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Status Updates posted by Burnseyy

  1. Hmm, I'm the older sister. My parents split up, when I was young. Sister doesn't really remember much about it, because she was about 2 or something.

    I don't really like going into it.

  2. haha, does your aunt live in a mansion? I wouldn't mind living in one of them :^: but I'd lose my keys every 2 seconds...

    There always seems to be an 'evil' relative in a wealthy family. I've known people, and the story is always the same.

    Poorer families don't have an 'evil' relative, but they always argue. Either way, normal families don't exist anymore.

  3. Guilt is definitely a powerful motivator. I think that's what the basis of your fiction is about - guilt. This is from my own perspective, but even from leaving her friends behind in slavery, even in Revan helping her, Alfred helping her, and maybe even in leading Ross down the wrong path. You know what would be interesting for your story? If Ross turned to the dark side. ;)


    At the start of my fiction, I intended to present Mira as someone who thinks 'it was unfair' and 'it shouldnt have happened' - basically frustration about everything, but once she's realised thinking about these things wasn't going to help, she decides she has to accept it, and change it.


    Ever been told you have to accept something you greatly dislike? It's difficult.

  4. My sister's greedy, and even with little money we have, she just takes it all and wastes it. Don't get me wrong, if my mum or dad offer me money, I'll take it, but I never demand money. I usually have to work for it anyway.


    The washing machine just broke, at my dads, and my dads girlfriend is doing the dishes. She said it's slave work, and it's like everythings just broken down because she has to do the work. Thing is, I do the dishes at my mums everyday because we can't afford a dish washer (I rarely go to my dads). I don't want to become like that, but so many people are. My friends have the cheek to say I'm spoilt, when they get things whenever they ask their parents. It frustrates me SO much.


    You're a good person for not letting the money get to you, but maybe that's because you've always known it.

  5. I've only read the first chapter of that other guys Yuthura Ban story... didn't want to read any more. I think yours, in contrast, was far more successful.


    Yeah, Yuthura did have worse injustices done to her, that's true. I think the difference between them, is that Yuthura became mentally/emotionally scarred, and acted irrationally, and Mira just wanted to forget. IMO, anyway.

  6. Is it possible to be empathic and selfish at the same time? :xp:


    Well, lucky you. It's embarrassing, how little money I have. You'd just give it all up? I'd find it a bit difficult to do that to be honest.


    The fact that leaders can just decide 'we're going to war' is ridiculous. I think it all comes down to selfish intentions at the end of the day. Some wars have been inevitable, like WW2. But so many countries didn't need to get involved. Don't get me started lol

  7. I meant were you inspired by the other story lol

    did you ever speak to Uthar? like, ask about his life?


    In some ways I guess they kind of are alike... except Mira's 'cruelty' didnt extent beyond hunting :xp: I think they were both sidetracked by what occupied their time, though. With Yuthura, she was with the sith and hadnt helped slaves, and Mira had become preoccipied with money and being the best, she didn't stick to her beliefs either.

  8. Well, before Mira meets Hanharr in my story, she's going to kill someone and regret it greatly. This might create fear for killing someone else, and having the same regret.

    Think about it - have you ever done something you wished you'd never done? Of course you have. But have you ever come face to face with it again? If so, did you make the same mistake twice?


    Things don't have to make sense - usually nothing does. She said it was a mistake not to kill him in K2, but how do you ever know which way the mistake will lie until you go down a particular path?


    I have actually found myself saying things about Mira that sounded all too familiar to your conversations about Yuthura lol. And the thing is, they both recognise that they're not the only ones who have had the same problems, and want to change it. I think I'm a bit like that, so I understand it.

  9. Uthar and Yuthura have similar sounding names. :confused:

    Anyway aside from that, I think remembering her sith master would be great. But you'd need a way to introduce the memory. She's remembered him in the past, but not made much fuss of it. So you'll have to be clever about it.

    I find if I'm remembering someone, they stay at the back of my mind, until something reminds me of them.

  10. I planned for her to face her fears/past, but go about it the wrong way. :) As so many people do.

    I guess it's like Yuthura, if you like the person, you'll be able to expand on their personality/background - everything. If you're neutral or don't like the character, why bother?

  11. ahh, is that where you were inspired? Uthar... god, I never told him about Yuthura, he was annoying.


    It's like they say, if you're poor and dying or on the street, you'll do anything to save yourself... whether that be stealing, cheating or whatever. It's either that or die. Mira, at first, needs the money, but once she's realised her talent and how much money she's got, she still strives to get more. If you had her out in the 3 person party in K2, you'd notice she kept on looking for ways to get money.


    Anyway, could you honestly say if you saw an enemy dying and screaming in a puddle of their on blood on the floor, you'd leave them to death?

    On the news I heard it say '16 year old Ben kinsella has been killed', and Ben Kinsella is someone who I hated in school. It wasn't the same one, but it still really shocked me.

  12. Yeah, kind of like in my chapter one, where the thugs are roughing the man up. She knows she could stop it, but it would only delay the inevitable.

    In chapter two, I'm highlighting her poor condition, concerning money. Basically, chptr2 is to show her more 'vulnerable' side, really.


    In a future chapter, I'm planning on putting her in the position of looking in on a thug attacking a family, or killing a member of a family, and how she reacts to that.


    'Face your fears' or 'face your past' is what they always say.

