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Problems with compiling


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Ok, I have pretty much finished my duel map to the best I can without testing it. For some reason unknown to me I CAN NOT get it to compile. I recently installed JK2Radiant into my JA directory and started work on the map. But I can not get it to compile. I cant get any maps to compile so it is not a problem with my map. It seems like it is not even running the BSP and VIS programs. The dos box pops up for a fraction of a second and goes away, then it says done down in the console. usually in 0-1 seconds.


I have done everything I know that is needed. Anyone have an idea why this is happening? Thanks

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Well maybe because it's JK2Radiant and you're trying to map for JA. That's just a thought. Well if it doesn't matter and there is a way around that then... I don't have an answer for ya.


^--- I believe you're supposed to have a compiler specifically for JA (a new version of q3map2 that supported JA). I had it before... But I don't know where I found it.


Feel free to correct me guys :o

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