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No Tunics?

The Cheat

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OK, i know that this game takes place after the original trilogy in the new age of jedi but i have to admit that i was kind of dissappointed in the demo that there was no classic tunic available for the game.


Is anybody else dissapointed by this and do you think it will be possible to make a mod to add a tunic if somebody makes a tunic model later?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the tunic the "cross the chest" shirt thingy that we see Luke wearing in RotJ (the black part)?




Because just about all Jedi we see in the movies wear these, and too in Jedi Academy many of the outfits include this.


I think what you're thinking of is the Jedi robe, which is a brown thing (or black, in the case of the Sith... although Palpatine and Maul were the only ones seen wearing these... Vader wore a cape instead).






Some Jedi in the post-ROTJ era still wear these, but not all.


There are no robes we know of that you can choose to wear in the game. Obviously this would have required extra work to animate it realistically (or end up having it look stiff or cling to your body which wouldn't be that impressive), so they probably just wanted to save time by not including it.


I believe Mike Gummelt posted something about this in another thread (sorry don't remember which one).


Sure, it would be nice to have the option to wear a Jedi robe or cloak that was realistically animated. You'll recall that the participants in the final saber battle in TPM all took off their outer robes before the fight, but Obi-Wan didn't take his off before he fought Jango in AOTC. So I guess that part was personal preference. Mace took his off, but that's just because it was on fire. ; )

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I started reading the thread thinking about the robe.

The tunic is there and it's cool, but the robe...

the robe is THE outfit.

For jedi and sith.

ob1, maul, palpatine, qui-gon... you name it...

it's definitely the first thing to mod IMO.

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