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saber battle difficulty complaints


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I've read countless complaints with JK2 and JKA about the difficulty of the saber fights. I've found the opposite. The reborn rarely defend themselves, which is strange. With lucas arts going for a movie-like game, you would think they would want the saber fights to last. The longest fight I've had is about 30-50 seconds on the hardest setting in both games. I want to be challenged. These fights should last minutes. After all, how long was the fight between darth maul vs. obi wan & qui gon? Is there anyway to increase enemy defence levels? Any other comments or thoughts on this?



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Well, it obviously depends on your level of skill. If you're a very skilled player, then obviously the duels are going to be shorter.


The other thing you have to keep in mind...they want people to finish the game. If every saber fight in SP lasts 5 minutes or more, not everyone has the patience to play the whole game that way, and the game would obviously take much longer to complete. The Jedi Tomb level of the demo took me about 1 hour 20 minutes the first time through (Jedi Knight difficulty and without bothering with finding the secrets)...which is a good length of time, IMHO.


It's just a matter of preference, I guess. ;)

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I've found a great amount of variation in the length of the fights. I find that using an offensive strategy early (not just holding down primary attack and moving, mind you - bringing the pain strategicly, not stupidly) ends fights quickly. I have no idea why this is, maybe it's just my style of play. If a play defensive, especially against multiple opponents, then I usually lose.

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There is not as much saber clashing in JA. Not like in JK2 atleast. The single player saber duels in JK2 were GREAT! The sabers were bouncing off each other like crazy. Thats the way its sapose to be. That is not the case in JA. Atleast the demo that is. Seems like the sabers are alittle too wild and just hack and slash. I hope this is something they will fix for final release. Hopfully they have added combos to deflect with combos or something. Theses saber duels in JA are like the very first MP in JK2 that everyone complained about. Then when the patch came out, they made it better and more like SP JK2.

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You know...as an addendum to what I said above...I've been playing through JO's SP again today, and I've played and replayed some of the same encounters with the Reborn. The first time I played an encounter, it might have taken me a couple of minutes. The second time - I managed to land a forward lunge, and timed it exactly right (more by blind luck, I might add), and it was a one-hit kill. The fight lasted about 5 seconds.


So it very much depends on the tactics you use, and the types of attack that you can land well. I've had a similar experience playing the JA demo.


I mean, some fights are over before they even start if you just push the Reborn before they can jump up to the ledge you're on. Others can last a couple of minutes depending on the tactics you use.


Anyway, I'm perfectly happy with the saber combat in the demo - some great fights, and cool finishing moves in there.

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When I played through JO's sp IMO the lenght of the saber battles (sp?) were very short (around 20-30 secs) but as I played through the JA demo in Jedi Knight difficulty the battles were long enough for me to enjoy with the single and dual sabers but considering that the dual sabers are a mix of button mashing attacks (IMO) I always kill the cultist in 20 secs and I hope I'll have even longer MP duels in JA (mines were from a minute to 5 long)

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The only thing i dont like about the JA and JK2 saber fighting is if you watch the movies, you see that vader and luke are constantly blocking, and the sabers quickly lock then release with every block, but its not like that in JA, or JK2. If you look at kotor (the X-Box movie) and you look at the saber fight, thats what im talking about. But still, the JK2 and JA are excellant games, and the first to make such awesome saber battles (that i know of)

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Hey everyone. I wasn't clear enough above. I was just wondering (hoping) there was or could be an adjustable saber battle difficulty setting. Something beyond the opening settings. Maybe after beating the game once, settings could be unlocked to change skills and styles of opponents? I've found that JA reborn are mostly offensive, so maybe customize them to be more defensive, for longer, more challenging battles. It's not that I'm unsatisfied with the way the game and fights play out now, infact it's the opposite to this. I am just hoping for more customization for more advanced players to create more of a challange.



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Originally posted by geddiesburg

These fights should last minutes. After all, how long was the fight between darth maul vs. obi wan & qui gon?



thats true but that fight is a gamers equivalent to a boss fight isnt it?

the final boss of the game as a matter of fact


the rest are just the little henchmen

the main hero isnt suppost to have too much trouble with them

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Most people are just never happy, and whats worse they don't know what they want, lol. The saber fighting in JA is nothing short of outstanding! It requires strategy to kill the reborn and frankly JO was a joke in single player, the reborn were so easy to kill it was pathetic. The reborn are badass in this one and they work together. Saber clashing? I still get a lot of it, maybe you need to turn your graphics up.

