi do, even if they sometimes don't do anything about it. The sith are quite clever, it's no wonder the jedi always find themselves cornered. A bad or possibly good example is, in that clone wars film... the Jedi only helped Jabba's son because they would benefit. If there were no benefits, would they still have done it? I doubt it.


    Maybe you noticed my near perfect idea of the jedi order, from Bastila's POV, but with Mira, Bao-Dur and Revan, it'll be different.

  12. No one's perfect, and I think that's where the Jedi fail. They try to emulate a perfect side, void of emotion, of distraction, quite still being completely selfless and able to offer their aid. No ones that good. So some think they're being controlling, so they try to "break their chains" by turning to the darkside. ;)


    i hope my interview goes well. If it doesn't, I'm back to the drawing board.

  13. Yeah, exactly. Different sides of the same argument, really. If you can see both sides of it, you know how to counter it. Or in this case, write it. I think I understand both sides, but not fully.


    I think it was very clever what Lucas did, in creating the Jedi and Sith beliefs... both of them aren't perfect, their teachings flawed, but they both require choice... and only a few can understand that.


    It's nice to have a break from this with the Huntress. :^:

  14. I wonder if I'll ever have any spare time!


    I'm glad I helped with SiD, but yeah, I'd rather read the story than have it spoilt :xp: and that's always the case with me - so many ideas, so little time. That's why I have so many stories on the go... too many ideas. It's a gift AND a curse at the same time...


    Writing any SW fictions, you need to understand the light side, the dark side and all those in between. If you don't, it'll come out evidently biased... unless your character is very biased, anyway. But for K3, we have different characters with different POVs, so not all of them will think the Jedi are bad, and not all people will think the Sith are bad.


    Get me?

  15. I think the computers time had come lol I was just typing away, smelt something strange like burning, and it went "BOOM!" I was quite literally startled... I had the first story I'd ever written on that computer, and even though it was rubbish I wish I still had it :^: you might take things for granted that you already have, but when you've lost them you realise just how much you used them. I guess I don't have to worry about losing stories though - internets backed them up!


    I really wish TSL had more detailed characters on it, like K1. The influence was a good idea, but there wasn't much to get out of the people.


    Darth Bane: Path of Destruction is really amazing - the details finally come round, and there's battle scenes, descriptions of the dark side of the force, and even romance now! It's probably one of my favourite books.

  16. I think they meant cocky or arrogant by 'too relaxed' lol. Well, now I look back, I was acting as if everything was a breeze and I was able to do everything and anything. Still... isn't that suitable? & it's good to not worry yourself with something like that - technology is a pain... my computer exploded not too long back, and I lost all of my photographs, stories, uploaded pictures, favourite websites... *sigh* now I've backed everything up.


    I'm good thanks, just started a new game on K1, male lightside. His name's Viren. >.> You?

  17. It's a job for Birthdays, which is a shop that sells cards... I don't think I require many skills to be successful in that job lol

    I did a mock interview in school, and they said I was perfect, except my body language was too relaxed. Not like slouching, but I looked like I thought I was the best or something. >_> I thought that was how you're supposed to present yourself!

    I've had previous job experience in catering, but they don't care about that - they're interested in retail experience. I plan to take my prefect badge with me, and dress casual smart. Black jeans, a pinstripe black/white shirt, with a black belt just above my stomach. Is that what they'd be looking for?

  18. What about job interviews? I'm confident enough to go into one, but do you have any advice on what kinds of questions/tasks they ask of you?

  19. I'm fine with any wait - I've got more than enough things to keep me occupied, but talking to you and others is always a better choice. :^:


    Good writings, I guess.

  20. I don't mind responding to messages whilst writing. It keeps me doing something, instead of stopping. I like to have something to do, and if I don't, then I lose concentration. If I stop to think of 'what to write next', I'll probably just stop.


    Anyway, if you want to get on with writing, just say.

  21. Welcome to the forums. :^:

  22. Well people have to realise that if I'm writing, the responses may or may not be as quick as usual... but a few minutes waiting never killed anyone, I'm sure. :xp: I'm writing K3 now, and I can shift my full attention here for a few seconds, before returning to the story.

  23. I thought you didn't want to have a conversation whilst you were writing?


    I write, check my messages, go back to writing, check my messages. I'm not too easily distracted, but if I want something done quickly, I don't check them.

  24. It's survival of the fittest, in every way :xp: before humans became so advanced, we relied on exercise and strength to survive, and people have forgotten you still need that kind of thing, despite the invention of computers and stuff.

    That sounds oh so sith, but it's true I think.

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