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    Pittsburg, KS
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey, can u send me a link for your bastila's got back mod because the other link doesn't work for me.

  2. I haven't talked to you in a long time....

    The you being hurt really bad still isn't a joke is it?

    I really hope it was.

  3. Here's some old memories


    that's DR I swear

    ever talk to him recently

    I miss the old days

  4. Wow.We have a total different system of schooling then whats in west.

  5. I'm only 13 but most people here don't go to college until they are 18

  6. well then... how old are you?

  7. Well,our system of education is quite different from western style.So the only thing I can tell you is after this year exams I am off to college.Btw,tomorrow is my first pre-exam.

  8. sorry about the respond time... but yeah I like the sims...

    about the school stuff though... that sucks

    what grade are you in?

  9. Well,my reason is tests in school.Btw,I see you have been having a good time with sims 2

  10. I'm good but why can't you get on your PC.

    This weekend I may be able to talk but probably not much.

  11. Yeah you have been gone for a while and I myself can't get on my pc nowadays.Btw,how are you?I will talk to you if I get time this weekend.

  12. I've been gone for a while haven't I?

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