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Created characters (make up your own)


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This thread's for the more dramatic JA players who like to mod action/role -playing scenario's with their very own characters, and already have the demo down loaded. Since JA is so much friendlier to you would-be Lucas's out there, in terms of character creation, why don't you share your intended creation's with the world? Here's what I'd like to see:


Character Name:




Era: [ New Republic, Old Republic, if your character is an ancient Jedi/Sith from the past please list how many years before the classic trilogy he existed and how he/she died in your Bio. ]


Alligience: [Republic, Imperial, Jedi, Sith ]


Bio: [ Who your character is, how they came to the force, if they're living or dead. ]



Force Allignment: [ Light, Dark ]


Saber Style: [ Single, dual, double ]


Rank: [ Your character's current ranking from Padiwan to Jedi Master, or the Sith equilivant. Please note that only so many Dark Lord's of the Sith existed before you think about claiming that title for yourself. However if your character was an apprentice to a Dark Lord, he can still call himself Darth. ]


And finally a screen shot of your character looking noble, or horrendously evil. I really like seeing the imagination of your community at work, so I hope to see some wicked cool stories and screen shots!

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Trax Ten


Kel Dor Male


New Republic




You could call Trax a self made Jedi, uniquely discovering the Force for himself as an advanced youth. He sought after Luke Skywalker after realizing what he had. Now good freinds with all in the New Republic and especially mature in the Force, he looks towards advancing to Jedi Knight with his female Twi'Lek freind Arzen. They have done many missions together and are sure to be exceptional freinds and Jedi.


Light Side


He prefers dual sabers at most times, but has become adept with the staff as well, thanks to Arzen who uses it with outstanding ability.




Top 2 of Arzen, bottom of Trax Ten.

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Well I did have an D20 RP character once


Zarr Kodin


Human male


Old Republic, rhoughly 500 years before the battle of Yavin.


Jedi, ofcourse.


As so many Jedi of the old republic , Zarr was discovered to be Force sensitive very early on in his life and taken away to Coruscant to start his training in the ways of the Force. He stuck to the teachings and ideals of the Jedi code like glue and soon became rather pacifistic in his ways. Around the age of 12 he became the padawan of Oden Al'merra, who took young Zarr to his home on Corellia for training. There his skills increased , and learned more about the Force, but he soon learned as well that his master was far more eager to reach for his lightsaber and solve the problem in a violent manner than the apprentice. Something which to this day still bothers the young padawan. Around the age of 18 Zarr succeeded in building his own lightsaber, a simple hilt design with a green blade. Although proud of achieving that he rather doesn't use it unless there is no other option.


As you can tell, Zarr's very attuned to the light side of the Force.


He uses a single lightsaber in a careful manner when dealing with an opponent wielding another lightsaber. Concentrating on blocking his opponent's strikes and waiting for an opening to either cut the hilt of the enemy's lightsaber or cutting off the hand seeing that he prefers not to take any lives unless there is no other choice. (with a lone gun wielding opponent he'd simply draw the gun from their hands to end it quickly, with multiple gunners however he'd do his best to deflect the shots back to non vital parts of the body, ofcourse, something he spent more time on a fight than necaserry trying not to harm his opponent's too badly, although preferably he avoids an armed conflict all together)


And alas the only image of Zarr exists in my mind ^.^ If there's a head in the finished game that resembles my idea of Zarr, along with an outfit that's true enough to the traditional Jedi robes, I'll slap him together and take a screenshot. Or I could ask some of my artistically talented friends to draw him.

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Character Name: Lord Kyle Katarn


Species: Human


Era: New Empire


Alligience: Imperial Sith


Force Allignment: Dark


Saber Style: Single & Dual


Rank: Dark Lord


Bio: Born to farming parents on Sulon and a promising student in the Imperial Academy, Kyle left the Academy when a Rebel spy named Jan Ors showed him proof that his parents were murdered not by the Alliance, but by an Imperial black ops team that was subsequently covered-up and blamed on the Rebels. He subsequently became a mercenary for hire and helped the Alliance find the Death Star plans and stop the "Dark Trooper" project masterminded by General Mohc and Moff Rebus.


