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A Cool Idea Maybe?


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Hi guys.


I live in the Uk and have been playing SWG for about a week now and I love it!! Its great fun, but the one thing that does bug me at present is the lack of music. Of course u can go into a cantina and sit and listen to a musician but what I am thinking is that maybe they could release a CD Player for us to buy or maybe a boom box so we could up load our music collection onto the ingame CD player/boom box and allow us to play our music when we go on the lonely walks on missions or hunts. I thought it would be well kool because it can get rather boring just running and runnig listening to your self talk.


What do you guys think??

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If you don't hear the music, you have not left a big enough wake of destruction in your path!




Oh, wait, nevermind. The Doctor said I have to up my meds.


Actually, I normally don't notice the lack of music. Probably due to the fact that I am in tell hell from the moment I log on until the moment I get off. Get out there, and meet people. Soon, you will entirely forget about the lack of music. If you notice the lack thereof, then kill something.

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Have you been to Lok? Awesome music. I think the game just needs some more music going on, the music is fine usually it just seems to stop and start again at random times. I sometimes put a CD into my other drive when I am bored and listen to it on windows media player haven't had it cause any extra lag(56k causes enough)



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well i either put on my music on my PC on Music Match Juke Box and have that running behind SWG's. Other wise I just stick on my iPod and listen to music through that, but I thought it would of been kool if sony stuck like their own MP3 player into the game instead of us running extra programmes behind SWG's.


Was just an idea though.

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