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How to stop an fc ("kicks" in CTF)


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Hmm, you can use staff kicks to know him to the ground. It's not as fast as flip kicks, but try it... you just have to get ahead of him or get him on a corner for a split second to land it.


I haven't tried jump kicks (with staff or melee), but that may be another option...


Grip of course would be perfect, but if he has full Absorb (and he's being energized constantly) that won't work.

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I alredy said in another thread the solution was,


A low regen time.

And few force points (padawan or whatever), and also made clear that letting players choose ALL force powers available (jedi master) doesnt make the game more competitive or more fun.


And well, if you want more damage increase saber damage. :rolleyes:


And as Kurgan said, you can energize and heal your atacker too.

Or simply act as a team let one kill the energizer and you kill the FC.

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Originally posted by AxVegetA

I alredy said in another thread the solution was,


A low regen time.

And few force points (padawan or whatever), and also made clear that letting players choose ALL force powers available (jedi master) doesnt make the game more competitive or more fun.


And well, if you want more damage increase saber damage. :rolleyes:


And as Kurgan said, you can energize and heal your atacker too.

Or simply act as a team let one kill the energizer and you kill the FC.


lower regen time and you create a ton of new problems. not to mention that the capper wont even NEED a healer or energizer...


Originally posted by Rumor

clue·less ( P ) Pronunciation Key (klls)


Lacking understanding or knowledge.

i think that sums it up pretty well.

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Originally posted by Rumor

lower regen time and you create a ton of new problems. not to mention that the capper wont even NEED a healer or energizer...


Rumor with all respect, that coment is absolutely stupid :)

With low regen time your force regens slowly or very slowly.

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lower regen time means:


regen < 200


that means it regenerates faster.


faster regen = pull/push/heal/whatever spammage


faster regen = no need to learn to manage your force.


faster regen = for n00bz or someone ****ing off trying out new ****.

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Well it would have more sense if low regen time means lower time to regen, but you must know more than me about those technical details.


And actually that way you learn to really think how you are gona use force and you wont whore absorb or speed.

Ctf servers have slow force regeneration and few force points to choose.

But you said in another thread that you played with all force powers and with normal regen time, thats why you have all those troubles of people energizing and healing FC.


Just think about it would ya, then reply.

I am trying to be nice here showing you all very politely that the solution is what i said in my above post.


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vegeta, saying "don't use this force" or "lower the force" to solve the problem is like us saying to a gunner "well just have everyone not pick up that gun and only pick up this one" if there were a balance issue.


Remember back when people wanted longer duels in 1.02 so they lowered damage scales?


It is the same type of response if I would have said "well all you guys need to do is duel in light stance only, there problem solved".



This is master (rank 7) level full force saber only combat, the regen time is left at default (200) because ladders and leagues require it to be that.


Same goes for saber damage scales being the solution, as many and many of us have pointed out *stopping the guy is the #1 problem.


I know a lot of you may judge CTF by what you see when you play it now and then but trust me; these cappers don't play like the average Joe you are running into on public servers.


In Outcast these same cappers would have 5-6 guys on their ass an still, even with all of the kicks and combos, drag these guys along for 15 minutes all because of how incredibly skilled at evasive tactics they were.


Now in Academy, those evasive skills are not only just as good, they are better due to the wall grabs and such.


Problem is the means to kill them got worse due to the lack of those said kicks and combos.


Sabers could not do it before (too slow) and it’s not going to be the answer this time around either.

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Well all the ctf matches i played in 1.02 were like that, maybe in 1.04 they changed it.


It makes perfect sense to me, the problem is that you are used to play like that, thats why you think its silly.

You just have to change your JO standards.

Even in jedi master level and a normal regen time you are still able to kill the FC, if they are been helped by their teammates, you must be helped too. You are just not being open minded.

I am sure you are a good ctf player, but you are letting yourself get too frustrated for the changes in JA.

Maybe the "official rules" now have to change, think about it.


Dfa is useles against people in the ground, but try it against enemys in mid air and you will see, 2/3 of health out.

I even got a one hit kill (in SP though).


Single saber is very powerfull, you just have to know how to use it, for example, the right side slash can kill an enemy, you hit twice with it, one when your saber is on your back and the other when its infront (same with every move). Stuff like that, that not everybody has figure out yet.


This monday ill get JA :D <----------- HAPPY

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Vegeta you said you never played 1.04, trust me, I've played all versions of Jedi Outcast, you have no idea how different 1.02 and 1.04 are.


Especially sabers.


On Monday when you get JA I want to invite you and anyone else to come to our server (we should be up next week).


Not for matches or to humiliate anyone but as a demonstration as to how utterly impossible it is to kill experienced players.


I guarantee any of you I can drag a match with any of you out for as long as I like because you will be totally unable to cause any significant damage to me even if you do land all of your hits.



I also guarantee that even 5 of you on defense could not stop a single lone *unescorted capper from taking your flag in a game of CTF, nor could you 5 return it by going to our base and killing him.



I know a lot of you guys are basing your "well I don't have trouble killing people now" opinions on the fact you are killing noobs on ffa servers with Katas, but it's a different ball game in the world we play in, trust me you will see if you come play with us.

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Originally posted by AxVegetA

I guess you havent thought enough on what i said.

Good, ill be on your demonstration.

PM me.

But give me some time to know the game ;)



By the way people dont trust Fed ex, it sux, my game was suposed to arrive on friday, but ill get it on monday. :mad:


mucho respect for that.


gj dude you have more balls than 99% of the people here.

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What I still don't understand is


A) Why are people who have no knowledge of Saber Only CTF posting here. This matter does not concern you. Move along.


B) This won't effect your gametypes. If what you say is true, and you and the rest of the game except S/O CTF doesn't like Kick, then how would a cvar hurt you. But of course, we all know cvars are the devil.


Like the weiner dog! said.


g_allowkick 0-1

g_specialforcerestrictions 0-1

g_griplosrestriction 0-1


What the hell is the problem with that? Don't like kick? Don't go to a server which has g_allowkick set to 1. You're happy, we're happy, we can all get back to our lives. 1.01 includes those cvars and this debate ENDS and everyone enjoys the game. Game Over. End of story.

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