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JA 'Review'?!?! (Gamers Depot)


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I think the guy makes some good points, and you have to take the review at face value. He criticizes the limited number of choices in the character creation process (which indicates that what he have in the demo is all there is going to be), and I he is disappointed with it (as some of us are). His only real "complaint" is there there is nothing really groundbreaking about Jedi Academy. Many reviewers have this as a requirement. I, however, do not, so I don't hold that against JA.


Here is how he broke it down:


+Decent variety of missions

+Fun (albeit the same) force powers

+Solid multiplayer setup



-Character creation is lame

-Character animations need some work

-Graphics are pretty much the same as JKII


Final Rating: 3.5 ½ Drips (out of four).


Are any of his complaints really invalid? Besides 3.5/4 isn't a bad rating at all.

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in europe we have the "pc games" and i got it last week with a very positive review. they gave it 90%, a very high rating. only the best games ever get higher than that. /me personaly thinks, it's alittle bit overated. a 87% would also do...


for my personal standarts jk3 is nothing more than an addon. but considering the quality of games in the last years, i would have to backoff. the market seems to be in a crisis. in contrary to the movie industry, taking risks ist not a comon thing in the pc games industry. the safe way is often the choice of the hour.


it would have been nicer to have jk3 1 year later, with a new engine, more missions, more choices in the story and so on...

but i don't think they get that much money. and in the end, raven does not have the luxury of choice with the SW franchise. they get the orders and the money from lucas arts...

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Yeah I think there a bit confused cause Mark Hamil didn't do voice acting for the last one, did he?


As for there rating I thought what he said was valid, about how nothing is really ground breaking. There isnt anything graphicly ground breaking, but the graphics are good enough for most people. No games have been comming out that are jaw dropping in terms of graphics in my opinion. The good points far outway the bad points in that review.

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The thing that gets me though, is I have a sneaking suspicion that all these magazines giving JA lower ratings for "not innovating" are going to gush all over Half Life 2, Deus Ex 2 and Doom3, even if those games are nothing more than graphical upgrades....



It's become somewhat more fashionable these days to diss Star Wars because of its "fanboy community" and criticism of Lucas for "ruining the mythos" with the Prequels and Special Editions.


Still, on the other hand there are those who like Star Wars no matter what.


Hopefully none of that is biasing these reviews from evaluating it as a decent game in and of itself.

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Well, it's not a bad review; it's just a mediocre one. In all honesty, from my experience with the demo, I can see where the guy is coming from on a lot of his points. I did however immensely enjoy JO, and it was just too short for my taste. Some new missions, the inclusion of new Force powers and sabers, and Siege Mode are more than enough for me to make the purchase.


Ultimately, I think the reviewer is trying to say that those who were only moderate fans of JA's predecessor should think carefully before buying, which I would have to agree with based on my experience with the demo.

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Originally posted by UberChild

dude it got 3 1/2 out of 4 dude, out of 4 .. thats not bad, and the minuses are not that bad.. coulda said real buggy.. boring.. ya know.. BAD things.. 3 1/2 outta 4 is ok..




NO NO NO It got 3 1/2 drips out of 6! Click on the Drips to see how they review everything.... all reviews are out of 6 drips

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i forgot to add, that, the animations are the most complex on the market today. ok most of the guys walk funny. but the fights are the best of the whole industry. i don't know about beat'em up games on consoles but this is the real **** for now.

anyway, raven seems to have some interns who manage to smuggle their lesser work on the master cd before they start the big mashines. there are some ugly pieces of work, but considering the old engine with its downsides and the amount of time and money(i think), overall it's a nice piece of work.

saddly i have to agree with those magazines which seem to overate this game. the overall quality of games is not that high atm! so this "addon" deserves it rightnow.

that'll all change after the big games like HL2, DOOM3 and DeusEx2 come out. not that hl2 has THE killer features considering that the predecessor is 6 years old! in the mean time, there was no big step futher in to the future of 3d games. not graficaly and not by gameplay.

hl2 will deliver features long overdue, an hopefully some more...

