Hey, thanks! Would your avatar talents allow you to make a mod poster? I would like to have one for my mod, but i am too busy with the mod itself to be able to make one.
Hello. Ive been having trouble with my area model, and my bro said you were the one to talk to. A bunch of my objects re-centered themselves to 000 in the game. They are placed right in the model, and i have the hierarchy set to 000. Any idea on how to fix this?
Seeing as how you are Canderis' brother, I feel I am obligated to welcome you to LucasForums.
If you ever are in need of an avatar, let me know. My technique has improved a bit since I did a couple avatars for your brother, so feel free to send me a message.
Yo, if it's a substantial update you can post again, depends how much you've done really, the issue is more if you continually do it, such as posting 4 updates in say a few hours to keep bumping your thread... Welcome to the forums btw -- j7