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You guys are lucky.


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This topic is about JA so don't worry mods!


I just wanted to say, those who have JA already are lucky, I don't have any money to get it and my pc won't run it very well.


I just wanted to know if anyone could post me some multiplayer screenshots of siege and ffa? I havent seen much pictures and would appreciate some! ;)


Thanks in advance!

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Yeah, you might have noticed alot of the people arguing on these threads. I think sometimes they forget that they are lucky enough to have decent PCs and be able to afford playing games.


Check some of the other threads - Im sure there's pics of what you want to see. I havent played siege mode yet, but I cant wait to when I have my next Lan get together soon...


I am big fan of Star Wars, and the EU("Expanded Universe") I love being involved in a Star Wars adventure, even if it is in a gaming context. I am more a 'Star wars gamer' than a gamer in general, the only other first person shooter I play is elite forces, that great star trek game ! Otherwise I am a RPG and sports game fan !


Hope you play it soon !



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