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Slightly disappointed !!!!

rut-wa jodar

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bought JKA this morning and played SP game for an hour and it`s actually better than I hoped, but then I tried MP game and It seemed less entertaining. I played against a few bots to start off and found the following problems.


1) Hit detection needs improving

2) Bots get stuck alot on certain maps

3) I can`t seem to get saber locks in any game modes except Duel

4)It seems virtually impossible to win SaberLocks against bots in Duel.

5) No MP model Scaling :(


I`m gonna play online when I get home from work.

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1) k :p

2) I'm pretty sure most people will want to play real people online rather than bots.. or is that just me :p

3) I always thought saber locks where too buggy in jk2 and anyway, why do you want to be stuck in a saber lock with another guy when there could be 6 other guys runing around you shooting you both :p

4) Meh, see 2

5) Mods done this, it stops people from creating their own models and just making them tiny and winning everything, doesn't even matter if you had the skin, it used to just be a tiny kyle walking about.... quite unfair you see. :)


I'm not saying what yo usaid was wrong, i just gave my answers on my opinions :)

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Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

bought JKA this morning and played SP game for an hour and it`s actually better than I hoped...

It is pretty awesome, isn't it :)


Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

but then I tried MP game and It seemed less entertaining. I played against a few bots to start off and found the following problems.


1) Hit detection needs improving

It will be worse than SP collision detection, due to the code having to take into consideration lag issues, etc. Hopefully it is like JO, and the SP collision detection can be turned on by a console command for MP. I can't remember the command but if you look around at the JO codes you might be able to find it. In the mean time, you may have to suffer with poorer collision detections :(


Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

2) Bots get stuck alot on certain maps

Yeah, the bot routes and "running away" issues don't seem to have improved much from JO. This is too bad.


Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

3) I can`t seem to get saber locks in any game modes except Duel

There is a variable you can set that adjusts the amount of saberlocks you get. But again I can't remember what it is. Try looking in Kurgan's demo cheat thread.


Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

4)It seems virtually impossible to win SaberLocks against bots in Duel.

Don't know about this one :)


Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

5) No MP model Scaling :(

This was done on purpose by Raven for the reasons that Agen_Terminator said. People were using it to get an advantage.


Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

I`m gonna play online when I get home from work.

I think you will find this is much more fun than bots :D
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To be honest I was a little let down also. Mainly because I hate linear games. This game is the epitome of linear. You can do missions in a different order, but that's not at all what I'm talking about. I feel like a rat in a maze with only one direction to go looking for the cheese. Even the maze analogy doesn't hold up because at least in a maze you have choices to make. Each level has one and only one way of doing things.


Having said that, this game is a fun change of pace from time to time. I'll probably play it for a little while longer, but only because there isn't anything else out there I like. I just hope they kill and bury the Quake 3 engine. It's been around way to long.

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I too am disappointed by the linearity of the levels. Although there is a bit more 'space' to move around in, you are still pretty much restricted to a single path - and annoyingly we have the 'locked door' syndrome all over again. :( There is nothing more frustrating than having to try a series of locked doors to find the only one that opens... :rolleyes:


The other thing that disappoints me is the basic premise of some of the missions - and I think this problem arises due to the sheer number of locations and different tasks to complete. By comparison, the 'core' missions (I've played Hoth and Vjun so far), are much more cohesive and compelling.


The 'tiered' missions (I'm only starting on the 3rd tier so far), only seem to hint at a basic scenario, without fleshing it out with a bit more depth. The 'story' element (or perhaps, atmosphere) is missing, which makes some of the missions appear like filler.


Here's an example...



On Blenjeel, you are supposed to rescue some merchants who have crash-landed on the planet - and you discover these giant worm-like creatures (which I had originally thought were Sarlaccs). Anyway, because your own ship has crash-landed, you have to find spares to repair it. That's all fine, and only being able to carry one piece at a time makes sense. My point is that it could have done so much more. If there had actually been survivors of the merchant ship crash, still alive and hiding in the other ship, it could have been so much better. If these 'Sarlacc-like' creatures were actually battering holes in the ship, and causing it to rock around a bit, that would have been even better. In between ship repairs, you could have been rescuing people (and had a far greater sense of purpose). You could have had some people trapped in different areas of the merchant ship, and had to find ways to get them out. You could have had destructable parts of the scenery, and other objects to push and pull into place, so that you had to make a 'safe path' to your own ship for the people you rescued. As it was, everyone else is dead, and you simply have to save your own hide, which when all is said and done, is very easy to do.


That would have been far more challenging, and enjoyable, to my mind.



If they had focused on fewer locations, with two or three levels for each, and a more cohesive 'mini-story' for each of these missions, I think the game as a whole would have been much-improved. Here is another example...



The Tatooine levels could have been bundled together with a more compelling story. The 'droid' level could have been integrated very easily with the Mos Eisley level - considering the droid held information pertinent to the investigation of the cult. Add another level (the one with swoop bikes, but set on Tatooine instead), and you would have had a compelling 3-level mission about the cultists. Personally, I would have put the 'droid' mission first, followed by a swoop chase to get back to Mos Eisley, to prevent the cultists from leaving the planet.



I'm still enjoying JA, but in parts it seems a bit bland, with not much sense of purpose between the many different threads.

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