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I have to deal with these people...

Darth Homer

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Found this on MSNBC's Opinion page, under the Weird News heading. This is a perfect illustration of exactly the kind of people I have to deal with on a daily basis. First, there are a couple of things to remeber while reading this:


1. I work tech support for Food Lion stores

2. Food Lion is a grocery store chain on the East coast that covers from Fla. to around Maryland

3. We generally get calls similar to this even though this is not something we should/can handle


In September, Michael Christopher Harris, 24, was arrested after he tried to pass a $200 bill with a photo of George W. Bush at a Blue Flame convenience store in Roanoke Rapids, N.C., but then police found out that before that, he had actually gotten a cashier at a Food Lion in town to accept one, and give him back change.


I do not know if we got called on this issue, but it sounds exactly like something that would be called in.


Them - "One of my cashiers just accepted a bogus $200 bill, what should I do?"


What I think - "You mean you think there are legitimate $200 bills?"


What I really would say - "Call the Police and then Loss Prevention?"


Them - "OK...what's the number to the Police?"


Me - :mad:

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People are idiots. Plan and simple.


BTW - like your sig. Tech support...MUHAHAHA



wow, think of the person when they got their pan counted when they got off.


I knew people when I worked @ Publix who would probably do that. Very blond, if you get my drift.*


*if you are blond and this offends you...to bad

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I'm blonde and not offended. Some people are complete idiots! I feel your pain. I am the Inventory support for graveyard. As you can imagine...not too many of the "bright" ones work graveyard. I just happen to be one of the only twenty year olds around here. I am a "newb". Anyways. I am in charge of the inventory, I manipulate the system to reflect what is outside and when ever they can't find a box, I replace it with something else. Every day I am given this statement by a dumbfounded employee...."We can't find a box"...."can you?"....I'm like...ya let me just search through our 17,500 Locations in this warehouse full of 50,000 different products and find you your one box.....


Then in amazement I punch up on my little computer and say "here's one!"


They stand there in dumbfounded amazement...


"wow you type fast"





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