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spawning enemy kyle


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NPC SPAWN LUKE works (it crashed once for me, then it worked.. he's untextured and his saber is messed up, but he's in there)


The rancor one doesn't work, because the model is not included in the demo.



PS: About playing as Kyle Katarn, doors DO open for him, but he doesn't set off scripted events (and so you end up going through the level and its empty of enemies... because your presence makes them spawn in).


So what I did was have him sit in some quiet corner, and then have the player activate the enemies, then go hide, then switch back to Kyle, etc.


Just use the commands "CONTROL PLAYER" and "CONTROL <name>" (where <name> is what you named the Kyle bot you spawned). to keep everything going smoothly.


I noticed that sometimes Kyle's saber gets "stuck" in a blocking position (if he has to block a lot of shots) but this can be fixed by switching out of his body and back into the player, then back again.


Controlling Chewie is interesting, but he is pretty limited, and he runs out of ammo fast (his rate of fire on that bowcastor is INCREDIBLE).


Also, if you npc spawn Player, you can play as that one too! It's just like you except they have no force whatsoever (pretty weak).

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Originally posted by megatron

I have typed shift-tilde to bring up console. Tried helpusobi 1, devmap, devmapall; and then spawn npc kyle/luke/rancor; and it gives an error in the console saying its not a player character or something.

I just noticed the syntax is npc spawn kyle not spawn npc kyle!

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quick & dirty list of stuff that works:






Weequay (bowcastor IIRC)

Rodian (sniper version)

Rodian2 (st rifle)

Gran (thermal detonators)


Granshooter (st rifle)

Granboxer (fists)

Jawa (lol)

Luke (bug, crashes)

Trandoshan (Repeater, different colored outfits)





Cultist (gun)




Cultist_Lightning (untextured model)






Jedi_Random (various good guy helpers from the Academy!)

CultistCommando (very cool indeed)


R5D2 (the red one)

Protocol (C3PO)

Luke (untextured, and his saber is invisible, except when he throw it, it becomes a weird tricolored line segment thingy)


There's a few others in there that don't work. Feel free to add more...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Hey guys check it out... Jedi Outcast Mode!




npc spawn kyle <name> (can be whatever you want)


control <name>


It's Kyle! He can't shut off his saber or use other weapons and he has no HUD and you can use the sabercolor cheat to change his blade to whatever color you want.


He has:

- All the acrobatic moves

- Infinite Force Mana (not shown)

- All three saber stances associated with Single

- Push

- Pull

- Heal

- Jump

- Mind Trick

- Saber Throw

- Absorb

- Protect (he can use Absorb and Protect simultaneously)

- Lightning (it automatically shuts off Protect/Absorb)

- Grip


Now, I wonder if there is a way to get rid of the "blue tinted screen" effect while you play as him?


Also, if its the same as the control function was in JK2, he won't be able to throw switches...



Alternately if you have an "enemy kyle" you can setforceall 4 (or higher) and use Mind Trick to "control" Kyle for a short time (hit mind trick again to return to your own body).


In this mode, he will only have the saber stance that you had (on your character) when you grabbed him. Once in that stance, he can't change, unless you hop out of his body and do it all over again.


There seems to be two new stances if you use Setforceall 6. Blue, Yellow, Red, Red2 (has special moves from Blue & Red combined), Blue2 (there are a ton of them and they are all the same, basically a yellow with a slight variation, hit the change style button quickly to bypass them and go back to normal Blue, Yellow, Red, etc.)



How come i can't do it?:confused:

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[ crow, since you double posted, I'll just put it here.



Here's an example of what to do.


Go to the console, and type the following:




npc spawn kyle BOT


control BOT


(exit the console)



There! That's all you need. Make sure you have keys bound to the force powers I listed and you will be set. If Kyle dies or if you type:




in console you will go back into your own body.


You can type the following to kill Kyle if for some reason you need to:


npc kill BOT



Notice that I used "BOT" as the name, but you can give him any name you want. Thus you can have lots of Kyles running around and give them different names and thus micromanage them.


Good luck! - Kurgan]

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as anyone tryed importing all the jk2 charchters to the demo?

And has anyone tryed taking the jka charchters and put them in jk2 mp?


Sorry, it won't work. The demo has been locked so you can't edit it. According to the evidence, it appears that you'll be able to use most if not all of the JK2 characters in JA in the full version anyway, so no big deal.


As far as putting JA characters in JK2, I don't think that would be a good idea. On the one hand, you will have to scale down their polycounts and tweak them by hand, and on the other you may run into legal troubles with Lucas Legal and it's Large Lawyers.


Sorry, bad rhyme. ; )

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