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BUG: Wall grab


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I know what you all are talking about, but theres a trick to survive after a long fall or a long row of wallgrabs, just roll out of the fall, in an situation where you'd normally die, the roll can save up to 30 (!) health points. I tried it at the place where you have to jump done those little bridges with those doors/gates (your char says something there, but I don't know what he says in English, cause I'm German and so I have a German Demo), it works, you survive with around 30 hp, but it still sucks, healing takes some time, and that destroys the cool feeling you get from wall-grabbing down high places.

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i think they just put the wall grap in there to look cool and avoid enemys, in the rift lvl where jaden says "how am i supposed to get down there with out breaking my neck?" whats the point of putting all that stuff their to hop down on when you could simply scale the wall down?

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Did you mean the place in Chalandria where after you open the doors and fight the guy with two sabers and then figh the guy that jumps to the platform from one below you. I went straight down and died 2 but had no life left :cool: still it should be made to break ur fall.

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Originally posted by Kiroth21

i think they just put the wall grap in there to look cool and avoid enemys, in the rift lvl where jaden says "how am i supposed to get down there with out breaking my neck?" whats the point of putting all that stuff their to hop down on when you could simply scale the wall down?


The 'point' is that you can give the player freedom of 'choice', rather than restrict them to a strictly linear path. Some of the best level design I've seen is in Deus Ex, because you can choose from multiple pathways to reach an objective. I'm not saying Raven should have tried to replicate that...but if there is something in the game that can be exploited by the player (intentional or not), then it would make more sense to allow the player this freedom. Just IMHO. ;)

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Kidso's right.. Protection reduces the damage you take from falls (a normally fatal fall (jump rather, heh) off the Dome roof in Tatooine for example only takes me down to 75 health with Level 3 Protection on).


Landing in a roll may also help cushion the fall as he pointed out.


However if those things you land on are "Kill sectors" it won't matter much. Maybe "God" mode will help? Give it a shot...

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Thank you Kurgan, holy ****! lol, I swear no one was reading my post! Anyway yeah it works awesome!! I jumped from the highest ledge in the Chandrila lvl and roled out and I only lost 5 life!!!! It was where you say, " How am I going to get down there." Kill sectors don't matter either cause I have tried everywhere and I havn't died. You can also long jump across that huge gap after the checkpoint, You know the one after opening the huge door with sense? Also it makes sense in the star wars universe because Jedis most likely rely on the force to protect them when they fall from a massive hight or jump down from a high place.

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