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Everything posted by Yar-El

  1. :lol:


    I'm heading out in a few minutes. I get in around 8:00. I will meet you in the Time Travel forum. :)


    *Fires up a portal*

  2. Hey Chev!


    Where is CQ?

  3. I'm going to stop where I'm now. :) Things are going to change. :)

  4. Don't worry I have a plan.

  5. :lol:


    Well, I'm getting tired. Have a good night.

  6. :lol:


    Are you making fun of me? j/k


    I hope to be done by Sunday.

  7. Oky female Chev and evil female Chev. I read the group posts over again. I missed it.

  8. :lol:

    :hugs: for Chev. Oky, your evil side is a female.

  9. Is that a question?

  10. I've been working on some stuff for work. Its been a long week. I have a mess of specs to turn into 3-d models. Its going to be a long weekend as well.

  11. :D:xp:

    We will get him back. :D

  12. Nothing much. I'm trying to keep warm. :)



  13. What is your Avatar?

  14. :) I took full advantage of this opportunity. :)
  15. Lets see if the others will jump onto the story. :)

  16. Maybe we should take a moment to detox. :)


    Its all in the fun Chev. :) Don't worry we will think about something.

  17. Its called the Drunken Time Travelers. We do insane things. :)

  18. I can't believe you jumped out and into the vortex.

  19. Conspiracy? :)


    What do you have in mind? Vortex domination? :)

  20. Alkonium? Let me see what he is up to. :)

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