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Kurgan put it better then i could hes dead on , ive seen it all over the place , having said that i think JA will be more then enough for most JO fans who have proper expectations , its not some drastic new game or twist on the series it just adds a bunch of stuff to a game you already love . Most JO fans wanted an expansion which probably would have ment slight if any saber changes, maybe a new weopon, possibly a new vehicle , and more single player missions probably focused on Kyle or some other direct charcter , this way we get a bunch more, sounds good to me . As well as to most JO fans.

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Originally posted by NITEMARE

in contrary to the movie industry, taking risks ist not a comon thing in the pc games industry. the safe way is often the choice of the hour.

Are you serious? The movie industry is a bigger cookie-cutter copycat rehash factory than any other industry on the planet.



An that comment about Mark Hamill doing the voice is certainly incorrect...

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You know...you don't have to make a judgement about the game based on some review. I'm basing my judgement on the demo, and I like what I see. I'm not saying there are no 'issues' with the full game...there probably will be. After all, it's rare for a game to satisfy everyone. Reviewers are entitled to state their opinions like anyone else...gamers can state theirs too.


I'm a bit tired of the old 'under par graphics' argument, though. You don't see critics marking down films because most of them still come on some form of celluloid. The tech doesn't really come into it...it's all about the actual content.


That's how games should be reviewed, IMHO. The demo plays well on my system, with everything turned on. I know that for all these new games on nice shiny new engines I'm going to have to turn features off to run them at acceptable framerates.


Anyway, PC Gamer in the UK gave JA something like 70%. I just happen to take review scores with a pinch of salt...unless they are very bad right across the board. Even then, I will give some games a chance. For example...I bought and played Daikatana, and it didn't really deserve the industry-wide slating it received. It was buggy and everything, yes...but there was still a fun game lurking underneath the dross.


I'd say if people didn't like the demo...then maybe the game's not for you and you should look for something else. I happened to like the demo, so I'll give the full game a chance... ;)

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The way that site rates games, 4 is considered a "must have". Just shy of a "must have" isn't all that bad.


That reviewers major complaints were that graphically it didn't break much new ground. The character creation is lame, and the animation could use some work. I agree with him about the animation. Graphics are just fluff anyway, and the character creation is good enough for an FPS.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

The thing that gets me though, is I have a sneaking suspicion that all these magazines giving JA lower ratings for "not innovating" are going to gush all over Half Life 2, Deus Ex 2 and Doom3, even if those games are nothing more than graphical upgrades....



It's become somewhat more fashionable these days to diss Star Wars because of its "fanboy community" and criticism of Lucas for "ruining the mythos" with the Prequels and Special Editions.


Still, on the other hand there are those who like Star Wars no matter what.


Hopefully none of that is biasing these reviews from evaluating it as a decent game in and of itself.



Half-Life 2 has a lot of groundbreaking features. In one of the demos the player ducks into a building, pushes a table against the door. The ai finally knocks down the door. Then the player runs upstairs and pushes a matress and some cannisters down the stairs to slow the enemy. I had fun with the JA demo but its got nothing we havent seen before.


If only Raven could have implemented some good bocking moves.


KOTOR got great reviews.

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Half-Life 2 has a lot of groundbreaking features. In one of the demos the player ducks into a building, pushes a table against the door. The ai finally knocks down the door. Then the player runs upstairs and pushes a matress and some cannisters down the stairs to slow the enemy. I had fun with the JA demo but its got nothing we havent seen before.
Apparently one could do similar events in Devastation. That sucked. Good scripting doesn't make a good game, and really really old games are often better than new games with bells and whistles. I know I'd rather play the first X-Com than Half-Life, for instance. And the AI in JA has been seriously improved in terms of pathfinding as far as I can see. One reborn I missed followed me halfway through Chandrilla. Props to him.
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