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Status Updates posted by Vordyn_Kael

  1. Hit me up via email for the best chance of response. I will send you an email just to make sure you have mine.

  2. I am around, indeed! Incredibly busy with several projects at work, and I moved as well... but it looks like things are getting settled again.

  3. VOs should be doable, timeframe is OK. I need to find the ones I recorded a while back and get them to you.

  4. I am still around my apologies.... life/work have been ridiculous. How you you doing?

  5. hope youre doing well?

  6. fraking bananas.... but the new job is awesome... i cant believe its been a year already...

  7. happy holidays :) I hope all id going well for you, I am working like a madman... let me know when you have more stuff - will try and finalize VO for you soon.

  8. Work has gotten crazy - I was just offered a permanent full-time position. VO still on Radar.

  9. hey - sorry I havent gotten back. Life has gotten a little crazy of late... I have not forgotten and I fully intend to wrap up the VO for you - just gotta handle some other crap first.

  10. hey there, been really busy at my new job, but I am loving it. Finally found a job that I can truly enjoy while I persue my career... ive been searching for over a decade for something like this. Feels like a weight has been lifted. Anyhow, I have all my software and the dialogues prepped and ready to record the last few bits. I might do it this weekend if I feel up to it :)

  11. back up and running, finally. recovering and migrating my data and reinstalling my VO program, as well.

  12. Ugh.... so, I decided to try and squeeze in some ME3 to my free time.... and while I love the game, its, umm.... getting in the way of VO progress :p


    Soon, I promise! I already have a chunk done, and the ones I need to do are all separated and organized. Just need to dedicate a day or so. Once thats done, then I cna play the demo and see about picking up any unvoiced NPC stuff I might have a good voice for.

  13. Hey there. Im good, hope you are as well. I took a minute to check out the website - fantastic work, sir. The screenshots look awesome.

  14. Done and Done. Looks like we are leading the pack, which is freakin awesome :)

  15. Not the greatest news, I am interviewing for new jobs because it my current gig has turned into an utter nightmare, and I desperately need to get out of it. Sadly the job hunt hasnt been going great, but I have an important interview tomorrow, so we shall see how that goes. Cross your fingers for me :p

  16. Happy Holidays, sorry for being out of the mix... just grinding away, hopefully get you some good news after new years

  17. my whole week has been exhausting... today was the worst yet

  18. I got pretty sick this last week, got back to work this thursday but I am still shaking off some laryngitis. I am looking to get cranking on more recording soon, however, just FYI

  19. Work is still crazy... I promise I will get you VOs when I get time, the next two weekends are jammed up, but hopefully the weekend of the 16th will yield some positive results, and things will get better....

  20. FYI, still around, got a couple VOs done, but still working on it... havent had a chance to play the demo yet *shakes fist*.

  21. Looks like there is a some great feedback for the demo. Still havent had time to play through it, I have been going absolutely nuts at work.... we just had a major application, email and user migration.... a hardware rollout.... and 3 new companies merged with us... to say we are getting hammered doesnt cover it... and thats just my work... sometimes I wish life had a damn "pause" button....

  22. great news, will check it out when i have free time!

  23. I emailed you the text file will all of the line edits. Did you get it?

  24. do you know which dlg?

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