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Aash Li

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Everything posted by Aash Li

  1. Yarr! Your Barak "the Messiah" Obama comment was not lost on me. xD I actually lol'ed.

  2. Im sorry... I thought maybe I could, but Im too busy with other stuff to try. ^.^;;

  3. I might try the rp'ing... I just need to know whats going on and all that stuff, without having to read 15+ pages.

  4. I could possibly do art, Im kinda slow with commissions (especially free ones), but I could draw them. :)

  5. Well... Id like to, but Im not sure Ihave the time really. >.>

  6. RP? Storyline? Do tell. I love role playing. :D

  7. Atleast you didnt forget to message me! Thanks. <3 *hugs*

  8. Aww thankyou! Atleast someone didnt forget! *hugs*

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