Even with his successes with his new Alliance partners, Kyle continued to trust only one person fully... Jan Ors, the spy who had revealed to him the truth about the Empire. Wishing to remove himself from political squabbles after the death of the Emperor at the Battle of Endor, he went off by himself to try to piece his life back together.


Following a lead, he travelled to Nar Shaddaa and learned from a droid named 8t88 who his father's killer was... a self-proclaimed "Dark Jedi" named Jerec who had plans for the rebirth of the Empire.


Seeking out Jerec, Kyle felt an irresistable pull towards the Valley of the Jedi, an area that had been impregnated with the trapped spirits of thousands of Jedi who had fought a desperate battle countless centuries ago. With the lightsaber and secret map he recovered from his fathers ruined home on Sulon he headed off on a mission of vengance.


Like a one man-wrecking crew, Kyle tore through Jerecs agents and the small army he had amassed at the Valley of the Jedi installation. The Force reached out to him and he could draw strength from the energy of the Jedi. Yet the Darkside continued to beckon him, form the evil forms trapped there alongside the good.


In his final battle with Jerec, Kyle gave in to hatred and smote down his opponent with blood lust in his heart that he had never before known.


After the battle, he recalled how he had cut down the young apprentice Yun, who had had a change of heart and left Jerec's side. Kyle laughed at the pathetic heroism of the young man and had showed him no more mercy.


Jerec's former second in command, the female Jedi Sariss, had been all to eager to swear her eternal allegiance to the victor. Yet there was something about this woman that he liked. Perhaps it was the single-minded lust for power that they shared. Perhaps one day he would have to kill her, but not today.


His former partner Jan was already dead, smote down in a moment of madness much earlier. It had troubled him greatly at first.. throwing his emotions into chaos. He didn't care anymore... not about his Father, or Jan, or about anything more than the incredible power that was now his to command.


He spent weeks in the Valley basking in the power. The thousands of voices all fought for precedence in his mind. The confusion almost drove him compeltely over the edge into Force Madness. Yet he sought out the calmer voices that told him of the great power he could wield.. even the ability to destroy a star with the Force alone. Kyle was intriuged, and he shut out the other voices clamoring for him to resist the darkness.


Finally, his body emaciated from lack of food and water, his clothes tattered and dirty, he broke out of his trance.


Kyle realized that the incredible power could NOT be controlled with the limited skills with the Force from his natural ability, or the preliminary lessons he had learned from the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker.


No, if he was to learn how to control this awesome power, he would have to seek after ancient and forbidden knowledge.


Again Kyle summoned up the calm voice, of a long-dead Master. The Master told him of a planet far off known as Dromuund Kass, which held a long ruined and extinct temple. This temple belonged to a deadly Darkside cult known as the Sith. The Sith were once a force in the galaxy to be reckoned with, but Vader had been the last of their religion and he was dead and gone. He had been a traitor in his final moments, forsaking the Dark for the Light.


Guided by the voice in his head from the new Master, Kyle nurished himself and returned to his patient apprentice.


In a devestating turn of events, Kyle returned in force to retake Palpatine's old palace. After a bloody battle, all opposition was crushed or forced into full retreat. Others surrenderd to him and those that were not executed became his loyal subjects.


In triumph, he and Sariss entered the ancient throne room. He donned Sith robes and declared himself a new Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor.


His powers were incredible indeed, sending his foes fleeing in panic. The threat of his power was all too real, when he forced the Republic to flee before an exploding sun. However this power sapped almost all of his strength and Kyle lay in a coma for several days (though Sariss did not dare press her advantage and kill her master, to her regret).


Upon his return, he remembered the words of the Master again, and decided to make his journey before his new powers destroyed him from within.


