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MP Sabers too Weak? Admins try this...


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I seem to be seeing more and more people complaining about how sabers do 'no damage' or blocking never happens or something, so please, to those folks, do this (and it's not just me either, Raven recommends this):


This is posted on Outcast Strategy, but I guess a lot of people are new and don't know about it yet...


g_saberdamagescale 2


Now saber hits (not idle sabers) will do twice as much damage.


Mike Gummelt recommends this for non Duel modes. To make Duels last longer, use 1 instead of 2.


Now if that's not enough you can up it to 3 or whatever you want (it's very much like changing the "quad factor" in Quake3, so 3 is 3x damage, 4 is 4x damage, etc).


If you want more saber blocking, try this:


g_sabertracesaberfirst 1

(change it to 0 to block less).


Basically for duels, saberdamagescale 1 and sabertracesaberfirst 1 are recommended; for non duels: saberdamagescale 2 and sabertracesaberfirst 0).


Other commands that may help to spice up your saber fun:


g_saberLocking (set to 1 to allow saberlocks)

g_privateDuel (set to 1 to allow saber challenges in FFA)


g_dismember (set to 100 for dismemberment for every saber kill)

cg_dismember (set to 100 to see it on your end, and have people who join you change this setting so they can see it too)


g_slowmoDuelEnd (slo mo of saber kills in Duel mode, somewhat buggy in Power Duel though, so change it to 0 for this mode to avoid having the next round play out in slow motion).


There are plenty more, but that should start you on your way...

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Now saber hits (not idle sabers) will do twice as much damage.


How bout one to make idle do equal damage?


I wish there was one to make blasters more lethal too, so gunners wouldn't have to rely on spam cannons.


What can I say? I want people to die a lot! (No need to remind me I'm nutz - I'm well aware of it! :))

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Kurgan, have you found away to get rid of the craptastic saber hit detection (in terms of damage contact)? Or are we stuck with it until a patch or cvar is found?

I believe there is a cvar called something like cg_useGhoul2collion that turned on SP collision detection in MP...
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