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Status Updates posted by Vordyn_Kael

  1. only 2 .dlgs to go.... and I have to finish my playthrough of the latest build to check the line you mentioned in your last message.

  2. I will have to load that up and see which line it is. Anything in particular you need done with it?

  3. All the drayen lines from 9 files are edited. I have 6 files to go.

  4. OK, seems like I may get some time in the next few days or on the wekend.... I am already halfway done or thereabouts. With luck, I can get it wrapped up and sent to you by sunday night. No promises, but I am hopeful :)

  5. Busy... very busy. Thats technically a good thing, but I wouldn't mind more downtime.

    I wanted to say thanks for your support regarding my Aunt.... sadly, she passed away. The services were tough, I had never been a pall bearer before.


    As for the mod, I am still working on editing drayen dialogue. I am grateful that you dont need the recording as my time is quite limited.... but I will get the lines to you, regardless. We can hash out the recordings later.

  6. Still pulling out lines and editing. My aunt had medical issues and just got moved from ICU to Hospice this weekend.... that hasnt been a positive experience.... and I also just started a new job last week. I am sorry I wasnt able to get it all done beforehand, but I found like 5 more .dlg files that had Drayen lines in them, so extracting and editing is taking a lot longer than I expected.


    Please bear with me.

  7. Got almost all the lines pulled out and edited. Recording may have to wait till the weekend or early next week.

  8. Just a heads up for you, sir.


    I am hoping to have some time next week, I am pulling the Drayen's relevant lines from the king convo dlg, so that I can make edits and then record the VO for them.


    Do you know of any other dlg files you need the lines from?

  9. Got it. Gonna be starting new job soon. Playtesting of demo will be slow going, as will rest of VO tracks. apologies, and please bear with me.


    Will see if I can get some done before things get crazy hectic.

  10. Glad you like them, I think there are at least a few we will end up replacing.... but for now... just to get them in, they are decent.


    Working on pulling more of Drayen's lines out of the other .dlgs

  11. I sent you a present :)


    The next batch of VO's I got done today.

  12. Not confused at all. Thanks for the info. Im going to try and get Drayen's stuff done first. At least the stuff from the DLGs I have. After that, I can go through the demo more and pick out what other voices I can do.

  13. I am glad the volume is good :)


    I think the Low Pass Filter I ran on them washed them out a bit and made them less sharp than they could have been, but I can try to fix that. I have to re-record the random NPC convos anyhow, so I can try and get them all at a go.


    What is priority, getting clearer sound on the scene 1 tracks, or getting more of the other scenes done?

  14. Well, it is going a little better now, heh :p


    First, I tested out the result from our last recording session, and again, they were awful. I don't know if it is the software he uses, or if it is the editing he is doing... but something was ruining the tracks... I mean, they sounded better as just raw tracks.


    I thanked him for his help, but went back to doing it myself. Which brought me to my 2nd issue. I had just upgraded to Windows 7, and my recording program, Audacity, was an older version that works on with XP but not 7. So, I had to install the new beta version, and then redo all my settings manually (no import feature made me sad :()


    Anyhow, I got that done and I think I got some pretty decent tracks of the lines for the 1st scene with Drayen. I think they ought to be loud enough, and I exported them as .wav files this time.


    I emailed them to you in a 7-zip archive. It is a 13+ MB file!


    Let me know if I need to tweak or redo anything with them, hope you enjoy :)

  15. Back from vacation yesterday. Reaching out to Aaron (sound guy). Hopefully get some real progress soon :)

  16. Im good. Getting prepped for a vacation, so I wont be around till end of month.

    Still rehearsing and working with my sound guy, hopefully have progress after I get back. How are things with you?

  17. Got latest version downloaded and installed. havent had a chance to run through it.... recovering from a nasty bug I caught. I got the files from my sound guy.... and well... to be frank... theyre terrible... and I would be embarassed to send them to you. Its the sound quality, not the recordings themselves. He and I need to have a chat and work on this, or I may have to go back to doing my own stuff. I am really sorry about this.

  18. Just a heads up, I started plugging away on the new files you sent me, getting the lines for drayen organized and edited as needed. I talked to my sound engineer and he said he should be able to give me the proper files today or tomorrow (finally), even though they are just samples, and we will be re-recording them... its just a few files to pop in for the beta as placeholders.


    I am hoping to get more done on the recordings this weekend. Our goal is to first nail down the sound we are going for on one or two lines, as that will give us a template to apply to further tracks. Once we have a couple the way we want, we send to you, and if you like it... we proceed with getting larger chunks done.

  19. I didnt directly alter the dlgs, I have a .txt typed up with the changes. I can send you the txt if you like, but I may still end up making changes.

  20. Happy new year! Still waiting on my sound engineer buddy, I left him a voicemail yesterday.

  21. So, I just got an email with some of thetracks the engineer and I recorded.... but... well, while they would be great is spoken as a force ghost, those werent the lines I recorded.... LOL. The engineer misunderstood me when I explained which tracks were which and he applied an echo effect to the wrong ones... I just sent him an email back to let him know. Hopefully shouldnt take him too long to fix.


    I have been editing the lines on the fly for grammar and flow and such as I go... so it might not be an issue, btw.

  22. Feelin better. Talked to sound engieneer today, he is doin better too. He just started upgrading the audio software on his machine yesterday, and he said my tracks are his first priority for mixing/editing. I *hope* to have samples before week's end for you. I mentioned that we have a need to make sure they are loud enough, so I am emailing him a few of the other VO artist's tracks so he can have a baseline for comparison on the volume issue.

  23. Update:


    Not only did my engineer get sick last week, but I, too am recovering from a small bug. I hope to be back in the studio this sunday, and with any luck I will also have some samples for you before then :)

  24. Thanks for the extras file, and Happy Thanksgiving!!

  25. I have some hopefully great news :)


    A friend I work with has an actual recording studio setup with professional quality microphone and equipment in his basement, and he is willing to do sound engineering for me as I record the tracks. I worked with him for several hours Sunday, and he seemed very pleased with my work and I should hopefully be hearing his engineered tracks soon. One main benefit of this is that his microphone can capture the VOs at high volume without distorting the way my cheap headset does. The tracks may still not be *perfect*, but if all goes well, I am confident they will be awesome :)


    As soon as I get some of the tracks from him, I will zip them up and send to you for more testing.

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