His journey did not go unnoticed. New Republic spies had been keeping loose tabs on Kyle ever since he left their service. His absence had been met with the assumption that he was dead. Finally reports of the "New Emperor" had finally been confirmed as being linked to Kyle.


Intelligence reported that Kyle was unstable and that he was seeking a way to control his power. When his ship was seen leaving for an unknown planet, a Republic Agent made her move.


The surviving Republic leaders had heatedly debated their options, many calling for an orbital bombardment of the planet and a simultaneous suicide attack on the Imperial Palace. Others had argued that these were the tactics of the Empire, not the Republic. The new Senate was deadlocked, and the Luke Skywalker had another suggestion... send someone to bring Kyle out, dead or alive. Luke planned to go, but the Republic refused to allow their only Jedi Master to sacrifice himself.


A young woman known as Mara Jade, who had been converted from the Dark shadow of Emperor Palpatine by Luke Skywalker set out to investigate, against the advice of her teacher. It may have been due in part to her growing affection for the man she once hated, but she would not yet admit this to herself.


Meanwhile Kyle had been forced to fight for his life in the Sith Temple, encountering the angry spirits of the long-dead Sith and their Darkside abominations. Yet, once conquered, the Dark spirits found kinship with their new master. Kyle learned many secrets from them. He began to feel more in control of the voices in his mind, and the powers threatening to burst from his skin at the slightest provocation.


Mara tried to stop him first in Lightsaber combat. Kyle proved a worthy adversary and forced her into retreat. He gave her a choice... join me as my apprentice, or die. Mara chose death.


Foolish. Did she really think she could "save" one who had become master of the lost Sith arts?


He took Mara's purple lightsaber with him as a trophy, along with the green blade he continued to carry, which, according to legend had been given to the late Qu Rahn by Master Yoda for safe keeping. He had sensed that the two dead Jedi would not approve of how the saber was now being used, but he didn't care.


Returning from Dromuund Kass a changed man, full of power and a calm, controlled rage in triumph, Kyle found something he had NOT forseen in all of his revelry.


Sariss had been left to re-take control of what remained of Jerec's forces and defend the Valley from anyone too curious.


This had been all too easy for someone of Sariss's skill. She simultaneously projected loyalty and inwardly planned to usurp Kyle's power for herself. Yet she was not the Master he was. The Jedi spirits in the Valley were now Kyle's slaves and refused to listen to her pleadings and threats.


Upon Kyle's return, he found his apprentice defiant, challenging him to a fight to the finish. He warned his apprentice that with his power he could destroy her easily, but she would not listen...


She needed his powers NOW, before the Republic launched a desperate attempt to overthrow them by any means necessary.


[To be continued.....!]




No screenshot yet.. waiting for the full version for modability. ; )

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Character Name: Cary'd Rogöt:D (tht's actually my jedi name)


Species: Kel dor Male(red clothes)


Era: New Republic.


Alligience: Jedi


Bio: Student at the Jedi academy on yavin 4.(:doh: couldn't make up anything better...)


Force Allignment: Light


Saber: A green vanisquer double bladed saber.


Rank: Jedi Adept

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Name: Azlon Tir


Species: Human


Era: Old republic 125 years before ANH. Azlon was killed in battle with a Jedi (I will explain in a moment)


