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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Yup, that's Kiera Knightley!


    JC; do you watch Pirates of the Caribbean?

  2. Yup, wrapped 'em all last night. :D Hurry up and get yours wrapped, or you'll wake up Christmas morning and find that they aren't under the tree yet! (I did that once...as Yoda put it, "How embarrassing. How em-barrassing.")


    You sis is engaged? Congratulations! :xp: That's gotta be a bit of a shock. None of my siblings are married yet--or engaged--but I wonder what it'll be like when they do. O_o


    My flu has recurred a couple times in the past few days, and my sis has it now, sooo...yea. We're a happy bunch. :D


    Oh, and I just finished watching DS9 (finally). :xp:

  3. Yup. It happened what? A hundred and fifty years ago? :D Lincoln, Lee, Sherman, Booth, they're all dead. No use yellin' about 'em! :D


    Oh, of course the soundtracks'll get better! :D (I can tell you from personal experience that the one for Underworld is awesome. :p)

  4. 'Cuz my sis likes him so much...honestly, if she tells me all the details of his 'Case of the Axe-murdering Wife-beating Psychopath' or something like that, I'll scream. :lol:

  5. 'Ello 'ello 'ello. :D How ya doin?

  6. 'ello. :) How goes the red-hat front?

  7. 'Ello. :) Oh, I've looked at the DTT, and I don't think I'll join. I have a ton of stuff on my plate at the moment. :/

  8. 'Fraid not--haven't even heard of it, hehe. :o

  9. 'Nuttin much. I'm just sittin' here watchin' Star Trek with my mom. :) Played Force Unleashed for a while earlier. In a couple days, I'm gonna play it through again for my sibling. She hasn't seen it yet.

  10. (annoyed sigh as I put up saber) Ah, darn...I just wrote a bio for a very Sithy person, so I'm in a very Sithy mood. -_-

  11. (extracts nose) Oh, honk yerself...

  12. (looks down nose imperiously) Of course, my servant. I will look at once.

  13. (Pulls out a lightsaber amd deflects the shots back) I'm a Sith Lord! A mere blaster cannot defeat me!

  14. (removes from head and drops on ground) Huh, we'll see what your mighty muscles of steel will do against the power of the Force!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! :xp:

  15. (sigh) Okay, okay, he made one fatal mistake, lol. So did Boba! He turned his back on one of the main characters! :p

  16. (smirks and holds lightsaber in free hand) Run! :p

  17. (still smiling) Because I put it there. :) Too much Tomb Raider makes people do strange things. :)

  18. (whispers) Oh, of course it is, but I'm just agreeing with the wierd person, now shush before she hears me! :xp:

  19. (yawn) I just saw a DS9. It had no killing, just holodeck soap opera junk. There was one thirty-second yelling match that was good, but it wasn't worth the suffering. -_-

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