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Status Updates posted by none223

  1. If you remember, you asked me, and frankly, I think this mod isn't going to go well. Be my guest to surprise me.


    And when my KotOR tool actually works, you have to have the game installed to access that section. I can't even install it.



    Does this mean you'll stop Sleheyron work too? Or just the Korriban one..

  3. Well...lets see......TECHNICALLY since you asked me, you would be doing things to help me be able to help you.....technically.


    And its not scratches.....its just in the state of the files on it being mighty 'ffed up.



    /me has no money


    So, GL without me.

  4. But what game is this for?


    I have TSL, but the game is broken, so I can't play it, which means I can't test stuff for it.


    I do have a working K1 however.

  5. Well, I can skin, am working on learning .2da edits, and can edit modules.


    I am working on learning scripting, and can write dialouge.


    Now can you answer my other questions?

  6. *Sigh*


    What is the total conversion for?

    How much can you actually do towards modding?

    Who else is helping?

    Are you willing to do most of the work? I have my own priorities too...



  7. Yeah, I think thats right. *The rest of the story (except maybe the epilouge) takes place around.....2,627 After the Treaty of Coruscant, or 1,026 Before Battle of Yavin.


    Also, I would like a full review when I finish part one (which I will tell you about).

  8. Just a comment about your review:


    It is set directly after the duel with Jeric on Ruusan in the Valley of the Jedi.

    I have not played any of the Jedi Knight Games, so I do not know if he has his force powers.


    *So its after the DUEL on RUUSAN, not the Battle of Yavin*

  9. Hehe, I spent time with them? Frankly, it took me less than an hour for all of those. It was actually pretty simple with GIMP, just set as Burn and pick the right color :)

    Remember, they can be used in any mod as long as I am told beforehand, and am mentioned in credits.


    So...All I have to do to get them in-game is name them N_SithSoldier03? Is it really that simple? Also, if you want to see anymore of my work, check out the KotOR: Psychadelia. My work has been put on hold since GIMP messed up, but when its working I can do a bunch more skins.

  10. Ok! :) I look forward to Beta Version of this thing. BTW, Parjir means victorious, but the Mandalorians were not victorious. I'm thinking of changing the name to "Cuyan" meaning "survivor". Also, have you read part 4 on Journeymen Protectors yet? :thmbup1:

  11. It has come to me (via Canderis) that nothing for the Expanded Galaxy is happening because you guys don't know what to do. If I remember correctly, you are working on dialouge. Also, could you help me come up with really good Plot/Sub-Plot for the Parjir and Concord Dawn. I really want this mod to be worked on. :)

  12. Ok, it has come to me (via Canderis) that nothing is happening because you don't know what to do (for the expanded Galaxy). If you have transferred the clone guns pack back to K1, I would like 3 custom armors, one that looks like a suped-up Neo Crusader Shock Troop, one that looks like a Mandalorian Commander (not Mandalore), and finnally a armor that LOOKS like Mandalore the Ultimate's, but isn't. Also, if you can help Canderis with the Parjir modules, that would be great help!

  13. Umm, no offense intended, but HOW long does something that seems as simple as that take? (no offense intended). Mirdala is writing dialouge, Brianwee20 is supposed to be working on......Ooh, he needs something.......

    And I need to message mirdala about plot ideas......

    I guess they DO need instruction.

  14. Ugg, ok, heres it: I HAVE SAID WHAT TO DO!

    (sorry if I seem mean)

    For the umteenth time, I've said that I need the leviathan Re-skinned to look like the Endar Spire, preferably have the Endar Spire modules and leviathan Hangar brown-white instead of red-white. I need to have an elevator that goes between the 3 modules, and Mandalorians in all of them. Is that what you call not knowing what to do?

  15. Ugg, ok, heres it: I HAVE SAID WHAT TO DO!

    (sorry if I seem mean)

    For the umteenth time, I've said that I need the leviathan Re-skinned to look like the Endar Spire, preferably have the Endar Spire modules and leviathan Hangar brown-white instead of red-white. I need to have an elevator that goes between the 3 modules, and Mandalorians in all of them. Is that what you call not knowing what to do?

  16. The Journeymen Protectors originated around the time of the Mandy Civil war. For the Concord Dawn I want, there IS no law. However, it would be fitting....

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