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Quick and Dirty Damage Stats for the Human Mercenary NPC


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No, I didn't edit anything, that would probably give more exact figures, but those Human Mercs seem hard to kill, so here are the various stats when using different weapons on him:


Note: Numbers shown X/Y where X indicates headshots, and Y indicates body shots. Limb shots are not fully tested.


As most of you know, headshots tend to be far more deadly than body shots, and body shots are more deadly than limb shots.


Here we go...



BlastTech Pistol:


Primary: 5/12

Secondary (fully charged): 1/2


ST Rifle:


Primary: 4/8

Secondary: See above




Primary: 7/9

Secondary (fully charged shot): 1/1


Limb shots appear to take 3 fully charged shots for a kill


Heavy Repeater:


(this one was hard to test because of the speed of the shots)


Primary: 8/8

Secondary: 3/3




Primary: 5/6

Secondary: untested




Primary (single shot): 2/4

Primary (fully charged shot, with all bolts hitting): 1/2


Secondary: untested


FC-1 Flechette:


Primary: 1/3 (if all shards hit)

Secondary: 4/4 (if all grenades hit)


Fists ("Melee"):


About 32 punches (regardless of where they land). Best combined with speed to defeat them in any reasonable amount of time!




They can survive a glancing hit (on the limb) sometimes, but usually one clean stroke is enough for a kill. Ditto for saber throw.


(Note: for explosive devices, it's a little hard to distinguish between body, head, or limb shots, but these should still be accurate. If the splash damage from an explosion just barely touches them, they may survive one extra hit)


Thermal Detonators:


Primary: 1/1

Secondary: 1/1


Trip Mines:


Primary: 1/1

Secondary: 1/1


Det Packs:




Concussion Rifle:


Primary: 1/1

Secondary: 1/1

(3 limb hits for Secondary)


Merr Sonn:


Primary: 2/2

Secondary: 2 ("locking on" locks onto their body no matter what)





Force power damages (Lightning, Drain, Grip) and Kicks are untested.

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Kurgan...you are a dedicated man. :D


I think the disparity between some of those weapon stats against the Merc is a bit odd. I would certainly expect heavier weapons to do more damage, and lighter weapons to do less, but that's not the case.


To be honest, I found myself using the Blastech secondary a lot of the time, because it's more effective than many of the other weapons. In a way, that means it's a bit unbalanced. If a single powered head-shot from the Blastech can take down opponents, then the primary fire modes of heavier weapons should do the same.



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lol thats impossible they cant be wearing blast absorbant armor on their heads lol.


and i doubt they got power from the cultists, hehehe, as a matter-of-Jedi-fact, you can only produce more medichloriens in someone by channeling them directly from either a Jedi's carcass, burial ground, or... the Valley.

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It's not perfectly realistic by any means (since their suits aren't full coverage.. the face is not completely covered), here is my theory:


Notice how the things that do the most damage are either heavily concentrated power, or explosive.


Perhaps they ARE blaster resistant, but blaster firepower of sufficient magnitude (like a charged shot, or in the equivalent from a lightsaber) and shrapnel from explosives (physical objects, not energy) will penetrate more easily.


It will be interesting to see how well Stormtroopers fair....



Another thing to point out, is that you should have no trouble killing them with the BlasTech pistol and the Lightsaber in one hit, and those are the two weapons you are always guarenteed to start with on each mission (and at least one explosive, all of which are 1 hit kills).


The only real anomaly to my theory is the Secondary Flechette.. I guess they just aren't really that powerful after all?



The whole thing in the EU about using extra "Jedi Power" was basd on the assumption (I thought) that Jedi or Sith spirits could still "use the force" if they were powerful enough, and use this to "boost" the power of a living Force user.


Thus Kyle and Jerec used the Jedi spirits from the Valley of the Jedi to boost their own powers beyond what they normally would be. So the change isn't permanent, it just holds so long as the Jedi spirit continues to "help out."


In JK2

they were able to find a way to "trap" the spirits in crystals, so they could have their soldiers fitted with them and keep the power outside the Valley. Smash the crystal and you could release the spirit trapped within. Kinda cheesy, but you knew it was heading in that direction...


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Well i noticed that not just the human mercs but all characters can absorb more damage then any character back in JO.

While fighting a reborn i performed 2 lunge attacks on him and he kept dancing around like it was nothing same hapend with force pull impale, i remeber that sometimes you only needed to preform 1 lunge to kill a reborn on max 2.

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