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Best Way To Get Pistol XP


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I originally posted this as a reply to this thread but I feel it should be posted as its own topic so everyone knows.


Originally posted by MasterJo in the Bounty Hunters thread

Questions for BH: I'm havin trouble with the pistol xp for the last of the pistol tree, any suggestions? same with trappin and survival, i know buildin traps and camps now count as survival.


I assume your talking about pistol xp under the marksman tree since you said you are still working on marksman and scout. You need to purchase a ticket to Lok. You can only get there from 3 planets I think. Naboo, Tatooine and I can't remember the other planet you can get to Lok from. The onlt starport on Lok is Nym's stronghold. Now what you want to look for is Snorbals. There used to be Snorbal missions but last night we could not find any and we feared they had nerfed the snorbal off the face of the map. We went out looking and they were still there though. You will need to go southeast to look for them. What you need to do is hit them with a bleed then run them in big circles. Don't let them get close they will kill you very fast. If you keep running in a big circle they will not catch you. They give around 1500 to 3500 pistol xp each. When you find a Snorbal lair see how many males are around. The elder and mature males will attack you if you fire on another Snorbal while you are in thier range. Female and calf's will not attack unless you fire on them. If there are males try to get one that is off by itself. Get about 64m away from it and try to make sure there are no other males in range. Even if you do aggro 2 or 3 males you can run them all in circles. Some lairs only have females and calfs. 2 nights ago I got 90,000 pistol xp off one lair and didn't get incaped once. Like I said, they took the missions away as of last night. I hope they don't take the Snorbal out all together. Remember to keep your mask scent up at all times. Happy hunting!!!!

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well your kind of right and kind of not. He does not have pistol 4 on marksman which means he does not have health shot 1 which is the shot im talking about. that shot bleeds the target. I should have said that I know there is another bleed shot. He could have health shot 1 even if he does not have master marksman. And as far as groups go, They stink!!!!! They are unorganized, you often find yourself standing around in one spot for long periods of time doing nothing. To this day I have never got anywhere near 90,000 pistol xp while in a big group but I can go hunt Snorbal on Lok by myself and get 90,000 pistol xp in about 90 minutes without getting incaped once. Anyway, why would you want bad faction with ewoks? They are too cool to kill. I like to visit their tree city sometimes.

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I know groups, especially pickup groups, can be horrible. You need to be careful. I was fortunate enough to have 5 nice, good players, join me. We roamed around Endor killing whatever we could. I got tons of experiance on that trip and it worked out really really well.


Your strategy for Lok sounds interesting but also sounds like a high risk. Personally I've been slowly getting my skills up on my own. I do imperial missions which are also allowing me to rake in money, exp, and faction points.

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You think my strategy is high risk but you tell him to go kill ewoks! roflmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you really killed ewoks with only a 6 person group? From what I hear Ewoks are hard to kill and they always are in big packs. Did I hear wrong? I have been to Endor and anyone will tell you it is a much more dangerous planet than Lok is. You should really try the Snorbal. No risk really if you know what you are doing. If you dont run into a rock or something and let the snorbal catch you. You just run in a circle and they never catch you. What could be more easy than that?

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I was on Endor and it is very hard. I am a Novice Commando and have some Pistoleer. By myself everything I came across was in RED. I died like 5 times out there and I was grouped with 3 low level characters.

Then later that night I grouped with like 5 good characters with good Pets and It was still tough. Although I was already in really bad shape from eariler.

I have a question I was killing Ewoks and now wish I didn't. I am a Wookiee and every Ewok I killed I got like -250 Ewok faction EXP. So the next day online I looked and I have now almost

-3000 Ewok standing points. Is this bad if I'm Rebel? How can I correct this?

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Originally posted by Rado

I was on Endor and it is very hard. I am a Novice Commando and have some Pistoleer. By myself everything I came across was in RED. I died like 5 times out there and I was grouped with 3 low level characters.

Then later that night I grouped with like 5 good characters with good Pets and It was still tough. Although I was already in really bad shape from eariler.

I have a question I was killing Ewoks and now wish I didn't. I am a Wookiee and every Ewok I killed I got like -250 Ewok faction EXP. So the next day online I looked and I have now almost

-3000 Ewok standing points. Is this bad if I'm Rebel? How can I correct this?


There are creatures that run around outside the Ewok village. I can't remember their name but someone told me they are the enemy of the Ewok's. I bet they will give you good Ewok faction if you kill them. You better have a big group to fight them though.

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killing snorbals or banthas is the way to get xp. they both run as fast as you do so as long as you don't stop you'll be ok. not to mention the harvest xp is a ton too. speaking of which i need to take another trip to lok only problem is that it's a ghost town on the tempest server.

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see there you go. ask anyone who has killed snorbal and they will tell you. you get massive xp. pistol xp, trapping xp and scout xp. make up some glow wire traps. attach them to some function keys. when the snorbal is almost dead they will stop chasing you and they will start to wlk away from you. when they do this start throwing the traps. you can throw multiple traps on one snorbal. i have got over 10,000 trapping xp off one snorbal before.

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Originally posted by Rado

ok ill do that. where is the ewok village? is that the other starport on endor? there are 2 and i went to the smugglers outpost and didnt see any village?


the ewok village is not near a starport. it is out in the wilderness. do a search on google for swg ewok village coordinates or swg ewok village images. some images will show the coordinates on them.

