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Status Updates posted by Burnseyy

  1. How many A4 pages have you written?

    I've got about a page and a half of mine done... 800 words.

  2. I've written a few more paragraphs, but i've been distracted.


    So hows your section coming along? :)


    Btw, I decided on Viren

  3. Hmm, alright. I liked Antwon the least :xp:


    I'm getting to work on my part now, so I'll only be online for questions or answers.

  4. What name do you think sounds the best?


    Viren = leader of heroes

    Vincent = conquering

    Trent = voyager/traveller

    Rico = strong, powerful

    Antwon = two

  5. No, no, you're not interfering.

    I didn't mean it to sound like that.


  6. Oh. >_> ignore the first part of my comment... I got frustrated because I thought you were asking something else.


    I don't know why/what/where HOPs planning on putting Dustil and Mission in his chapter, I haven't really spoken to him much beyond 'hes planning it'

  7. What do you mean, you don't know how Carth would know?

    Bastila's priority is the Jedi, Carth is her 'friend'. They would have asked the Republic to note him if any sign of Revan was spotted, which I've written down, and they wouldn't find out in person, another Republic officer would have told him about sightings of it, via hologram.


    no one said he'd be arriving on Dantooine asap, because he's on a Republic ship, so it won't interfer with HOPs part until later in the 10 chapters. We were going to have them meet, anyway, but Mission's in contact with Dustil, not Carth.

  8. No, Bastila thinks the Jedi Masters have established the enclave. She doesn't know they're dead yet.

    Also, Carth won't even know of the Jedi Enclave, he'll be told that there's been sightings, so he'll want to get to Dantooine, the second he's returned from a Republic mission which Bastila has accompanied him on (in hope of finding some trace of Revan). So he won't be 'aiding' the Jedi. It'll be purely out of wanting to find Revan.

  9. Well, what order are the sections going in? If you're going first, then it won't matter to you where I leave it off, it'll matter to HOP, and since he isn't able to start writing it until Friday night at least, then I'll have it done.


    But either way...

    It'll probably leave on them deciding to check out whether the information on Dantooine is true, and mainly to want to see Revan (who they think is there.)

  10. Not at all. Wouldn't we have to ask the moderators for something like that? I can't see any reason why they wouldn't do it, unless they thought it would inspire others to do it and they'd get annoying messages saying 'put both our names on the front!'

  11. Right, just got your message.

    And I thought that too, but I've got an idea. How about we take turns posting the chapters? Say, HOP creates the thread, I post the next post, and you do the third.

    That way, despite the fact it says it's by HOP, people will know that we're all in on it.


    Also, if someone says something like 'I really liked this part' the compliment would go to that person.

    I guess that's how it will have to work.



    BTW, I looked at HOPs profile because of his recents posts, to check if there was anything that needed my inclusion

    And I thought we were going to post it so it was...


    Chapter one: Visas on Katarr, Bastila and Carth, Dustil and Mission, end of post.

    Not use 3 different posts for each part. :confused: (and no I don't mean 3 different threads, just posts in that one thread)

  12. I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to go. Friend is here.

    I'll post later.


  13. It's actually not that difficult. Do Americans get coursework in high school?

    But either way, when I was doing my GCSEs we had projects that we had to finish for a certain time, and it was usually about 7 or 8 projects at once.

    Stressful, but I always got the marks I wanted.


    Now it's just habit.


    It's also helpful because if I'm stuck on one story, I can just pretend I'm doing other projects that take up more time :lol:

  14. Vanity? How does that work?


    And I guess that IS true. I'm really into K3 at the moment, and I've almost finished The Huntress chapter 2, but I haven't even started QFR 7, or worked on my original prose for a looong time. If you couldn't tell, I like to work on many projects at once rather than get one done and move on lol

  15. Oh, pale skin and black hair - pretty scary :xp: no, I don't watch it but I know of it.


    I don't really look at how many posts I've done... but I did notice when I changed fro 'Rookie' to 'Junior Member'... somehow Junior Member doesn't sound as good as Rookie. :confused:

  16. Nah, I don't suit tans at all! Not that I'd really know.

    Yeah we're warned about skin cancer a lot. It gets pretty annoying, because I put factor 50 on all the time, anyway.

