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A question for the experts.


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I just got the demo and due to the fact that I don't like haveing to do a special move 3 times in a row (stupid "must be perfect" key combos) in order to get it right while 3 dark jedi are waveing sabers at me I have been making scripts to bind each move to a single button. I have gotten many of the major moves bound (this is with single saber strong style only) to a different button, however, what i am wanting to do is bind the cartwheel ability to my strafe key in such a way that if I hit my strafe key 2 or 3 times really fast in a row it will execute the cartwheel. Otherwise the strafe key would act as normal. If you are a good scripter please let me know if this is possible to do and how I would do it.

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Originally posted by Parakeet

And if I have arthritis or am missing fingers smartass? If you don't know the answer to the scriping question do not put your worthless opinion in this thread.


No one's opinion is worthless..and you should have a bit more respect for other members who are simply trying to help, in their own way. :tsk:


I'm sure that once the game is out, and those inclined toward scripting have been able to explore every avenue, you'll get a more appropriate answer. Until then, try to be patient. :cool:

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Originally posted by TiBo

I dont think it would be too good for your arthritis to play this game, since you need to move your fingers around fast to be good.



I'm sorry for the chat statement above but TiBo killed me.

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Now, OBVIOUSLY, you my friend are the only young one here, with such childish remarks. When one asks a question, they may not always get the answer they want. Your question was answered more than sufficiently and just because you could not get something the quick and easy way, you got angry. Hrrm, the dark side I sense in you. :yoda: Anyways, I would not worry too much with the demo since you can get the final game in less than 5 days, maybe around 4 depending on if you preordered and/or your local store is nice enough to sell them early. By the way, just so you know, you are supposed to be 13 to play-thats what teen means. So I am not sure if you should be playing anyways, simply judging by your comments.

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