Alliegence: Republic-Light side Jedi


Bio: Azlon was born on Corellia. As is traditional of Jedi ways, he was reported to be force sensitive, and a Jedi was dispatched to Corellia to bring him to the Jedi Temple. Azlon's home was raided by a pair of dark jedi trying to intercept the force sensitive child. His parents were murdered in front of him but Master Jedi Jin-Kat Solus arrived before the dark jedi could take the boy. Strangely they fled in spite of thier obvious tactical advantage. Orphaned, Master Solus took Azlon to the temple to begin his training. Azlon was a model student at the temple, and even helped and encouraged his fellow students. But Azlon could occasionaly be seen with a troubled look to him. Somthing caused him to loose sleep, and saddened him a bit. Master Solus took a distinct liking to the boy and kept an eye on his progress, and when the padawan selection ceremony arrived, It was Master Solus who accepted him as his padawan Learner. Azlon developed a close bond with his master over the years and even saved his life during one of thier missions. He was deeply saddened when Master Solus died. As he died, he told Azlon about his parents to help him deal with the nightmares that had troubled him all of those years. While this eased his troubled mind and ended the nightmares, Azlon now had to fight anger for the first time. He did this quite well. After a while as a Knight, He eventualy reluctantly look a padawan, ( a much longer story in itself). They went on many missions together and developed a bond stronger then either of them realized. It was however during an encounter with two dark warriors on Vistanir, that the shadows of the past were revealed to Azlon. He learned that the master of this pair was once the apprentice of the man responsible for the death of his parents. Azlon fought the rage building inside of him, but in the heat of battle, Azlon's apprentice, just weeks away from her trials to become a Knight, was cut down. Azlon was no longer able to fight his anger, and in a blind rage of hatred took her lightsaber, and destroyed the dark master Seiron. The consequences of this action pulled Azlon down as he turned to the Dark Side, unable to feel warmth or compassion anymore. The apprentice escaped Azlon, but left him with a message. "The Sith will rise again!" Azlon never told anyone of this information. A few months later, Azlon challenged a Jedi and was killed, taking news of the continuing existance of the Sith to his grave.



Fighting Style: As a Jedi Knight, Azlon used a single sky blue lightsaber. After the death of his apprentice Pandesta Castyl, he used 2 Lightsabers, his own blue blade and Pandesta's green blade. Once he embraced the darkside fully, he modified Pandesta's lightsaber to project a red blade. He continued to use 2 lightsabers until he was killed.



Here is a pic of Azlon:


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Character Name: Damen Aldrh'n


Species: Human Male


Era: The New Republic


Allegiance: None. Considered a Dark Jedi


Force Allignment: Dark Side


Saber: Damen's Saber


Rank: Equivalent to Jedi Knight


Bio: After the Second Death Star's destruction and the death of Emperor Palpatine, Jerec, a Dark Jedi Lord and his followers seize control of the Empire. He then proceed in his quest to find the legendary Valley of the Jedi, where he would find untold power to eliminate all the rebel insurgents, preventing them from regainning control of the Galaxy restoring the Republic.


But Jerec was not the only one seeking the Imperial Throne. Just before his sucessfull ascension to power, he defeated the Dark Jedi Master Korr Sa-Mott, a rival that barelly survived this encounter.


While Jerec searched for the Valley of the Jedi, Korr Sa-Mott retreated back to his remote sactuary and trainning grounds. There he sought help for although as powerful as Jerec, he could not withstand against jerec and his 6 Dark Jedi followers. Korr had his eye on a youngster called Damen Aldrh'n, an orphan kid that lived off the streets as a petty thief but that never harmed anyone, for he had sensed the force and potential in him. So he seeked young Aldrh'n and took him by force.


Being an orphan and having only few to no friends, Damen couldn't except anyone to care... less chances even that someone would rescue him from the most feared man in the region.


Korr knew he had little time before either Jerec grew too powerful or the Rebellion would establish a new Republic, so he had to work fast in both developing Damen's skill with the force and saber, as well as guaranteeing his allegiance as a Dark Side apprentice.


To Be Continued...

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Without delay, the trainning began, and Damen suffered hard during that time. The trainning grounds were spread out through an area filled with volcanic activity. Suffiocating sulphorous gases and the hot air made the air barely breathable and the burning sand below his feet along with constant and abusive mistreat by his master was what Damen could expect everyday. While his Force and Saber skills increased tremendously, his personality remained true to himself. Although hating his master, he would not give in to anger. For he had an anchor... Korr's daughter Marin who whas the only one to show compassion for him since his trainning began, and also most of his life.


