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A Theory of Mine


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We all know the Wizard of Oz. A timeless classic of LSD induced fun. However, I have found a darker meaning to it all.


The Wizard of Oz is really a metaphor for modern day gang warfare, let's look at the facts:


The land of Oz is divided into North-South-East-West areas, with the Emerald City in the center, like any other city.


Now in the Oz books by L. Frank Baum each "Side" of town has munchkins, and these groups of munchkins has its own color. (I believe it was North-Purple, South-Red, East-Blue, and West-Yellow) These obviously represent The Crips, Bloods, Those Weird Mexican Gangs You Find In Tucson, and The Fruits.


These sides are very contentious (In L. Frank Baum's books) and you know what that means.


Don't even get me STARTED on the Lollipop Guild!


(If you take this seriously you are a sad sad person)

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Clefo, I took the LSD like you said, and gosh-sure-you-betcha them darned flying monkeys showed up! I knew this would happen. There is no dark side of the moon because all sides of that body face the sun at some point during its rotation. The Boba Witch is spreading fell dominion, there are gang member midgets everywhere, and I blame YOU, Clefo! I'm never listening to you again. GET AWAY FROM ME WITH THAT LOLLIPOP!


:)Nuts? Hmmm...might be the kool-aid.

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