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Could this be The way to Jedi?


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Ok.... I know there lot of talk bout Jedi... Now want you to keep this in mind this only theory that to me has best supporting evidence thust far....


The devs have made it clear that the road to Jedi can will be different fore everyone... What does that mean? I present a possible answer to just that..


Plz look at screenshots first:





Ok notice the hermit....and his conversation talking bout difficult times as well as acto heroism... which requires Intellect, Courage, Honor and altruism. Then he dismisses you with may the force be with you


So far two of these have been found and done...... Act of intellect and act of altruism


Now back to devs talking bout how It will be different to everyone: I would like you to note that the hermit has been known to spawn at different points and at same point..which means there pattern to where He might be... However you do not need the Hermit to do these missions


Every mission thus far is at a random spawn point within certian area yes but can be difficult to find


Act of Intellect: Requires you to Help a BH w/ arresting a smuggler . ....there are two in a camp and if you help him decide which one you get the badge of intellect


That is the only One i have personally done and have wp to where: Act of Altruism has been done......


Some of you also might have heard of the slave Twil'lek running from help... She gives you disc then ST pop up and kill her b4 you can save her.....It possible that this might be way to courage though Rebs have been able to att them with no luck it has not been done......


My theory is this is the way......Everything the hermit says is really fishy and can aligned with devs in the fact that it is different for everyone meaning that random spawn points....


Keep in mind ppl often discuss bout Jedi how it is not even worth going for them: A jedi is not going to be a pussy, things like extra speed and of course the force and more powers will help to defend and elude its enemies.... Though it will be tough road as with most elite professions i think it would be rewarding.... If you have any thoughts or have come across anything similar plz share


Lovely Jules (Expert BH)

Officer of Enforcers(tempest) Ep

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nah that isnt the way, remeber that the devs are using star wars 'rules'. Characters are all to old for jedi training, however if you happen to prove that your worthy of some 'help' well...thats a little different. The only jedi master was our friend Yoda, we all know he wont train you. I think you found something very interesting but I dont think its the way to become a jedi. Keep going though i would like to see where it ends up

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EsahC Said this:


Nah that isnt the way, remeber that the devs are using star wars 'rules'. Characters are all to old for jedi training, however if you happen to prove that your worthy of some 'help' well...thats a little different. The only jedi master was our friend Yoda, we all know he wont train you. I think you found something very interesting but I dont think its the way to become a jedi. Keep going though i would like to see where it ends up




Ok ...Devs Have cleary said that the way to be Jedi is different for everyone...How this disproves being to old is beside me.....After all No one starts as a Kid.........


There are few more ppl that can train you... you are set with a already Jedi not Yoda to train you......There more Jedi Masters other than Yoda...Yoda was on Jedi counslor....Now i know In this day in age time set wise...jedi's are hard to find as Darth Vadar has made it his mission to rid of all Jedi's....However I believe that this is the way as Mark of Alturism Has been done as well now....


Much harder than Intellect as far as finding....I find you arguement really based with no thought...Sorry if it offends you just my opinion...Plus if you know any Star Wars Histor you will know that they made exceptions when they felt Force strong in someone that was older......


It is possible to Be Jedi it is not possible to start off as a 5yr old in the game...Keep that in mind....In your argument the only way to become a Jedi is to find a time machine and start of earlier..... Makes no sense to me therefore invalid


Julez (BH 3,4,4,4) (ch 4,4,0,0)

Jovanna (master Artesian)

tempest only Msg me if your on and wanna join a guild ill explain detals there

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There more Jedi Masters other than Yoda...

Before the Jedi Purge, yes.

But this is after the Jedi Purge, when there are practically no Jedi left except for a handfew.


There shouldn't be any Jedi in the game at all except for those few, but unfortunatly they are forced to put some in. :rolleyes:

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Ive never seen the hermit you speal of, but i have doin missions for a dark jedi, and im ettin near the end and last mission i did he said "your path to the dark side is almost complete" so i beleive you need to do all these things including the hermit, and soem undiscovered things to become jedi, or that kinda what my DEV friend said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would think, practically speaking, that the "Chosen One" to be the first Jedi would have to be a relative newb. I doubt that, if the devs have any control over it, this will be someone who has mastered 3 professions and is making 100k daily. Simply speaking, this guy won't have any Skill points left. Besides, we've seen from the movies that the rich and powerful rarely become Jedi. This "Chosen One" will have mastered maybe one profession tops, and will either be an adventurer, or a porr enetrtainer who spends his/her danys hanging out in dark, dingy cantinas.


This is all, of course, 100% guesses.

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Originally posted by boinga1

I would think, practically speaking, that the "Chosen One" to be the first Jedi would have to be a relative newb. I doubt that, if the devs have any control over it, this will be someone who has mastered 3 professions and is making 100k daily. Simply speaking, this guy won't have any Skill points left. Besides, we've seen from the movies that the rich and powerful rarely become Jedi. This "Chosen One" will have mastered maybe one profession tops, and will either be an adventurer, or a porr enetrtainer who spends his/her danys hanging out in dark, dingy cantinas.


This is all, of course, 100% guesses.


The devs have stated that you get an extra slot...as in, another character to use on that server that is force sensitive...so that perma death won't wipe out an awesome character.

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