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This game looks exactly like JKII? What gives?


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I played the last one for a long time and competed on TWL (as I do now in BF42) and I downloaded this expecting another awesome game. Sadly it looks the same and the sabers seem a little more vanilla then the first verion of JKII (not the crapped out 1.04).


Anyone else kind of annoyed by this?


Also the intro screens look like crap (Lukes face is really stupid looking) and the way they did the force power gauges at the begining isn't as clean as it was in JKII.


Last complaint, if you made the weapons any less accurate you play with your eyes closed.


Yet I will still be buying this game, so it isn't that bad. I'm just thinking it could look a little better. I can't wait to spank you all on Multiplayer.

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Originally posted by Destino

I played the last one for a long time and competed on TWL (as I do now in BF42) and I downloaded this expecting another awesome game. Sadly it looks the same and the sabers seem a little more vanilla then the first verion of JKII (not the crapped out 1.04).

Originally posted by Destino

More vanilla? How so? There are more saber styles and more moves. And there is no difference between 1.02 and 1.04 in JO SP. 1.04 only altered MP.


Originally posted by Destino

Anyone else kind of annoyed by this?

Since I have no idea what you mean, I guess not :)


Originally posted by Destino

Last complaint, if you made the weapons any less accurate you play with your eyes closed.

They seem plenty accurate to me. Perhaps you just need practice? :confused:
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the problem, destino, is that people nowadays are expecting EVERY new game to be revolutionary and in this day in age, it is VERY VERY hard to do that. In order for Raven to do that for a Star Wars game, they'd have to use like the Far Cry engine or something and kind of just play with it and release a game that would be unknown for what its capable of whereas with Jedi Academy, we already knew what Raven was capable of doing with the Q3TA engine, so that could a lot more with it since they knew teh basics and even some new stuff that they put INTO the engine.

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Originally posted by Prime

More vanilla? How so? There are more saber styles and more moves. And there is no difference between 1.02 and 1.04 in JO SP. 1.04 only altered MP.


1.02 - had very effective special attacks 1.04 made those same attacks useless and thus vanilla, as in basic attacks only, became the method of saber fighting. This game seems to follow that model even though the hit detection is more exact.



Originally posted by Prime

They seem plenty accurate to me. Perhaps you just need practice? :confused:


If there is one thing I know it's shooters. This games weapons are less accurate then almost every shooter out there with the possible exception of PlanetSide.

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Originally posted by Andy867

the problem, destino, is that people nowadays are expecting EVERY new game to be revolutionary and in this day in age, it is VERY VERY hard to do that. In order for Raven to do that for a Star Wars game, they'd have to use like the Far Cry engine or something and kind of just play with it and release a game that would be unknown for what its capable of whereas with Jedi Academy, we already knew what Raven was capable of doing with the Q3TA engine, so that could a lot more with it since they knew teh basics and even some new stuff that they put INTO the engine.


Well the actual game while playing it looks the same, that's not too bad I guess. But the screen prior to playing look 100 times worse. This thing looks like a nintendo game with it's amazing horrible graphics during mission selection and force selection. JKII was much cleaner.

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On the contrary, I felt that this game had a more "polished" feel added to the JK2 base.


Sure, there were a few minor things like model clipping with some of the characters, but I felt that it really didn't seem to be a "downgrade" from JK2.


If you are sick of JK2's look, then this game probably isn't for you.



Even though yes, yes, yes, it's not officially an expansion, I still view it as I viewed MotS for JK1. Takes the established game and runs with it, adding lots of features, and pushing the boundaries almost into sequel territory.


And since a lot of the stuff in JK2 was already just fine, they didn't feel the need to "fix it." Only add to it. This is how I think all good games in a series should be.


If they had used the Doom3 engine, the game probably wouldn't be out for another year. Do you guys really want that? They'd have to start completely from scratch... and what about all that stuff about limited online play in Doom3? C'mon people, really.


Sure, they could have gone with Unreal tech, which probably would have been great (Republic Commando is doing this) but honestly, they already had a great base to work with in JK2, so why not add to their existing knowledge and polish it up? I think Raven/LA made the right decision here.


As to the weapons, while it's true we didn't get any Stormtroopers to fight this time around, I did feel that the weapons felt a little bit better than in JK2.


I could actually hit stuff and enemies actually died in a reasonable amount of hits (except for those darn Mercenaries who appear to have really thick armor, but are inept as heck).


