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Question for ppl who have finished the game...


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me too. the game should also be good enough, difficult enough that when you beat it, you think "yeah man! i beat it. woo -- that was tough!" and you look back on the hard parts and the fun. hopefully the first thing on your mind isn't "now what did i unlock?" because if thats all youre thinkin about, i bet the game sucked.

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Originally posted by AHiryu

So in other words you are all just mindless stupid americans that need instant gratification to make ends meet. How pathetic.


So in other words you are just some stupid sterotypical misanthrope who has no life and nothing to contribute to society except your own hypocrisy. How pathetic. :rolleyes:

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So in other words you are all just mindless stupid americans that need instant gratification to make ends meet. How pathetic


I'm not american. I am not a big fan of Mr GW Bush's foreign policy, however this doesn't mean I go around thinking "all americans are bad". To do this would be incredibly small minded. I've come across some crazy kids in this forum, but at least they were discussing/arguing about the GAME, this is a gaming forum after all... Comments like yours are just sad to read.... I hope you're under 13 and might grow to learn tolerance as you progress through puberty and beyond....grow up


I couldn't care less about hidden stuff. I have a PS2 where there are alot more games with that type of focus. However, even in JA, you need to get through parts of the game to be able to access different saber styles as well as the dual sabers and the saber staff...

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Originally posted by AHiryu

So in other words you are all just mindless stupid americans that need instant gratification to make ends meet. How pathetic.


I'm not American either. In fact, I'm just about as far away from the US as I can be without leaving the planet. :D


I won't flame you back for what you have said. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it's childish and antagonistic. (Ok, so I did flame you a little. Just a little. :p )


Not wanting to have to "unlock" features in a game doesn't show a need for instant gratification. It shows that we want to have the flexibility to play the game as we want to. And, if you think about it, we are unlocking features throughout the SP campaign of JA. We unlock new force powers, new weapons, and new saber styles, don't we? :)

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just keep the posts about the game, ahiryu. for a first post, that was a little rough, dont you think???


and to answer your statement, no it is not because, i as an american enjoy instant gratification that i hate unlockables. (although who DOESN'T like instant gratification -- every once in a while?) :D its just that the game should be good, not because you got a new background on the startup screen, or unlocked pictures of the game crew, it should be because it was tough, and had a good storyline, or whatever.


thats all man, thats all.

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Now that the poster's question has been answered and everybody's said their peace I think it's probably time to close this thread and move on... glad to know that people aren't taking this personally.


Everybody's got an opinion, but if you're going to use it to flame somebody, just keep it to yourself.

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