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since i got warning shot (ranged weapons 3) i went to dantoine and did seething bol missions. and when you destroy the lair you get 3000+ pistol xp... i got to pistol techniques 2 in the pistoleer tree with ease :)


also try to get a large group with at least 2 master surgeons to fort tusken.. easy pistol xp :)

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you can also hit some of the faction bases where them imps attack rebs or vicer versa and assist the npc's on a mob, make sure they are closer to it then you are and they will tank for you


there are at least 2 different ewok factions, one type are mean little suckers and killing them gives faction for the others

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i appreciate that you made a thread just to help me out. i've come to the conclusion im gonna get every last thing on marksman and scout then ill do pistol xp, for now, the only time im gettin any is when i just go shoot some capper spineflaps, diseased nuna's, or chuba's.

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Ok last night I went to Lok and joined a group of weaker players and we got our butts kicked and I died like 3 times. Then I /disband that group cause they where just running into massive RED NPCs and Red creatures and we all keep dyeing. At this point I had over 600 dam to health/action each and more mind damage then I could handle and couldn’t even do any special moves. So I went to the cantina and there was an musician there playing and another guy and we healed our minds. Then they both went to the medical center to heal me :p which was awesome.(I tipped them each 2,000 credits a piece) then after all that healing one of the guys and I stayed grouped and got ourselves cloned so when/if we where to die we would not come back with any damage. While I was getting healed this same guy that grouped with me was talking about a DRAGON about 2700 meters away ant thought it was easy to kill and get exp. So I said sure lets go and we ran, and ran, and ran till we got close and there was a small city there with a DRAGON and lair right next to this city and it was attacking some red NPCs right next to the city. We both said let’s get closer and help kill it. So we both run down the hill and start shooting it and I doing some good health 2 shoots and getting some -636 bleeder shoots in and some lots of body2 shots in and my new buddy is doing his own damage. The problem was we ended up attacking it when we where standing like only a few meters away from the lair and wouldn't you know before the first one died it spawned a 2nd DRAGON and we where TOAST and didn’t even see it coming. We went back a few times and died every time then it’s was late and I needed to go to sleep. So I’m still at LOK and my first trip was a bad one there. As we ran only I asked him to keep his eye open for SNORBALLs and he never seen one there either. Can you please tell me if there is a certain area that these Snorballs are at so I can get some EXP that’s why I went there last night and after a few hours of all this game play I only got minimal EXP.

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if you had read my threads what i said was groups stink and i also said the snorbal are southeast. do not group with people unless you know who they are. there will always be one person in the group who will pull about 5 reds in on the rest of the group and your all dead. i was on lok for a short time last night and i did not see any snorbal so i hope they did not take them off. what you need to do is go solo. when you see reds, go around them. make sure to have your mask scent on if you are scout. go southeast and look for snorbal. i really hope they did not take them away. the dragon you are talking about was probably a kimogila. you dont want to fight these things. for one they will instantly kill you if you are not in a big group and two you will not get much xp for killing one if you are in a big group. go southeast. go solo. and hope they have not took the snorbal away. anyone else have a hard time finding them last night? i will check again tonight and let you know what i find.

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ok great i got the info now im heading South East tonight. Lok is a VERY hard land. Not as tough as ENDOR but still TOUGH. Im almost to lvl 1 Commando and have some Pistoleer. I decieded to also get some CH so i can get some good pet tanks. About how far SE would you say so i know?


DIABLES what is your Skills and Professions?

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well there used to be a bunch of snorbal just southeast of town not far after you cross the river. but im not sure now. like i said, last night i didnt see any. and the night before i could not find any snorbal missions. there used to be snorbal missions south and southeast for 11,000 credits. i would say dont go over 1000 meters away from town but i dont really know. there used to be tons of these snorbal but maybe the devs thought they were too much xp for as easy as they are to kill.


right now all I need to get master scout is survival 4. I am also working on pistoleer. I have expert pistol stances and grips and intermediate pistol special abilities.

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Ok getting exp...this is easy kill stuff!!!


Well getting any ranged weapon exp I would suggest killing slow, massive HAM massive DMG guys. Rori is great for this stuff. Here are some slow, good exp guys in rough order from easiest to hardest (in terms of HAM bar) Meek Avenging Sqaull(Waste of your time in my opinon) Squall, Derranged Squall,(another squall?) Twilight Vir Vur, Dusk Vir Vur, Midnight Vir Vur, and Leviasquall. Leviasquall give from 1k-2.5k exp(depending on skill lvl)


Unless your more of a tank melee pistoleer then slow guys are your friends. I have not heard of nor seen Snorbals untill this post but from what is said they seem like good exp.



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Almost forgot something,


About this whole group thing, I think groups are awesome, like when we need to take down an imp base or when we are working for some big goal.


Buttttt If you want exp I would say a 6 or 7 person group is your limit. If your group is high enough level you can take pretty much any monster or mob of monster in the game, have fun doing it, and get good exp.


Now even for the easy stuff, like snorbals and such I think a two man team is awesome. You get the group exp bonus, you have someone to talk to, and get twice as many missions.


One problem with more then four people direction of missions gets unorganized and people get lost, people are late blah blah blah. If you are going to do a 20 person group or something then I would suggest not getting any missions or if you do only have your strongest person get some and just head that direction killing everything in your path.


Also I think the FP missions give pretty descent exp two hit guys give about 350exp which is pretty sweet and can get you exp, money, and FP fast. *cough* go rebels *cough*


Good luck with your exp gropage!



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