Though, considering most people will be using the sabers and Force in SP, I guess it isn't too much of a problem. I'm sure MP will have similar damage ratios, accuracy and weapon balance as we saw in JK2. And don't fret if you're sick of deathmatch and CTF, there is always Siege mode!

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I thought it looked pretty cleaned up, myself. Of course, I have everything turned up to maximum. I think the player models look better, the sabers look better (at least the animation), the effects are better, and the weapon models look so much better. Everything is smoother. I don't really see what you are talking about. Yes, it looks very similer, because...well, it's on the same engine. I think they did a very good job.

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Man I'm confused, what the hell are people expecting from this game??


I think it is a huge improvement on JK2, people are all upset because they can't spam one move over and over again and kill everything, thats what it is. The game has more depth then people can handle I guess.


JK2 was a far cry from perfect saber combat, there was spazing of moves, ie backslash, swing and twirl crap which is still in this game except its balanced with everything else and damn well balanced I might add. On top of that you have extra moves so whats the problem!? Guns seem to be the same to me.

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Don't forget, you were playing the sp version of the game. MP is a whole different slot of the game, the moves are probably slightly different, and damage ratios are probably way different.


Personally, the more like 1.2 the game is the more I'll like it, but I bet with the two new saber styles (duel wield and duel blade) theres going to be a lot of people flailing around like a chicken with their head cut off, spamming all those special moves.


The game was really similar, but that really didn't dissapoint me, since the only reason I stopped liking the game were all the silly things they did with their patches, I just barely got through 1.3 ass fighting, and 1.4 nurf to saber hits just took the fun from me.


JA is what we knew it would be, same engine, just much more blanced, tweeked, and having a ton of new moves. So basically take a game I like, and make it better, I'll pay for that.

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Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

I thought it looked pretty cleaned up, myself. Of course, I have everything turned up to maximum. I think the player models look better, the sabers look better (at least the animation), the effects are better, and the weapon models look so much better. Everything is smoother. I don't really see what you are talking about. Yes, it looks very similer, because...well, it's on the same engine. I think they did a very good job.


Cleaned up? Not even close.


The force select screen prior to actually playing looks like it belongs on the original nintendo screen. Lukes face on the mission intro screen looks like super nintendo. Neither of these inspire me to think 'clean' in fact it has the exact opposite effect.


As for the in game play it looks exactly the same to me and I have all my setting maxed. The only difference is the force light bending effect.


I don't see anything at all being smoother, perhaps you are comparing jedimod to this game, in that case the twin sabers and such are cleaner for obvious reasons.


The weapons are a dissapointing. They sucked in JKII they still suck. All the CTFers would tell you that their were only a few usable weapons in the JKII as opposed to other games. For example in BF42 if your rifle ammo runs low pull a pistol and get close it is still fairly effective. In this game you have completely worthless weapons and a few good one. At this point I would like to voice my dislike for the Gum ball (golan) thrower that continues to be part of this game, it is one of the goofiest weapons I've ever seen.


God I sound like such an ass, I really do like this game, I just was expecting more then a exp pack.

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As far as menu selection screens go, I couldn't give to sweet, you know the rest. I think the gameplay is what counts most of all and graphics come in a close second, I find nothing wrong with the graphics when everything is maxed.


One thing I hope thow is that they make the gunner enemies a bit harder in the full version, all they really did was stand there waiting for a saber to slice them, :)

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Originally posted by Destino

1.02 - had very effective special attacks 1.04 made those same attacks useless and thus vanilla, as in basic attacks only, became the method of saber fighting. This game seems to follow that model even though the hit detection is more exact.

So you must be talking about JO multiplayer, because the 1.04 patch did not alter the singleplayer game at all. You are comparing JO MP to JA SP, which is really an unfair comparison. We have no idea what JA MP will be like yet, since no one has played it.


Originally posted by Destino

If there is one thing I know it's shooters. This games weapons are less accurate then almost every shooter out there with the possible exception of PlanetSide.

Maybe your right, who knows? All I know is that I seem to be hitting things that I aim at.


This couldn't be situation of blaming the game when you miss, is it? :D j/k.

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Come on, they're working with an engine that is over three years old. I think the ingame graphics look pretty nice to be that old (well, they've tweaked the engine almost beyond recognition, but anyway), and the models have been noticable improved; at least what I can see. Better use these graphics and add more features than selling JK2 with beter graphics.

