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voice question...


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Alright, I haven't bought the game yet, but I've played the demo. The one thing in the demo that really bothered me was Jaden's voice. I was wondering (and hoping), in the full version does the voice change depending on what race you pick, or is it the same throughout each gender? (Like, the voice for the human male is the same as the voice for the rodian male)


I really hope not, because we all know Rodian's sound NOTHING like humans, and Kel Dor are supposed to have some cool raspy, breathing mask voice (like Vader).


So, if anyone could answer that for me I'd appreciate it... thanks!

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If it's true that LEC still tells Raven what to do, then com'on LEC, pay for some more voice actors. Funny that they have the money to buy SecuROM 4 for CD protection, but never seem to want to spend more money on the game itself. :rolleyes:

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That sounds awesome peloquin!!


From what I've read up on, Kel Dor have a low raspy voice, something like a mixture of Vader and some alien sounding voice. I always kinda imagined it sounding like what the Predator would sound like if it talked =D


Anyway, keep us posted =D

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yeah i think JA is an incomeplete game. They should have done original voice for at least the rodians and kel dor. Also, there should have been two genders for the alien races. Why couldn't raven make two genders? Is it that hard to do? The game would have been more interesting and diverse if this was the case. And there could have been more heads instead of 3. I mean there are crappier games than JA but they offer more customization. It would be cool if more customization was added in a expansion. Also, the voice work for the old multiplayer characters are terrible. I dled the jk2 voices pack but most servers are pure so it has no affect. I do not care about the new ombat system. I just care about the subtle details that raven took out! Playing as Lando was funny in jk2 but he sux in JA because his voiced is generic and his taunt just sux. I miss the old taunts from jk2 where each char had a cool taunt. I don't want to play jk2 anymore though because the combat is dull

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To be frank, I would have much preferred the Rodian to speak just like Greedo in ANH - and have subtitles pop up on the screen in translation. That would have felt very Star Wars to me...


Each race should have had it's own inflections and subtle nuances, too. So I wholeheartedly agree. A generic male and a generic female voice covering all races just doesn't cut it, and it's just another one of the things that disappoints me about JA.


Again...it feels as if it didn't have enough of a budget, or enough time to give it this kind of polish, which it really needs. I've never heard a Rodian speak in such a clear human voice in any of the movies - and it was a poor decision to allow it in the game.

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Well you can use the console to give yourself a different voice file than the jaden ones.


Like for example:


snd "rodian"


Should give you the rodian voice file. Or you can player model change into the character, then playermodel player and you'll still have the same voice file (you can type "jaden_male" or "jaden_fmle" to get your old voice back).


It won't change your voice in the cutscenes though...

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i'm not sure if raven's intent for this game was to be mostly a MP game or mostly a SP game, meaning that i don't know if they "slacked off" on the voices because they feel that people want the game for the MP mode, or for some other reason altogether. but i must agree, it was disappointing to find that the voice was generic to all male and female characters. raven made the SP game look so good that the small things they missed stuck out like sore thumbs.


Of course, i guess your voice isn't really that much of a SMALL thing. kinda hard to miss, you know.


a greedo-subtitle setup would have been kind of bad, IMO. are all the NPCs in the game technically going to be able to understand Rodian, and are you going to be able to understand their basic, if you can't speak it? and before you just say yes, you would be able to understand, note that if they HAD done things that way, SOMEONE would whine about inconsistencies here.


someone always has to whine...

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