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Status Updates posted by Vordyn_Kael

  1. Very cool! I believe I have those setting set to default now, so it shouldnt be an issue.


    I was thinking the other day about Drayen... what do you think of a Scottish accent for him? I do a pretty decent one. If thats not what you had in mind, I can stick with what we had going. Im excited to start working on it! :)

  2. Awesome!


    Yeah, bro. I am totally down to start working with Drayen. If its alright with you, I am willing to go back and forth with you on the tone and mannerisms for him. I know this is a critical character, and it needs to be "just right". So please please please, if you listen to my work, and you feel we can make it better, tell me what you think might improve it.

    I am prepared to record and re-record the lines as needed, so we can really nail the way you want him to sound.


    Plus, remember that we can use ventrilo so that you can coach me on the voice in "real time". I think that would be really really helpful.

  3. Hey Logan, hit me up with those lines when you can :)

  4. Glad you feel better! :)


    Sounds good, I will be looking for the lines. I have a voice in mind for the newscaster...

    sort of Tom Brokaw-ish.

  5. If you are at all interested, I can do VOs for a male newscaster, so that way you dont have to go with *all* aliens.

  6. Very Nice :) That is a damn exiting feature. Alllwing the player to see how the world is changing around them based not only on the actions of others, but even on their own choices to some extent!

  7. Yeah, its a field which i am passionate about, and probably the only one I have interest in learning about :p


    I hope your sinuses clear up soon, its that time of year for the temperature change and pollen to become an issue again.... :(

  8. New Business is Computer Consulting for Desktop/Home users and Small Businesses/Networks :)

  9. Yes i can see it

  10. sounds good, sir!


    Sorry for slow response. I started a new business recently and I had some jobs I had to do at odd hours :p

  11. No worries, bro. Im hangin in there, I hope you feel better :)


    let me know how the VO works for ya and if any of the files need a tweak, let me know which ones and what tweaks you are lookin for. We still need to get you on the Vent server, also.

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