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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. That robots face gives me the creeps. I'll see what I can do. But I don't actually want to start the forums until my site goes public.

  2. Hmmm... Maybe when I start up my forums, I could have a female droid modeled after C.C for him to annoy.:D

  3. Possibly modeled after Niles. The butler on that Nick@Nite show, The Nanny.

  4. I was actually thinking of doing it myself. I always imagined good old T-6B8 with a slightly arrogant tone to his voice. Something that says: "I work for Mand'alor, therefore I am superior to you."

  5. I'm great. I am currently trying to record a voice for the droid who greets people at the home page of my site.

  6. :lol:Okay, enough with the silliness (even though its probably the best part of this coversation). How you doing?

  7. Why am I tied to the bed?:p And how am I still able to type?

  8. The nice people are taking me to a big room with soft walls.:loco:

  9. Shhh! Who told you about that?!:disaprove:words:

  10. Yes. I told them there was funny music i my skull :sing9: and they are on their way now.:jester1:

  11. I'm hesitant to check it out due to the fact that I can't get the last two songs you sent me out of my head. Are you trying to drive me mad?:D

  12. :rofl:I meant at the link location. I knew that already.

  13. Where, I don't see it?

  14. You can bet on it:D

  15. Then that is my rating:D

  16. In that case, which one is meant to be the highest rating?:)

  17. Sweet Stormtrooper bro!I'm not sure what to vote... For me Nice, mean Nice! (better than nice). And one word means: One Word......... Awesome!

  18. Ooh... I can't wait to see it:D

  19. The spoiler doesn't seem to open up for me:(

  20. Translation: Awesome bro!:D

  21. Kandosii ner'vod!

  22. Hey Marius, I hear there's an anti-Mandalorian armor mod policy on kotor2files... Why?

  23. Hey Bryan, what would you say to us working together on the Mandalorian skins? I have a list (somewhere) explaining all the mandos who need some custom armor, and we could divide it up.

  24. Me likes challenges:D. I going to start on those skins now... Talk to you later...

  25. .utm? Ohh another .ut file for me to explore. The precious!

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