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Another GB.Com Taste Test

Darth Homer

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Today's taste-test is to verify whether or not Pepsico is telling the truth when it claims it's vanilla-flavored cola has "Not so much Vanilla".


First off, I would like to say that I really like Vanilla Coke and see no reason why the level of vanilla in it is a bad thing, but I did not let that get in the way of my biased opinion...uh, I mean UN-biased opinion...heh...


Anyway, on to the taste-test...I acquired 2 2-litre bottles, one of Vanilla Coke, the other of Pepsi Vanilla at the same store at the same time. Once home, I opened each & poured a bit into identical plastic cups. I took a few drinks of one and then the other. I did detect a difference, but it was no more so than the difference between Coke and Pepsi.


So there you have it. Choose whichever you want, it just comes down to whether you like Pepsi or Coke better.




This GB.com Taste Test was brought to you by Darth Homer! When buying Homers, choose DARTH Homer! Now with 10% more Darth!!


Also, a grant for research was made by NCR.

"NCR, employing Darth Homer since last September."

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Want Vanilla? Drink Cream Soda. I like Polar...


I didn't like Vanilla Coke. Haven't tried the Pepsi (and since I don't really like Pepsi it's unlikely I will either...)


Frankly, I'm getting tired of having to keep up with the latest attempts of the Cola conglomerates to corner a few more percentage points of that ever-elusive "Market Share" and cramming the "latest/ greatest" thing to ever hit the streets since the dawn of carbon-based life down our throats. When I want a Coke,.. I drink a Coke. I don't want it flavored with anything else... thankyouverymuch.

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Isn't vanilla coke supposed to be like cream soda?


Oh well, I DESPISE vanilla coke, never tried vanilla pepsi, but if it comes down to regular coke vs pepsi, it's definetely coke for me. Except that we live right next to someone who works at a pepsi factory, so every time we bring in coke from the car he gives us this look. :evanpiel:

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