Marin was not force sensitive so Korr neglected her for most of her life and kept her as nothing more than a servant. She was nothing like her father since she had as little contact with him as possible, something they both rather keep that way. Although she didn't like her father, she was too frightened to do anything about it.


Marin would sneak in when Damen was not trainning and would tend to him, bringing him food and water. Damen had found the one true friend for the first time in his life, and that kept the dark side at bay.


After a while, Korr found out that jerec had been defeated and the Empire withered as the New Republic sucessfully establish itself as the new government in the Galaxy. Korr began growing weary of Damen's refusal to give in to his anger and when he found out about his daughter's escapades to help Damen, he saw the connection. He would exert phisical punishment on her often before Damen's eyes as he would know that would probably anger him... and it did, and Korr could perceive it. But Damen was strongwilled and would not fall... although more agressive, he still held back. Korr's joy was short as he the new found frustration grew into unprecedented levels. And to make matters worse he now faced even more opposition as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker re-establshied the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. Korr's time to act was running shorter than ever before.


Sonn afterwards, Damen was ordered by his Master to do the standard training on the volcanic wasteland as he had to re-work his plans. Damen's training was hard and Marin dared venturing into the training ground to bring Damen some water. As Korr returned to Damen and saw his daughter disobeying him again in a worse way than ever, he was furious. His own anger took over and he reached for his saber and dashed towards Damen with the intent of killing him as the useless maggot he was.


Just as Korr as about to slash Damen with a horizontal thrust, Marin got in the way and was impaled by the hot light blade instead of him. Damen was shocked and petrified for a moment. Korr threw Marin's body at the ground and told Damen he was next for such is the fate of all weaklings. Damen bursted into a crying rage and asked him why did he killed his own daughter. He felt an unprecedented burst of rage as Korr replied Why Not? for she was no use to him anyway.


Damen ignited his lightsaber and leap towards his Master dishing out strike after strike. As Korr backed out, barelly blocking Damen's attacks, he realised this was what he had been aimming for, and taunted Damen even further and feeding his hatred towards him. Damens anger became so that in a matter of seconds Korr's Saber Hilt was severed, followed by his right forearm and tumbled into the ground defeated.


Korr was pleased and laughed at Damen in a taunting but approving way. As Damen paused for a mommen, Korr got on his knees and say Damen now had two choices. He would either kill him on the spot and become the new master, or he could join up and claim the Galaxy alongside him. Either way, Damen was ready.


Damen looked at his grin, then at Marin's dead body. His mind cleared up and his willpower regained. He replied No. Either way he would be doing what His Master Korr Sa-Mott wanted, so he arrangedfor a third option. Keeping him alive and defeated ws the worse thing he could do to him. So he switched off his lightsaber and walked away, taking Marin's body with him.


Korr was too astonished and without raction or strength to stop him. He had lost his apprentice. All Damen could hear at a distance was his former master's cries of vengeance. He couldn't care.. he would disapear and he would never be found.


Damen found a quiet spot he knew years ago and built a funeral pyre for Marin where he allowed himself to shed a single tear for the last time.


Wanting to leave the planet as soon as possible, Damen headed for the nearest spaceport and took a transport on the first ship he could find and spent the following year travelling around the systems.


Korr wasn't finished though, and after he healed up his wounds he relentlessly searched the galaxy for Damen. If he could not be turned, then he will be destroyed.


To Be Continued...

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Fice years have passed since Damen escaped his Master's gripand he is now 18 years old. He settled on a remote and little populated planet where he built his own sactuary and training grounds where he developed his connection with the force to higher levels. He had heard of the Jedi Academy but he distrusted and dislike people so much as he disliked having a master other than himself. He would never again be controlled by anyone, and anyone who stood in his path would be promptly dispatched. Several thugs and other scum found out the hard way. Even a couple of Jedi from the Academy on Yavin 4 met their death at Damen's Saber. Rumour of a dangerous unknown and presumedly Dark Jedi reached the jedi Academy, but Masters Skywalker and Katarn's efforts to track him down where to no avail.