    One time I tell asleep, in open sun, with 20 on... big mistake.

  17. :lol: burnt by the computer screen.


    And I do go out a lot, it's just this Summer, money has been hard to come by, and well... I'd hardly call British sun very effective.

    But above all... I have naturally red hair, and with that, comes the consequence of pale skin, unfortuntely!

    Besides, I'd look weird with a tan lol

  18. Tenerife.

    I'm going to wear factor 50, and still burn. Damn my pale skin.

  19. It's a short book, surprisingly. I advise you read it - it's famous for it's descriptions and cleverness. John Steinbeck it's by.


    And yes, that was what I was trying to get at. Visas could be the kind of 'unfortunate' one, who never really found what she was looking for (at the beginning), but at the end, Mira could find herself in the same sort of situation, but meet her prophecy.


    That'll be a fun chapter to write... lol


    I can't wait to go on holiday... I haven't been to a warm relaxing country for 3 years.

  20. Yes, that sounds good. Maybe after she's told Visas, she may think that the fact Visas didn't find what she came for could be because Alayna told her of the prophecy, afterwards. Which could link to Mira's prophecy...


    Again, references to Of Mice and Men (simply because it's the last book I studied), there were parallels. At the beginning an old man named Candy had a dog, and it was useless, so another man shot it. Candy then says "it wish I could have shot him myself." because it's more 'personal', than a simple 'pow you're dead.' Later in the story, the disabled man, Lennie, is shot by his best friend, rather than the men who are trying to kill him for a crime he comitted because it's more 'personal'. But it didn't directly 'say' in the text, that it was a parellel.. it left that up to the reader to think about it.

  21. I did actually. The world exploded or something. Got about 6 hours sleep, too. :)


    I've written the first 500 words of my part of K3, and I think it's alright so far - a few adjustments and I'll be continuing it.

  22. I'm going to go offline, and try to sleep. Best to do it whilst I'm actually tired.


    Good evening, and I'll post tomorrow. Or later this morning, depending on how well this 'sleep' goes.

  23. We have terrible weather. Especially Manchester, it's known for it's rain - our summer is officially over. Storms everywhere. I've seen mosquitos them on TV and in books, but never actually SEEN one lol. And nope, no blizzards here, but in NY, there was! Delayed us FOUR hours on the plane. I was prepared to scream.


    Alright, just needed it confirming.

  24. Eek. I've never seen a mosquito. Actually I've never been bitten. Did it hurt? :xp:


    By the way... how many years is there between K1, 2 and 3? I've started my park of chptr 1 and it won't feel right if I put 'a few years' or whatever, in the sentence. It needs to be precise.

    I think between K1 and 2, there were like 4-5 years. But that's just an educated guess, from one of the holocrons.

  25. :lol: post to you later then. I already wrote this so I may as well just leave it




    It is true... because even the kindest, most selfless and respectable people in the world can meet tragic ends. You've seen it all before in history - like Martin Luthur King. I don't think it's down to 'life' that things are biased, towards the wrong people, but that's down to crueller, selfish people who can't stand to see others rise above them/are too ignorant to acknowledge what the good person stands for.


    I can't say I'm perfect - I've had a few revenges, told a lot of lies, stolen, cheated a lot, broken the law countless times. But now I see where I've gone wrong - that was the 'revolution' I had. My friends don't think I can give up alcohol/smoking/stealing - they don't even know I lie a lot! - but that's just it... it has nothing to do with what others think, it's what you believe to be true.


    No matter how many people make life bad for someone, it should never be an excuse to become like them. That's why I hate it when murderers blame killings on 'childhood traumas'. They may well have had something like that, but it's no excuse to pass on the cruelties of abusive parents/other people to others, by your accord.


    The world might be random, and it may have no purpose, but I think life has as much a purpose as you want it to. 'Sacrifice' is something I understood as a whole, but not for religious purposes. 'Sacrifice yourself for God, for he has saved us'. I look around the world and pose the question... did he really?

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