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yes there is a way. In outcast it was in the npc.cfg but for JA it looks like each npc (non player controled) character has its own .cfg so like kyle.cfg. Find it in one of the assets.pk3 and open it in note pad. before you open it in notepad make sure to open the properties for the file and take the read only off, then you will be able to save the changes.


In the .cfg file it has all the things listed that you want to change, looks kinda like this:


player model kyle

aggresion: 4

defence: 3

forceuse: 4

walkspeed: 78

height: 90

health: 100


Basically has stuff like that. The scale is from 0 to 5. If you want more defence just change whatever number is there to defence 5 you can also be more specific like with the reborns thay have listed stuff like likelyhood of saberlock, taunt, and what force they use and how often. for eg: saberlock 2 = will happen now and again saberlock 5 will happen quite alot. You can make them a lightning whore or have it so they're excellent saberists who don't use much force at all.


I also go in and change the health for most of my npc's Reborns I usually put up to 1000 health which means saberfights will last for a good 5 minutes. Something to play arround with till you get it just right for how you want it. Have fun, any questions I'll try and help you out.

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no probs, saberlock might not be there but that's ok just add it. You might have to look through all of the npc.cfg's just to get the exact wording but I'm pretty sure it's saberlock. So just add the line saberlock 5 . I'd suggest putting around 3 though cause you don't want a saberlock everytime you touch sabers.

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heh, i should have said before, we have to wait till the game comes out, the demo wont let you do it. All this stuff is from doing it in outcast and looking at the files in the demo. They are set out the same basically. Also make sure you pack it back up right, so npcdata/players/kyle.cfg something like that.

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Personally, i find that my fight length is dependant on how nice of a kill i want. If i just want some crappy generic looking kill, like a shot to the shoulder or the legs, then my fights are short. If i want a good clean chop through the chest or shoulders, or if i want a sweet cinematic finish with a kata or jumping attack, my battles last alot longer and are way more satisfying.

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most of the time you can just add the line you want. I'm not sure but i think if any problems pop up it has to do with the player class and what defaults are set for each class. Like getting the weequay to wield lightsabers, adding the line for them wont work cause there player class wont allow it. All I can say for now is play arround with it like I did, when the game comes out I will have it all moded within an hour or two and would have no prob in sending you the files, or walking you through it.


It's great to be able to set the game up exactly the way you want it too. Like with the maul to reborn mod for outcast, just changing the skin is one thing but changing the way the character acts is another level beyond that. With JA there looks like there's much more to play arround with. You can change a skin and then set the character to act like the skin you've just changed it to. So maul would always have the lightstaff, would only use push and pull, be pretty agressive, agile and kinda grunt every now and then (hehe) and all that is so simple to do.

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Earlier u said Reborn are offensive....so u are defensive?, The reborn i fight constantly dodge and deflect my saber yes there is a deflection if u would try a move besides a rolling stab u would know this =P, however the deflection isn't enough to be noticed but if it was would that not be the way a person would die in mp?


Delfecting sabers in the movies normally resulted in a strong push knocking the person down, so would that mean a instant win?, do u want the hitting while down that JO had or do u want a way to get out of it besides quickly tapping ur jump button(personally i like jumping up and kicking them but they counter it alot then stab me in the tummy owie!)


If u want to see a defense reborn then just watch them they will dodge ur moves deflect some of ur attks parry beside u its all there u just miss it cause u try to do moves while they just toss a saber at u cause ur at a distance.


I had a saber battle earlier lasted about 8 minutes was with the very first reborn on chand lvl, he kept twirling at me hopping on the walls, draining, lightning, pushing, throwing etc it was a excellent fight i LOST!, damit all i lost lol well what i am saying is if u want defensive reborns then attack them don't wait for them to attack u and come on the forums and talk about how they aren't defensive heh just my 2cents.



Tesshu Fujikota

Padawan Dual-Lightsabers

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I too have found that if I fight aggressively and strategically then the battles last a few seconds to a minute. Inversely if I am taking a defensive stance then they tend to drag on, if I don't end up dead.


Seems like the reverse of the Jedi Code IMO.


Then again it is a game and not the movies.

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Well fighting reborns is simply boring, because they are easy in jedi master level and setting sp_skill 3 or more, i have managed to kill 10 reborns 5 staff 3 duals and 2 singles, just with my single saber.

Fighting reborns is more like thinking "how can i finish you in a cool way"

Besides, its boring because of the fact that in MP people doesnt play like that (ill play multiplayer first, and some days later ill play SP).

There is a big diference between JA SP and JA MP, same as JO.

The pulls, the push, the rolls everything is diferent.



BY the way i killed kyle_boss all by myself :D, i finished him with the feet graple :D :D :D

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