2 years later, on one of his ocasional travels, he found himself on Nar Shadaa. As usual finding an isolate place, Damen stood, lost in his thoughts in a balcony overlooking the vertical city and the passing ships. Suddenly he felt a disturbance in the force and he instantly knew what it was. Korr had found him. Damen turned around and walked in. As he well knew, Korr appeared in front of him and Gave him one last chance to join him or perish.


Damen's answers was quick as he drew his lightsaber and apporached his former master. They got involved in a heated duel. All of the bystanders flew in fear. As they dueled on they moved into a hangar and a ship was landing. It turned out to be one of nar Shadaa's crime bosses arriving. His bodyguards openned fire on the two lihtsaber wielding threats. For a moment, the 2 stopped dueling, deflected several bolts back and Damen took out a platform that fell on top of the bodyguards which allowed their escape.


As they retreated they foundthemselves dueling on a long bridge that connected two distant building of Nar Shadaa. But once again they were interrupted. The Crime Lord's security was hot on their trail and a ship appeared above the bridge and fired upon them. As they dodged and deflected the incoming blaster bolts, Korr discharged a lightning bolt at the small craft and threw his lightsaber straight at the engine. The ship became severelly damaged and crashed down on the bridge destroying it at the middle. The two foes both escaped using the force to speed them up, but they became separated as each stood on it's own side of the bridge.


Having no way to continue their duel, they swore revenge on each other and ran away as fast as they could as now the whole city will be looking for them as a bounty was surelly on their heads by then.


Damen escaped Nar Shadaa with little effort, but he knew that now, Korr Sa-Mott must die. Also the Jedi Academy will surelly ear of this and now things just uglier. He cleared his tracks to the best he could do and headed for someplace he could be safe for a short time. It's not over.


Damen's Future is uncertain and anything can be expected. Death, his continued life in emotional darkness as the forever free loner, redemption... these are but a few of the possible fates in store for Damen. His story is far from over.




This story is meant to take place from right before JK1 up to Jedi Academy and further even. This was part of a original storyline that I wanted to make for JO, but never actually left the drawing board. To understand Damen and why I dont consider him a Dark Jedi but more of a Non-Jedi is because he has no interest in power whatsoever. He was scarred in a diferent way. He always lived for himself and he always will. Always the loner, he remained the loner up till now. Anyone who opposes him is a threat to his personal freedom and must be dealt with.

Korr too changed. His interest in power dimmed as his frustration, obcession and desire for vengeance took first place in his priority list. More than ever he wants to turn Damen to his side... but at the same time, he wants to kill him. These 2 feelings go hand in hand and are equally his main goal, totally dividing this character's intentions.

I still dont know what the outcome of this story will be, but if I ever make something else out of this... I will definetly look into it.


As a final note: I like this thread, and Kurgan's long post made me want to tell about my lil character. Hope more will contribute in a simillar way.



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are u guys kidding me? there have been plenty of Sith warriors:


Marka Ragnos--The original Sith warlord, he started the DISCIPLES of RAGNOS listen to the demo Mos Eisley level, what do u think is backing those mercernaries? that's right, Sith f'ers.


Exar Kun, the most powerful Jedi that ever lived.


Ulic Qel-Droma, a later broken Jedi, yet he was an incredible saberist.


Satal Keto, Aleema, King Uren Ommin, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh, Freedon Nadd, Cilos Denarii (The Denarii Nova are named after him), Queen Amanoa, Vima-di-Grugelen, Crado (Exar Kun's old fellow student), not to mention Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker themselves.


That list doesnt include the countless Masters from the Sith Empire under Ragnos, nor does it include those that stole power from the Vally of the Jedi on Ruusan. Hell it doesnt include the witches of Dathomir either. So there. There were plenty of the, believe me.

