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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. It will be much fun indeed:D

  2. Well, just got back from the wedding...my sis is officially married now....WOW! I feel so old:D

  3. Okay, sounds good:D I'll post as soon as I can...but I'm pretty busy right now...could be awhile:(

  4. So, you're sister is at college now? How is she doing over there? Will she visit you often? {maybe Beta read at that time}


    So, on the flipside, you got a ton of cool SW books? That's really cool!!! Must be gettin' in a lot of reading to finish both the Han Solo and Shadows of the Empire series.' Must've been awesome to see all of them at such a good price:D So, which book you on in the Bounty Hunter series?

  5. No worries, I understand what that's like...it's a big bummer day....:( No need to apologize for venting, it helps to get it all out, I hope I can be of help:)


    So you've been dogsitting this demonpup for a month? Oy...it'll be a great relief when he's returned to his owner, I imagine. {I have a dog, too, but he's a Lab, and about 4 yrs. old...but we didn't train him, so you can imagine the results:D} Yep, dogs are notorious for chewing stuff up....I would think strangling the dog can become very tempting when he or she eats one thing, and when you're cleaning it up, goes over and chews on something else.....


    You've not been getting good sleep lately? Ouch...is this due to the dog as well? {If so, just wanna let you know that dog is actually a good meal in the Philippines...ahem:D}


    I feel for your loss of your bird, losing a pet is never easy:( How long did you have your bird?

  6. So, Endo, what is new?:D Been playing WoW? Or any other cool game lately?:D

  7. Well, your posts have returned!! It was just a terrible joke!!!{I hope:D}

  8. Well, I'll post soon:D Just been busy alllllllllll day long...my sis is gettin' married to a dude, as opposed to goat:D So, yes, we are busy:D


    Also, a Karela/Akagi fight would be awesome!!! Tell me what you have in mind:)

  9. RAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

  10. Well, it's edited:D Post away, Chev:D

  11. You know....that could actually work quite well:D Provides a good reason for Garja's defection...or whatever he's gonna do:D

  12. Well...they could have malicious intent....RAAR!:D

  13. I should hope it's not a hacker...cuz' if they can get to that, there's no telling what else they could do....and if a prank..that person is just EVIL....either way...Ouch:(

  14. Hmmm....well, then you have the situation well in hand....but being zeroed with only 5 points, that seems very severe...

  15. Oy...that's kinda weird, I also had 5 points of doom. but that expired, and only one spam post was deleted{way back in my young and reckless poster days}. May be good to ask Jae if there was a particular reason.....but this is really unfortunate. Sorry about what happened man, well, just don't be too eager to reach 1000 posts....

  16. Oy, so you wanted Velerc to capture them? Well, sorry about the misunderstanding...how about next time when you have an idea concerning both your characters and mine, we should PM eachother to limit communication problems.


    Do you want me to edit?

  17. OH NO! What happened? Why did the wrath of the mods come?!

  18. Somewhat, or rather, resurrecting old ones:D

  19. Oh...aw well, that was a nice idea:)


    Well, a Star Wars forum may not be an ideal place for a Star Trek RP. Sure, alot of us know stuff on ST, but not quite enough....we would need some major trekkies.

  20. Yes, that I am:D Been hangin' out with friends, relaxing, all that fun stuff:D Well, I should be posting soon if my lazy spell ends....which it will, it has to before tomorrow:D


    I came up with a crazy idea...what if we resurrected the Costumed Heroes RP?

  21. That sounds cool:D That's an excellent way to close up the holiday:D

  22. Heh....I know how that feels. I hope something fun stops the boring spell:) So, what are doing to celebrate the Labor Day holiday?

  23. Oh, not much, just been busy as heck:D How 'bout you:)

  24. Thanks Chev:D I'll try my best to post soon:D

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