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demo secrets (spoilers)


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Originally posted by defalc

Based on what? :)


Nothing...just a hunch. *shrugs*


The Tatooine level seemed very short in comparison to the Jedi Tomb level - besides, we've seen other areas of Tatooine in the trailers. I've no idea if those are separate missions...or extensions of the one in the demo...


Guess I'll have to wait until Friday to find out. :p

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I have a theory...


I'm guessing in the real game the 'campaign' is set up differently...

The tantooine mission is a shorter training mission with Kyle, while the Jedi Tomb level comes after you've 'earned your saber'... whatever point it is that you're considered a full Jedi, hopefully the point at which you get to choose what saber you get... remember, you have to earn that staff or second saber at some point.


Remember Jaden's conversation with Chewbacca?

"Me? A Jedi? No, not yet. I'm one of Kyle Kataran's students..."

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Originally posted by Zen Knight

I have a theory...


I'm guessing in the real game the 'campaign' is set up differently...

The tantooine mission is a shorter training mission with Kyle, while the Jedi Tomb level comes after you've 'earned your saber'... whatever point it is that you're considered a full Jedi, hopefully the point at which you get to choose what saber you get... remember, you have to earn that staff or second saber at some point.


Remember Jaden's conversation with Chewbacca?

"Me? A Jedi? No, not yet. I'm one of Kyle Kataran's students..."


thx makes more sence

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Originally posted by Zen Knight

I have a theory...


I'm guessing in the real game the 'campaign' is set up differently...

The tantooine mission is a shorter training mission with Kyle, while the Jedi Tomb level comes after you've 'earned your saber'... whatever point it is that you're considered a full Jedi, hopefully the point at which you get to choose what saber you get... remember, you have to earn that staff or second saber at some point.


Well, you only have to look at the map names when you save the game on each level.


Tatooine = t1_sour (I have no idea why it's called 'sour' :confused: )

Chandrila = t3_rift (obviously refers to the chasm)


To my mind, that means t1 = tier 1, t2 = tier 2 and t3 = tier 3. So the Jedi Tomb level is in the third tier of missions - which makes sense considering the ramped up base force abilities for that level.


I imagine you only see 5 options on the choice menu because that's the way the menu was designed - so those other mission choices could be from any of the 3 tiers.

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