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Status Updates posted by ForceFightWMe12

  1. Hey, don't worry about it! It isn't a big deal - I'm just trying to keep the thread clean of wanton posts =P And, at any rate, PMs usually get the message through faster.

  2. You're aliiiiiiiiiive!

  3. Sorry, Alk, but...I think I'm going to have to pass on this one =P Thanks anyway, though!

  4. Yeeeeeah, I was thinking that, and then decided against it. It's a Star Wars RP, yes, but...using stuff like that, to me, is annoying. Like using "For Merlin's sake!" in an HP RP. *shrug* Nice reaction to Mica, though XD

  5. Cute, eh? *eyebrow quirk* XD I'll see what I can do.

  6. That's perfectly fine ^.^ It was going to get boring if all he was doing was shooting into the crowd.

  7. Yeah, sure, why not xD The door was just blasted open and it's the main section of the compound, so it would be logical.

  8. Ah, sorry >.< I only got your message after having already posted. I wasn't aware that your character was hunting mine down...but if he wants to find Dominic on Coruscant at some point...

  9. Easy to join?? It's part 7! XDD I was, actually, looking at the RP some time last night. Send me a PM, and maybe I can get a hold of exactly what's going on.

  10. XDDDD ah, Tysy, you're so funny! Thank you, though :3

  11. My personal Found is going to start of on Dantooine - as I posted =P As for the Found in general, I think you said in the Casting Call that they were mostly concentrated on Courscant...?

  12. XDD Long time no see yourself, Tysy. I was checking out the RP forums again, just for kicks...I have a lot of time on my hands at this point. Maybe I will.

  13. Alright, so being a total nooblet to the Cantina, I went and posted the theme for this month's contest in a new thread - which means it's currently waiting to be ok'ed by a mod xD I wasn't totally sure if you had noticed it yet, but... I figured I'd poke you, just to make sure.

  14. OMG hi Ninererererererereeeeeeeeeeer! Thish new inboxness is confuuuuuuuuuuzingness

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