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Status Updates posted by Vordyn_Kael

  1. Any word as yet, boss? Did it help, or do I need to keep tweaking?

  2. No problem! I figured before I go and try to re-record like 40+ lines, I better make sure my new settings are actually *improving* the sound quality, lol :)

  3. I was playing through, but I am only exploring the crash sites now, havent met Bao-Dur yet.


    One note for you though, the gear sold at the republic base that is named after Tanik has the name mispelled and is unusable due to it being restricted to handmaiden.

  4. well, having poked around in the demo a bit... I now see exactly what you meant about the audio files needing more amplification :)


    I am more than halfway done with the ghostdrayen .dlg file and then i just have to do the file with the holographic lines in the convo with Liana. I will go back through on my final QA pass through and bump the volume up on all the tracks.

  5. Downloaded the Beta, probly wont get into it, or the VOs, till the weekend. Thanks!

  6. Hey dude, I am almost done with the last few lines for the last .dlg you sent me. The force ghost ones, I am working on a sort of "echo" effect for.... it sounds pretty freakin cool :)


    And yeah, let me know when you have the beta link ASAP!:thmbup1:

  7. that is a fantastic idea... it might evne help me rework some of the lines i have voiced for drayen already :)

  8. I would *like* to test...but I cant promise I will have the time to do it properly. All the same, if I could be included, I dont think it would hurt anything.

  9. Going good so far, lots and LOTS of logistical issues being worked out, slowly but surely. Eventually we should have a nice, smooth process in place.


    As for what's new, I think you may be happy to know that I am getting some progress made on the VO's today. Finished two and a half files already. I think they sound pretty damn good. I am taking a bit of a break now though, cuz my voice is starting to give out LOL, drayen was sounding a little too flat on my last few attempts :)


    How goes all with you?

  10. Progress has been a bit slow due to me starting a new job at Yale and my company landing a fairly large project. Its been difficult to get large chunks of free time, which is the optimal situation to record them. I squeeze in what I can, though. Hopefully when my company gets the majority of this project settled, I can focus more time on recording.

  11. Thats cool, its not a rush or anything.... its just that more time is better. Also, for .dlg files.... can I open them in notepad, or is there a better program for viewing them?

  12. The sooner I have the conversations, the sooner I can read them and get a feel for the emotions... and that will give me more time to polish. Go ahead and email me a 'script' if you have one. :)

  13. Absolutely, I had to cut out bits in between some of the phrases, and that made some of it seem 'stuttery', I know. I could have spent the time to re-record and smooth them out, but it would have taken longer and I really just wanted you to hear the voice for him :)


    When I am doing actual conversation lines for the mod, I will be sure to make them smooth and polished as I can.


    I am glad you liked the voice, though, thats the important part :thumbsup:

  14. I sent off the samples to ya :)


    I mentioned in the email, the background noise cancellation was not 100%... it left some audible 'residue', so this batch would not be suitable for the actual mod, of course. The main goal was so that you could hear the modifications I made to the voice and tone for Drayen. I hope you like it!

  15. Well, I started exploring noise cancellation techniques. I think I have something workable.


    Also, I recorded a few sample tracks, and compared them to the other test voices. I think I may have finally found Master Drayen. :) :) :) :)


    When I get the whole set laid out and edited, I will send them to you.

  16. Sounds good :)


    I may try to get some tracks layed down tonight if it gets a bit cooler. With the rain the temperature has been much better :)

  17. Odd. Just checked, i did not receive anything :(

  18. Yah, my username is vordynkael.


    Still fragging hot here. Pissing me off. I have been rehearsing, but still unable to get a good recording. In the meantime I watched some videos of Liam Neeson in interviews, etc. I wont be able to manage the same level of bass in the voice, won't be as deep, but that may serve us well. Considering Quan Drayen is a scholar, he might be verbally softer and quieter, if just slightly. That said, I dont want him to be effeminate, so I am working to keep the "warrior-poet' aspect of masculinity for him.

  19. Just a quick update... its been really, really hot and humid for a whilehere... when I am at my PC I basically have to have the AC running or it overheats in fairly short order. This present the practical problem of there being AC noise in the background of any recordings... I care way too much about getting this right to leave even a trace of that in the background.... so basically I need to wait for a cool night so I can get it done properly.

  20. One of the Liam Neeson voices that I have liked the best was his voice in the movie 'Taken'. I can do an almost dead-ringer of the line "... I have a particular set of skills that make me a nightmare for someone like you." My difficulty has been in translating it over to the lines I have so far. I can't seem to get it to sound right... but I am not givin' up :)


    I *think* I may have actually gotten a bit of inspiration today with the voice, the last few attempts I had not been pleased with. I havent done any tracks yet with the tweaks I have in mind yet... they are probably not going to be very noticable to most people, but I can hear the difference when I rehearse the lines. Hopefully, it will make the impact I am looking for.

  21. That does help, a lot, actually :)


    I think my issue may actually be with the words themselves, so I will review the lines, and see if some tweaks might help me improve it.

  22. Heya Logan!


    Hope all is well, I am hangin in there. I have been experimenting with various voices for Drayen, and i haven't found the 'perfect' one yet. If I get one going that feels right, you will get samples the next day, LOL!


    Do you have any input on the type of voice he should have? Gruff? Smooth? Medium bass, or deeper bass? Should he speak slowly, or at a moderate pace? Try to imagine a voice in your mind for him, and tell me the qualities you hear it having. That should help.

  23. Namuch new. Hope all is well for you :)


    For Drayen's voice, I can give you one more test on it, but I think I just need feedback from you on how to tweak the way he sounds.


    Ill put it together and fire it off. I am willing to handle as many roles as you can throw at me :) Just gimme lines, and I will do them up.

  24. not too much, still working on the business, also studying for A+ cert, and now also in a malware removal training program. im keepin busy.


    Cool deal on the lines, send em over when ready :)

  25. yucky. how were you able to re-render the .mp3 files before? did something change?


    I should be able to do .wav files but depending on how many files and how long they are, it may become a size issue for email servers.

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