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Half-Life 2 delayed (on-topic)


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It seems as though Half-Life 2 is officially delayed. This could be very beneficial for the sales of Jedi Academy. Many people awaiting the release of Half-Life 2 may turn to Academy to satisfy their PC-gaming needs. I'm personally an example - I was just going to get Half-Life 2 since it was planned on coming out 2 weeks after Academy, but now that HL2 is almost certainly pushed back, Academy becomes that much more appealing.


People were worried that a Septemper release of HL2 may prove to be some serious competition for the underdog, Academy; but it looks as though that won't be a problem for the time being. What are your thoughts on the issue?

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Well after 5 days (i think it's been) of playing jedi academy, I'm already getting sick of it. The problem is the game is so unbalanced (like the CTF) and Siege is boring fast because there is not much each characater can do. In Siege they shoulda gave the jedi *all* their force powers and added a ton of other stuff for the other classes so they wouldnt be dull or underpowered.


Jedi Academy is like an unfinished game that is to darn random. You do the move then watch and hope it lands... the First Person Shooter fan is not going to like this game after a week IMO.

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Even though I am still unable to launch the SP part of the game (all posted in the "Technical" forum), I am very glad that JA came out when it did. Due to Valve and their STEAM program, I (along with several others I play with) have temporarily banned HL and all related to it until issues with STEAM have been straightened out. But that's a whole another topic.


Go Academy! :D

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Well remember that the original Half-Life was delayed a whole year. When I first got Half-Life I cant remember any bugs, glitches or major crash problems. I think that may be why they are delaying Half-Life 2. Since its gonna be a ground breaker it has emormous potential for compatability and reliability issues. Valve has seemed in the past to be very thorough with their games. I say to the production team, "Take as long as you need." I believe that all games should be near flawless and they need as much time as they can get to strive for that. Reliability is golded people! Unlike Raven though, no offense. Raven games seem to have bugs and crashes up the ying yang! And when I say "flawless" I dont mean "perfect". There is a difference.

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I agree with Jedinyte,


I am a BIG.......GAINT! Raven fan. But every game I buy from them has some bug that I have to put up with. Anyone remember the SoF A3D bug?


Although they had bugs, the games was so fun that you put up with them. With Jedi Academy I can't even play it since it crashes left and right..


I rather Valve delay HL2 then release it the way Raven released Jedi Academy.



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I just hope HL2 is a good game.


... seriously ...


I say that and people think I'm joking. But as of now all we see and hear are tech demos for the new engine. Looks great, wonderful looks, nice physics, cool materials, so on. But what will it play like - will it *be* interesting, or just *look* interesting. Will it *be* cool, or just look cool? That remains to be seen.


On the bugs, I had no issues with any Raven game I've ever played - SoF1, EF1 on Mac and PC, JKII Mac and PC, SoFII and now JA. I've kept up with patches, but not because of any issues. For me, JA is a thing of beauty ... it runs like a dream with settings maxed out on my Dell laptop (nVidia). Running JKII and JA I fail to see how people call them 'the same' ... there is a marked improvement in graphics, models and textures, not to mention how the saber lights my way throught the darkness ;) (pun intended)



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Well, I don't think the delay of HL2 will have that much bearing on sales of Jedi Academy. Sure there will be some who decide to get it to fill the time, but the gameplay style of the Jedi Knight series is markedly different from other FPS games, and is not to everyone's taste.


Getting Jedi Academy certainly didn't stop me from getting Tron 2 and MOH:AA Deluxe Edition at the same time. I know other gamers have to be more careful with their cash (I do too, when my bank balance is looking especially sick), but I think many more gamers will simply buy the titles that appeal to them, no matter what else is around the corner.


I'll get HL2 when it arrives...but I've been planning to get JA ever since it was announced.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Well, I don't think the delay of HL2 will have that much bearing on sales of Jedi Academy. Sure there will be some who decide to get it to fill the time, but the gameplay style of the Jedi Knight series is markedly different from other FPS games, and is not to everyone's taste.


Getting Jedi Academy certainly didn't stop me from getting Tron 2 and MOH:AA Deluxe Edition at the same time. I know other gamers have to be more careful with their cash (I do too, when my bank balance is looking especially sick), but I think many more gamers will simply buy the titles that appeal to them, no matter what else is around the corner.


I'll get HL2 when it arrives...but I've been planning to get JA ever since it was announced.

It's all a matter of money management, eh ... ?


I agree, Jedi Academy has had money tagged for it since announcement. I'm all set for KOTOR, HL2, Doom3, and DX:IW. I'm now also set for the current and upcoming Neverwinter Nights expansions (did I *really* just finish a game after 80 hours?!?!?) and MoH:Breakthrough. I hadn't planned on those (or NWN) but since I decided not to get Tron, I was set. I even have money permenantly set aside for Duke Nukem Forever ... although it has climbed from ~$40 to $55 in my budget amount ...


But I agree with you ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

I just hope HL2 is a good game.


I just want to further emphasize that. I remember before AotC came out being concerned that they would make Anakin look powerful by making ObiWan look weaker, like they do to Luke in almost every post-RotJ book I've read (just finished the Thrawn trilogy and they did it again :mad: ). Fortunately they didn't.


My point is that in too many cases the way to look one thing look good is to make something else look bad. To me, as a gamer, I'd *love* to have the problem of 20 A+ games I wanted to buy all being on the shelf at once, rather than 6 D games, 10 C, 3 B and 1 A game. I hope HL2 rocks - how good it is (or how bad) has no impact on how much I like Jedi Academy. Too many people, I think, too aim at Jedi Academy for any number of reasons ...



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Doom3 also apparently won't come out this year.


Though frankly I don't see the big deal, neither one of those games will be very similar to JA, anymore than any other FPS game.


Plus they'll both require much more powerful systems to get decent performance than JA. Doom3 will only support 4 players online (supposedly) so that right there will limit its online community.


I say let all the hyped up fanboys for those games go... by that time we'll have a solid enough community so it won't matter if we lose a few people.


The only people this would really affect anyway are the folks who can only buy one FPS game per year...

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Yes, it is now 'officially' offficially delayed. Here's the quote:

The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.

Courtesy of ShackNews


The thing is, I feel the JA review scores have been handicapped by not having an advanced engine like HL2 - I use as an example the scores of Elite Force II, only 1.5 months older. EFII scored *much* better for graphics, and while I think EF's graphics were slightly better on same machine, same settings, they weren't worthy of a +15 scoring. So I assume it was based on the HL2-factor. Anyway, now that both HL2 and Doom3 are winter-ish games, perhaps both 2004 games, does that change the landscape? Or have they set a permenant penalty for all Q3 based games?



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