  13. I don't think it's in the Sith's way to demean oneself, but it's definitely like the Yuthura you've described. I guess that would work. Though, if it was an ordinary guy, he would have ignored everything Yuthura said... :lol:

    That would work, and I say go for it. If there's a risk, take it, otherwise you'll get nowhere. The likelihood of people not liking it is low anyway, because you've conjured up a brilliant story. :^:

  14. Guh, you make it sound so easy.

    Alright let's list what Mira's been through.

    -Lost her parents

    -Has nothing, no money, no friends - completely independant.

    -There's scattered people everywhere who need help, and she wants to put an end to their troubles, but she can't cause she's stuck on Nar Shaddaa.


    haven't really gotten into the story, yet, so I'm not gonna add more to the list.

    How do I react to injustices? Well, I go quiet, think too much, get angry usually, blame everyone for things, decide I want to change it, but I never get round to it.


    Hmm. But how do you explain that in a story?

  15. Communication used to be one of my biggest flaws, but now I'm more outgoing, my friends don't know who I am. I guess such are the ways of the world.


    I think that's a great idea. But she's taught Ross that he should disagree with her if he thought it was wrong - is he going to disagree? Or is she going to mess with his head, and confuse him? One minute it's 'do this' the next it's 'don't'. You know how it is - leaders always go back on their word. It would work, but what kind of 'embarrassing' things is she promoting?

  16. I wasn't going to put love in there. Nah. It's just not like her to... well, be like that. I don't want to give too much away, but you got at something when you said about 'suffering tragic relationships' that's going to be in my story. ;)


    of course she'd need to speak to people, but just speaking to people isn't having friends. I imagine a lot of her 'arrogance' and 'smart mouthing' comes from the fact she was alone for the most part. You're not gonna be a sweet innocent girl if no ones tossed you any favours.


    I know what I'm doing with the fic - but emotion? I don't know how I became so bad at it lol

  17. Oh, I'm an expert at going off on a tangent. I like the idea of Yuthura not understanding war very well, especially since she was a slave and with the sith.


    In K2, I think you saw that Mira had a very... different perception on things, and I want to see that through.

    Also, in school we read a book called Of Mice and Men, and there was a character in it called Crooks, who everyone hated, because he was black. he had no friends, and no one to speak to, and he said something along the lines of... "A guy needs someone there to tell you whats there or not." - which basically means, you need someone there, or else you're going to create your own world with your own sense of right and wrong.

  18. You'd be surprised at how very unsocial drinking and going to bars, is. But the celebrities and sports? Yeah, never been interested in that either. I think that's part of the reasons my friends are a small group of nerdy guys. :lol:

    She said she had no friends, and I intend to keep it that way for the story, but this OC I'm introducing will show the real Mira, where ever I choose to put him in.

  19. That's what I was going for, ya' see. A strong front, and not so strong, when she's not in company of others. What I've done so far, is had a part of the chapter where it's kind of emotion-ish, and then when she's outside, it's as if that never happened.


    I saw Yuthura as the type who tried to keep her thoughts hidden from even herself, but the slightest imbalance sent her off the rails. Like a natural disaster waiting to happen, just not on as grand a scale. ;)


    You'll have to see whether I got it right, when I post the chapter. And as for the 'being alone' part, I know all about that, so it shouldn't be too hard.

  20. Yeah that's something along the lines of what I would have done. I like the idea, makes it sound as if everything else around them is silent. Get my drift?


    I take back what I said about The Huntress being a good 'emotion' opportunity. I just realised Mira is not that emotional. It's like... I can write it, but then it wouldn't be Mira.


  21. and you thought jocks and cheerleaders were bad :xp:


    And damn the time limit. It costs so much, too, depending on where you go.


    Just one question before ya' go, who's your favourite HP character? Luna?


    Bon voyage. :)

  22. Ah, Fraiser - yeah, the accents on there are a little posher than mine. I'd say the closet is the old mans, but he sounds more common XD You should hear the really thick ones, you heard of chavs? If not, google the word, and prepare youself :lol: they're tainting Britain! They're like the dark side... honestly.


    lmao France tried to blame America on rise in weight?! God, people say the French are stupid, but I just thought that was taking the mick. I suppose America got through security, didn't ask the French government, and started building over land that belonged the France without anyone saying anything... yeah... I hate people who blame others for their own mistakes!


    Aw sure I'll do a picture or two. Just pm me, and I'll get to work on it. ^^ I've been meaning to draw some tombs for Marius_Fett, but I've not been in the mood yet. This might get me going again lol. And I find pictures really do help people to visualise the person... I can't remember what descriptions you gave of the people, but I imagined the main character to look tall, slightly tan-ish (but only slightly) with dark brown hair. You know, the typical 'handsome' look?


    I love Mission, she's hilarious. :^: I was redoing K1 on the Leviathan and the greatest quote emerged itself: "How come everytime you open your mouth to talk, the scent of rancor dung comes out?" I wanted to high five the pixelated twi'lek lol.

  23. Alright, good night. :)

  24. Wouldn't the true sith have destroyed the 'civilisation'?

    and how would the exile ruin the plan? On purpose, perhaps?

  25. Maybe.


    Are you getting tired? The first half of that sentence was a bit jibberish. :xp:



    ps. Yuthura Ban has an english accent. >.>

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