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Prime's initial notes and impressions of JA Multiplayer *Spoilers*


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Well, I've fired up multiplayer and played around a little bit with it, and thought I would talk about some of the things I have found so far. Here we go :)


- Some people aren't going to like this, but you cannot play Seige with bots. Only other players online. This means that the only new gametype for all you people with unusable connections is Power Duel. The others are all the same as JO (FFA, TFFA, Duel, CTF).


- The maps are nice, nothing spectacular, but they are well done, at least from a visual standpoint. There aren't really all that many of them though. IIRC, there are about 10 for Duel/Power Duel, 6 for CTF, 6 for FFA/TFFA, and 3 for Seige. The one Siege map I looked at did seem very big either.


- At first glance each saber style seems balanced. The saberstaff will be a button-masher's delight, but this won't be particularly effective against someone who knows what they are doing. As someone who like the single saber, I am happy with it so far. Red stance can chop you down to size in a hurry.


- As for saber damage, from what I can tell, there is a big difference between the lightsaber damage in Duel and FFA. In Duels it took several hits of yellow to take to defeat my opponant, whereas in FFA it only too a few hits with yellow. Red was its usual damaging self, especially so in FFA. From what I could tell, two hits from red in FFA was enough for a kill against bots.


- I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but the movement in JA just seems smoother than in JO. Force jump has a bit more of a floating feeling, and rolling seems a bit better. Also, from what I can tell, rolling no longer moves you forward faster than running, so hopefully we won't see a lot of people rolling around maps. I was never able to do bunny hopping very well, but I have the feeling this is now limited too. Maybe someone else can confirm this.


- I may be optimistic, but the use of Force power in all(?) special moves may put an end to spamming. Just playing around, I could do about 4 or 5 lunges in a row before my force power was depleted at the Jedi Master level. I also tried on with Force turned off, and you couldn't really spam special moves at all. I played Duel online with a few people, and everyone played as it, for a lack of a better term, was ment to be. There was no spamming of specific moves, and there really wasn't that much use of special moves in general. It is early yet, though.


- Bots seem a little better, but they obviously still follow the bot route, and often seem like they are running away from you. I think it is a little better than JO, but I'd have to play some more to be sure.


- Flip kicks appear to be gone. I couldn't do them, and it sounds like Griff can't either. This doesn't particularly bother me.


- I haven't been able to knock anyone down yet. Force push doesn't seem to do it, and I haven't encountered many saber locks to see if that does it. Because of this, the jump-up-kick hasn't made an appearance yet.


- There are lots of MP skins, to go along with the standard custom character option. All the JO skins are there, and presumable a good portion of the JA SP characters. For sure there is Chewie, Boba Fett, and various Cultists.


- JO MP character models and skins work as-is in JA. I have a custom skin, and I just put it in the base directory and it showed up fine in the list, and worked great in the game. Needless to say I have already had Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon battling Darth Maul in a Power Duel :) Pretty fun.


- Kyle's lightsaber is an additional hilt for the player in MP.


- I tried using a few JO lightsaber custom models, with mixed results. When I replaced Kyle's lightsaber, the model showed up okay in the customizaton screen, but there was a space between the end of the handle and the blade. So a little work needs to be done with these to get them working.


- Force Seeing does indeed allow you to dodge sniper shots at Level 3. I haven't tried this, but this is what it says.


- Bowing has already appeared on Duel servers, although no one has demanded anyone do it from what I have seen.


In the end, MP in JO seems quite similar to JA. From the very little I've seen the new moves haven't been encorporated into anyone's arsenal yet, but that will happen in time. However, the use of Force power for special moves should prevent hardcore spamming, which will really make a big difference. Also, the loss of flip kick will send some people right back to the drawingboard to come up with a new strategy. The next few weeks will be interesting, and likely very fun, because everyone is new, and no big exploits have been found yet.


Anyway, if anyone wants me to try anything extra and report on it, I'd be happy to do so. Now I'm off to play some SP :)

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Originally posted by Prime

JO MP character models and skins work as-is in JA. I have a custom skin, and I just put it in the base directory and it showed up fine in the list, and worked great in the game. Needless to say I have already had Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon battling Darth Maul in a Power Duel :) Pretty fun.


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D (only expression I could think of)

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Prime => Raven purposefully altered the saber damage to be differently between Duel and FFA. They made the damage more fatal in FFA so that people would not be spending 3-5 minutes trying to kill a person... Whereas in Duel the damage is less fatal, leading to longer duels...


From my understanding, a server has to enable melee in order for kicks to appear, but I doubt many servers will carry that unless a mod can be made to override the melee to were people can still punch and what not, but cannot kick.

Yes, Force Sense does allow you to dodge shots, but it drains force faster in order to dodge the shot i believe

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Originally posted by Andy867

they put a 16 player limit because that it was Raven recommends in order to reduce LAG for all:) I have only played in a DUEL server, and must say that I was VERY impressed by the new game physics and features.


We need more servers than alot more.There are only 4 or 5 power duel/seige servers!

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I'm not going to get the guide. I didn't get their JK2 guide either.


1) I don't need a walkthrough for SP, and there wasn't enough interesting in it the last time to justify buying it. Besides, if I ever did get stuck in SP (which I didn't) I could just look on gamefaqs for free.


2) Their MP guide for JK2 was fraught with errors, and of course portions were rendered obsolete with the patches that came out.


3) I feel it would spoil me and skew my analysis of the game as I did "in the field" with JK2 (Outcast Strategy).


I'm much rather learn the basics myself until I've pretty much learned the game. Then if people point out stuff I missed, I can add that to my growing knowledge base for JA.


I don't blame them for not being 100% of course, there is only so much updating you can do with a print guide that has to be rushed out the day of the game's release. None for me thanks...

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Originally posted by Andy867

Prime => Raven purposefully altered the saber damage to be differently between Duel and FFA. They made the damage more fatal in FFA so that people would not be spending 3-5 minutes trying to kill a person... Whereas in Duel the damage is less fatal, leading to longer duels...

I knew I had heard about this at one point, but I couldn't remember if it was confirmed or not. I know it seemed like it was there for me, but I didn't want to say for sure :) Thanks for confirming...
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