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Sorry no picture (on dialup right now)


Character Name: Jiosh Lasin


Species: Human


Era: New Republic


Alligience: Merc, Jedi


Bio: Jiosh began life on Coruscant. Living on the capital world of the Empire made life as a small time criminal tough without having the right friends. Jiosh did not have a good life, but most was his own doing. Stealing small things at first, then moving up to guns, R2 units, and speeders.


During one such event, the previous owner of the speeder had placed a safety precaution. Should someone steal his ride it would automaticly turn off after 10 minutes. So as Jiosh was riding away feeling proud he promptly began to fall from the great hights of the city proper. Nothing he did would work, the damn machine just would not turn back on. He debated what to do, after all that fall... is a long ways... should he scream and yell, or accept his fate. Suddenly a wash of realization came to him. Without thinking he stood up on the speeder, looked over the edge and watched as the different levels wooshed by him. Closing his eyes... he jumped blindly, smashing into a garbage crawler near the edge of a platform. Laying in the trash with people rushing up to see if he was okay, all they heard was laughing.


From then on he took more and more chances, hoping that his "luck" would always save him. He insulted gang members, somehow moving fast enough to avoid any blows to the head and excape. He jumped to and fro on passing passenger busses to reach other platforms. Anything to get a new thrill.


Ahh but as always, thrill comes at a great price, and soon the Empire cought up with him. He never knew he was using the force until a sqaud of Stormtroopers came calling. He was captured and interrigated, abused and brainwashed. He knew nothing of the force or jedi, but the Empire tried to see if they could use him to located more force sensitive people. Once they descovered he could not, he was sentanced to death. During the exacution he was visited by a rebel spy. If Jiosh would use his skills to help assasinate a general, the spy would make sure he was set free and taken to a safe location. Jiosh didnt trust the spy but figured it was at least better then certain death. He agreed and was secretly smuggled out and replaced by a look alike.


The assination was easy. Use his speed to distract and get the guards away fromt he general the real killer will take the target out. Then help Jiosh get away. Things did no go as planned, the killer was found out and captured before hand, the plan was broken and to cover themselves the Rebel coverts allowed Jiosh to face the guards alone and use him as a scapegoat. Jiosh servived only by knowing the area well and hiding in the slums far below the military forces. He figured he would be there for the rest of his life until word spread, and the battled began. The city fell and was overrun by New Repuclic forces. They found Jiosh and took him to Yavin for safe keeping as per Skywalkers wishes.


He began as one of Lukes first students, his wild streak kept him from being better and he soon found himself slipping far below the other newer students in ability. One by the name of Desann even took to calling him "Mouse" because he has about the same skill as a force sensitive mouse. Jiosh eventually left the school and used his abilities to help influence trainers around the galaxy to teach him multiple weapon skills. He spent years out and about as a gun-for-hire and bounty hunter/assasin. All the while he kept self practicing in the Force. Hearing of Desann's betrayal and assault on the Academy he returned to help defend the Jedi School. He fought one of the Reborn along with a fellow student. The Reborn was mighty and carried a yellow saber. He barely survived the encounter and the other student was killed. Suddenly he knew what Skywalker had always mentioned, the calm that will help guide oneself. Without hesitation he threw his saber and guided it into the back of the Reborn. After the battle he picked up the yellow saber and has kept it ever sence. He had left his saber at the school for safe keeping when he left, as Skywalker always asks any students who do not finish training. He now wishes to continue his training and uses both his lightsaber and the captured Reborn's. He secretly studies with the Reborn's saber the darker paths. Using grip to float the saber and other objects.


Force Allignment: Neutral, with Grip only.


Saber Style: Single and dual



Rank: Padiwan (actually the step up from Padiwan just dont know the name)

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Why didn't you use the spoiler tag??


Well, if this person is from the EU already, then it was possible to know about him (or her) already.


And in the demo it clearly refers to them (the Cultists) as "the Disciples of Ragnos."


So it's not that big a spoiler really.

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