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Late (Patch?) Request


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I think it would be awesome to have an option to turn off the weapons display at the bottom of the screen permanently.


I have a couple of reasons:


-One of my favorite things to do in the game is to put away my light saber after a duel. The sound and the slowly disappearing blade, as well as the "exclamation point" placed on a battle well fought, just rocks. And that's how they do it in the movies! [Anybody else like to do this?] However, the appearance of the weapons selection menu every time this is done is very annoying.


-I have all weapon positions memorized. I have no need for the display. [Not bragging here.]


Hopefully, this option is easily added to a future patch release.


What does everyone think?


Thank you very much for your time.

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This is something you can try:


open up notepad then cut & paste the following text there


set switch1 "cg_draw2d 1;weapon 1;set switcher vstr switch2"

set switch2 "cg_draw2d 0;weapon 1;set switcher vstr switch1"

set switcher "vstr switch1"

bind 1 "vstr switcher"


After that save the file in your jk2 base folder as Saber.cfg. Once you're in game, you can bind a key to start the script file for you by doing /bind x exec saber.cfg (replacing x with whatever key you want). Make sure that your saber is off before you execute the script. Once you've turned it on, whenever you hit the 1 key you're saber will turn on normally, but when you turn off your saber the different menus and stuff will disappear from the screen until your saber is turned on again. This is kind of a roundabout way to get what you want but it should help

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Originally posted by guest

-One of my favorite things to do in the game is to put away my light saber after a duel. The sound and the slowly disappearing blade, as well as the "exclamation point" placed on a battle well fought, just rocks. And that's how they do it in the movies!

Isn't it enough just to hit 1 so your saber de-activates? ;) Works for me, mate. (Like Mauly after the duel on Tattooine :D ) and it doesn't bring the display up.

I also think it looks 'harder' than switching to another weapon. Unless you're about to start blasting the corpse of course :p Which has been known from time to time :D



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Isn't it enough just to hit 1 so your saber de-activates? Works for me, mate. (Like Mauly after the duel on Tattooine ) and it doesn't bring the display up.


Actually, that is what I'm doing, and it DOES bring the display up. I should point out that I'm referring to the US demo at this time, though of course I plan to buy the full version as soon as I get my hands on it.

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