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New David Bowie Out Today!!!

Darth Groovy

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let me know for sure!

*kicks Rob Zombie in the groin several times!!!!:mad: *


I love the album cover, very very :cool:


i want to hear it if it's good

can't imagine it wont be


did you ever listen to Tin Machine when it came out years back?


also biggest thing I want to see

Bowie did a water commercial in france

it features a new song from this album.

Bowie spends the entire commercial

running inot himself,

only each Bowie he meets is one of his

many stage persona's he has used in his career.


hope this vid makes it to my Hard Drive some day.

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Originally posted by Darth Eggplant

let me know for sure!

*kicks Rob Zombie in the groin several times!!!!:mad: *


I love the album cover, very very :cool:


i want to hear it if it's good

can't imagine it wont be


did you ever listen to Tin Machine when it came out years back?


also biggest thing I want to see

Bowie did a water commercial in france

it features a new song from this album.

Bowie spends the entire commercial

running inot himself,

only each Bowie he meets is one of his

many stage persona's he has used in his career.




CD is good. I have not listened to it long enough to formulate a complete review, or even a score yet. Didn't really follow Tin Machine closely, I thought they were rather lame. Bowie is better off calling his own shots, without all that dead weight.


The cover annoys me ALOT, i hate that anime styled bowie.
Well Hell man, anime has gotten into almost everything else. Actually it makes a neat avatar, but reminds me VERY much of Tidus Darklighter.
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