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Unarmed xp


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let me tell you this, unarmed XP is easy to get, Unarmed class is one of the easiest to use. TKAs roxxor. Just watch one meditate and see how fast he regens total heal, even when buffed up to 3k HAM it just flies and with Vibro Knuckles and 2.0 speed they are monsters at Melee.


Only problem with TKAs is that people run. When they see TKAs or other brawler types they don't want a quick incap, so they run and gun, keeping you at bay while you don't do any dmg to them at all. So if you are going brawler, be sure to also grab some Marksman skills.

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I am having the same problem. I would suggest go buy a pair of vibro knucklers and do about 50 less damage but attack about four times quicker(don't use special attacks or your HAM bars die, just set it to an F# and not use them for blind, stund, KD, dizzy etc.) Right now I'm about half way to TKA. Out of all the melee classes TKA gets more variety in pool hits, more variety in stasis attacks e.g KD, dizzy, stun etc. and gets more bonuses to defense, tougness, accuracy, and speed. The main problem is not being able to get uber weapons compared to some of the other melee classes.


Using bleeds is great, just pull out your ranged weapon bleed and peace then bust out your fists and beat em down until there dead.


My friend got Novice TKA + Power I from Novice Brawler in two days by MindShot1 + Mindshot 2 then running away unarmed and letting the monster(preferably tortons) catch up while bleeding once it got close he would hit it once and continue to run. He got Unarmed I with one torton and 1.5k exp per torton. This works great against non-agro, non-pack attack creatures or solo pack attackers(especially leviasquall 2k exp is good).


Good luck and if you don't enjoy unarmed try out one of the other melee routes.



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I had a brawler on Scylla Server. Grug was the name i went by. Nearly a master two handed swordsman. I hit for 2k each time with normal hits with my curved two-handed Sword. My weapon was Hundred something to 312 dmg. At 2.3 delay. It was a nice weapon a month and a half ago.

I worked on lvling my skills, but never went Overt. My rebel faction was around 300 or so, until one day i decided to become a full fledged rebel. I ran into a pistoleer in Kaadara and never got a chance to hit the panzy arz. I went down with no trouble to him at all. It was rather humilating but soon learned how worthless Brawlers are when it comes to PvP.

I started over on Corbantis server. and now i'm a commando owning all Rebel scum who stands in my way. Even bounty hunters cower before me. It's a nice feeling to be a master of rebel ewes.

So anyway, Brawlers are good when it comes to Non-PvP. But range weapons is the best way to go, especially BH or Commando when it comes to PvP. everything else is obsolite.

So, my advice, if you go overt, be something along the lines of Range, not melee.


Mind you, this is only my opinion on my experiences.

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I have a marksman but Iam dipping into unarmed brawlin now so I can protect myself up close. Basically you need to gain mroe combat EXP to be more efficent. I have around 2900 (I know I just started) almost all of it is with guns, after I did that I started hand fighting sleemos on talus, and Its easy to pust them down, they give 100 unarmed per kill so it only takes me 60 Sleemos to get lvl II unarmed. Just fight things for now you can survive, sleemos are rather weak.

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Ok I just got TKA novice heres my advice:

Squalllsssssssssssssss. Just bleed em once each and get a pack of 5-6 surronding you make sure you hit em once (with the vibro knucklers you "can't" use). Then watch them fall giving you 466 easy exp. Make sure you have some good armor, I use Full Marine armor with a comp helm.

If you don't have armor or can't bleed go for nightspiders give 128 in a group and are cake, you should be able to kill them and regain your health back by the time you get to the next w/o armor. If you can find a nice warren of them hit the warren with the nightspiders around, the nightspiders will all attack you, then spin attack about 4 times and you've got about 10 spider corpses and 1280 exp =]

Once you get TKA novice it goes by quickly my friend and I can make about 300k in a night killing mites, vrobals and anything else.


Good Luck



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