Hell, I'd almost pay for this game if it was an expansion adding only a few more maps and the concussion rifle. Yes, I love the conc. You want to mock me :D

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Did you feel the same way about the Flak Cannon in the Unreal series? rolleyes.gif


The flack cannon in unreal fires a set pattern that fits in with the guns shape, with all projectiles flying strait like a shogun. It had a secondary frag nade shot.


The golan fires odd patterns of gumballs and the secondary fires glowing gum balls that rolls around and bounce.


One looks designed for an adult the other looks designed by nerf.

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Hey.....do you really think your going to be using the guns. I played the demo five times now and have yet to use a weapon. Another thing I havent had any problems with the weapons accuracy. Except for the repeater but its supposed to be like that. People believe that everytime a sequal to a game comes out, its supposed to have Super Beefed up graphics, like nothing seen before. There doing the smart thing and concentrating on gameplay instead of graphics. Unreal 2 had awsome graphics.....but **** gameplay.

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It looks similar, certainly, but it's not exactly the same as JO. I had an absolute blast with the saber duels - some were quite tough, and I found myself trying to use all of the new moves in order to survive - so I don't buy the thing about the 'basic' combat.


I do agree that some of the guns seem to have been nerfed. Not necessarily in the accuracy department, but in the amount of damage they cause. The one that really sticks out is the E-11 blaster rifle. I actually stood 'arms length' away from a Trandoshan and drilled it with secondary E-11 fire for a good few seconds - and he still ran away. Either the hit detection is slightly off...or they've nerfed the E-11 damage ratios to make it almost useless. I mean, there's something wrong when I can take down enemies with a powered-up single shot from the Blasterch DL-44...but drilling enemies with rapid fire from a supposedly even more powerful weapon does hardly anything.


For that reason, I made sure I didn't select the E-11 the second time through. The Bowcaster and Disruptor are great for long range accuracy. The heavy repeater secondary is very satisfactory for taking down little groups.


Having said all that...I relied more on the lightsaber than anything else. I'm glad they decided to limit your initial weapons load-out going into missions...because you don't really need that many guns to get through the game.


I played on Jedi Knight setting, and it was a good challenge.


Of course, I had a great laugh listening to the Cultists tell me how they were going to deal with me...then I simply pushed them before they could reach the ledges and watched them hurtle to oblivion. :D


The only thing I objected to was in the Jedi Tomb level...where...



...your character says "How am I going to get down there?"


I actually accidentally slipped off the ledge above...and managed to do wall jumps to slow my descent...and landed safely on the path far below (I know this, because my health was quite high on landing) - but then 'died' a second or so after landing. That's a classic case of 'you're not meant to go that way...so let's kill you off', and it grated a bit. That could actually have been a very dangerous but immensely rewarding alternative path to get down.


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I actually hoped you get to walk around in the academy and talk to luke or kyle for new missions.

I also don't like the briefing screens. Raven already did that in Elite Force. Not very spectacular. I want something like Unreal II had.


For the JKII looks in JA, I am quite happy. Though I think the graphics, especially the level of detail improved a lot.

And the level architecture of the Jedi Tomb is just great. Better than anything in JKII.

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Feh. Compared to JKII, it looks better. It does! All the models look better. The guns are accurate. It doesn't look exactly like JKII. And who cares about the weapon selection screen? I mean, seriously. "Whoa, the graphics are awesome when you select your force powers!"...I don't think so. Personally, I don't give a crap for the startup stuff...just the gameplay. I guess it's just opinion.


Hah! StormHammer...that's funny.



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The golan fires odd patterns of gumballs and the secondary fires glowing gum balls that rolls around and bounce.


One looks designed for an adult the other looks designed by nerf.


LoL! I hate to see your description of a Lightsaber. ; )


Seriously though the Flak Cannon and the FC1's primary fire are pretty much identical (the shots it fires are shards, not "gumballs") except that the FC1 fires fewer "pieces" per shot.


Secondary fire of the Flak Cannon fires a canister with a smiley face on it that detonates like a lightbulb full of gunpowder.


Secondary fire of the FC1 launches two glowing grenades... "gumballs" as you call them.


Why do you mockingly call them gumballs? Because they are round??


I suppose the round shape makes them not "real" weapons and thus deserving of your mockery.


Oh wait, I forgot, Thermal Detonators are round... and so are real hand grenades, and so are real life mines, shot gun pellets, BB gun shot, etc etc.


Good golly man, if its so bad to look at, why don't you model swap the grenades so they are cubes? rolleyes.gif


And who are you to say what sci fi/fantasy weapons from a galaxy far far away (and a long long time ago) are supposed to look like? Seriously...

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