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Jawa Skin


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Hi, i have finished the game, and was surprised when i see that some part of the game is based on Tales of Jedi comic series, the golden and the fall of sith empire


SO i played a littl in multiplayer and i was surprised to see a JAWA skin it was so "cute" a jedi jawa......:p where i can find it, it is not on basic skin choice

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Don't worry guys, when you make your Siege maps (after the mapping tools have been released) I'm sure you can make a "Jawa" (or Ewok, or Yoda or R2 unit) class that is small, but has some other disadvantages to balance out the extra size advantages. ; )



*dreams of Battle of Endor Siege map with ewoks throwing sticks and rocks and things at hapless Scout troopers on their bikes*

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